Thursday, June 28, 2012

A Balancing Act

I have been asked by one of my male readers (Fancy aka Trey) to write a more positive blog.  Remember, the last post was the hormones doing the talking and I apologized at the end.  If you don’t agree with what I say you don’t have to read what I write.  You will all be glad to know that “I feel” like I am doing better.  Am I cured of the hormonal problems, no not yet.  But I am better!
John Brantley is now 2 weeks and 1 day old.  I told Trey last night it was hard to believe we have had our little man for two weeks.  Then I told him it seemed all like a big blur.  He agreed. 
When he was 5 days old we went back to the doctor for a follow-up check-up.  He weighed in at 8.3 pounds and was doing well.  He had a bit of jaundice so we have done some sun bathing in the window. 

This looks awfully uncomfortable, but this doctor insisted that babies love to be held like this.  Looks like a choke hold!

Some brotherly bonding time….

BoomPa playing the fishing game with Ford.  It’s actually pretty hard.
We try to go outside in the mornings for at least 10 minutes before you can fry an egg on the driveway.   

Everyone thinks John Brantley is soooo big in pictures.  He is bigger than Ford was, but he is kind of a scrawny little guy.  Check out those bird legs.  And FEAR NOT, he has stellar lungs.  Can you tell?????!!!
I honestly feel so bad for Ford.  I have had the “new mother’s guilt” (I made that term up just now).  Ford used to have 24/7 access to my time and attention.  Fortunately, we had some time once I finished school and before John Brantley came that we could play and spend together.  We got out and ran errands, had fun dates, went to the Children’s Museum etc.  Now that the baby is here, and I am still not ready to venture out into the world with two babies we are stuck inside.  Ford used to wake up in the mornings (pre-baby) and say, “Where are we going today?”  This morning when he woke up he kept saying he wanted someone to come see him.

I feel bad that we are “stuck” in the house and can’t get out much.  I have honestly tried to plan something a little fun for him to do every day, but I am limited.  This morning I put John Brantley down for a nap and Ford and I were playing in the living room.  Well, low and behold the little stinker starts crying so I have to go rock him back to sleep.  This didn’t sit well with Ford.  He came into the nursery and said his throat hurt and he was going to bed!  About an hour later I decided I wanted to put on my make-up (takes 5 minutes max), well Ford got sick again.  He asked for me to put him in his bed, turn on his noise makers, and close the door!  What is a woman to do????

John Brantley honestly is a good baby.  Perhaps I have a small clue about babies this time and have put him on some sort of a schedule.  He is napping really well.  He usually stays awake for about 1 ½ - 2 hours after he gets up in the mornings then naps.  I will feed him and try to keep him up a little bit so that he will nap again when Ford naps.  A momma needs her “Suzanne time” (alone time).  He is an eating machine.  I know formula is much more filling than breast milk, but I seriously feel like all I do is sit in the chair while he eats.  It’s a sweet time, but then again…. Poor Ford.  I feel bad for him. 
Ford LOVES John Brantley.  He probably loves on him too much.  I will let him hold him if he has the Boppy around his waist.  He is constantly touching and kissing all over him.  Trey and I have to tell him to stop after so much has gone on.  I am so glad that he loves his brother and he isn’t resentful of him.  I was scared that would happen.  Yes, he is jealous of him, but I guess he is still trying to figure out his new place.

Monday, June 25, 2012

The Hormones Are Doing the Talking

I have thought of about 50 different titles for this blog post lately:
Hormones Are From the Devil: I honestly don’t see how I can take much more of these hormones.  I have TRIED to explain it to Trey, but unless you are a woman who has had a baby it’s impossible.  I feel like I have no control over them.  Some days I am good, other days everyone and everything on the planet are on my hit list. 
 When Will This Stop: The hormones
 I am a Nutcase: Because of the hormones
Leakage:  Thanks to breast feeding
I do love my kids:  Despite my terrible attitude lately and how I have been acting (against my will might I add) I promise I do love my kids.  I would do it all over again for them.  Do I want baby #3???  Not so sure about that though.  Trey does!
Don’t leave me:  Being left alone with Ford and John Brantley makes me NERVOUS!  Example:  this morning I fed JB and put him to bed.  I put Sesame Street on the TV for Ford to watch and I took a shower.  When I got out of the shower Ford said there is green on the couch.  Yep, he used crayons to color my couch.  Fortunately he was matching colors since our couch is a light green color.
Anxiety:  Ohhhhhhhhh buddy… I’ve got it BAD!  If someone wants to come over I worry.  I don’t know why, but I do.  I really don’t like people around my newborn babies.  I am a germ FREAK and since John Brantley hasn’t had his shots I WORRY!  I wish the anxiety would go away.
Touching his head:  Ohhhhhhhh MY GOSHHHHHHhhhhhhhh.  WHY?  WHY?  WHY?  Do people feel the need to rub a baby’s head and face?  I cringe!  It makes me CRAZY!
Up all night:  I feel like I am a robot.  I feed.  I rock.  I sleep.  About 2-2 ½ hours later it starts over.  By morning I am pooped.
House Arrest:  Since I am a breast feeding mother I feel like I am on house arrest.  John Brantley is like a little alarm clock.  2 ½ hours after he eats he is ready again.  You can try to hold him off 3, but you will hear some yelling.  It’s really not even worth taking him anywhere.  He screams in the car.
WASH YOUR HANDS PLEASE:  I feel funny asking people to wash their hands before they touch JB.  Trey will tell them to wash their hands right away.  I just feel like everyone should know that they must be washed.  I wash my hands all day.  I am paranoid that he will get sick and he has no immune system right now.
Call first:  If you want to come see us you must call first.  Last week someone didn’t call before coming over and guess what… I didn’t go to the door!!!  Mostly because I couldn’t tell who the person was based on their car.
The Biggest Loser:  I am considering joining!
Unreasonable:  Trey has called me this several times.  I know I am….. HORMONES PEOPLE!  HORMONES
Another baby:  Probably not going to happen unless God intervenes BIG TIME!  I am too Type A and NOT laid back. 
Hernia Pain:  The hernia didn’t bother me while I was pregnant.  The other night I was aware of it.  I hope it will just chill out.  I am not up for another surgery.
It’s Square:  I gained 40 pounds and in 12 days have lost 25.  I have 15 pounds to go.  However, the body doesn’t look quite the same.  My stomach has a strange almost square shape to it.  I hope that goes away quick.
Skinny Ankles:  Yes, I do believe my ankles are skinny.  I can see my ankles bones again.
SORRY if I offended anyone…. Remember… the HORMONES are doing the talking!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

The BIG Adjustment

Well, my last three blog posts have been about the birth of the littlest Lamar.  Let’s not forget about big brother.  Now Ford has been soooo excited about being a big brother since the day he found out I had a baby in my belly.  The concept of it all was hard for him to grasp and he would ask periodically if the baby had come out.  I assured him he would know when his brother arrived.  He quickly named the baby Toto well before we even knew the sex of the baby.  He spent many hours kissing and talking to my stomach.  Now let’s fast forward to present time….
While I was in the hospital (all of two nights that Ford knew I was gone) Ford stayed with his grandparents.  Night number 1 Puddin and Pops had him and night number 2 he stayed with Gran and BoomPa.  The attention he got from those 4 was great up until bedtime.  He needed his momma.  I was told by both sets that trying to get him to bed wasn’t the best part of his day.  When he came to see me in the hospital on Thursday he wanted me to come home with him.  He didn’t understand why I couldn’t come.

Once we got home on Friday he was desperate for me to pick him up.  I tried to explain that I had a big “bo bo” on my tummy and I couldn’t pick him up until it was better.  That didn’t sit well with Ford.  He was lying on the floor and he said, “I smell something.”  I asked what it was and he said, “Tee tee.”  I asked him if John Brantley needed his diaper changed.  Then he said, “I smell poo poo.”  I looked at him and said, “Ford Lamar, did you poo poo in your pants?”  He smiled and giggled and said, “Yes.”  I was not impressed.  He has pretty much been potty trained all summer.  He did it on purpose.

That night he went with Trey to a friend’s wedding.  Trey was trying to get him to shake someone’s hand and tell the bride that she looked pretty and he straight up refused.  He continued to act like a “brat” (if you will) and when he got home we put one of his tractors in the attic.

On Monday I had to take John Brantley back to the doctor for an assessment since I am a breast feeding momma.  They wanted to make sure he was gaining weight and growing like he should.  I hadn’t told Ford about the appointment and he found out from Puddin.  He immediately started crying and ran into the bathroom begging me not to go back to the hospital.  I told him I wasn’t leaving him again.  He said he wanted to go with me.  Elapsed time is not something that he understands so I tried my best to let him know I would be back before lunch.

He also insists on napping in my bed now.  I guess it makes him feel better being in there.  Ford has never slept with us, but I figured during this little transition that he could nap in our bed.

This morning he came and got in our bed.  After a few minutes I got up and said I had to go feed John Brantley.  Ford started crying and tugging on me to stay in the bed and cuddle with him.  I told him it was time to feed the baby and we could cuddle when I was done.  He jumped out of bed and ran into JB’s room.  He got in the rocking chair and refused to move.  He told me I needed to rock him and not the baby.  I tried to be nice about it, but he is so stubborn he refused to budge.  I had to threaten to spank.

The other night I was lying down with Ford as he was trying to go to sleep.  I had been in there a while, but he hadn’t fallen asleep yet.  Trey came in about 8:20 and said I had to come feed John Brantley because he had been crying for a while.  Ford went NUTS.  He was not liking the fact that I was leaving him.  I told Trey that he needed to deal with the situation and I would go feed the baby.  Ford told Trey… “My heart bad.” “My heart not feeling right.”   Trey said, “What’s wrong with it Ford?”  Ford said, “It’s hungry”  BLESS HIS LITTLE HEART!

My FAVORITE Ford moment since we have been home is him being sick.  I was with my mom changing John Brantley’s diaper; it was one of the big nasty blow out kind.  Ford was nearby and was listening to our conversation.  I said, “Goodness John Brantley, I guess your stomach must have been hurting.”  Apparently, Ford didn’t like the extra attention that Toto was getting and he stormed off to his room.  I went after him and he said he was sick that his stomach hurt.  He got in his bed and put his paci in his mouth.  He then asked me to close his door.  The little guy has been “sick” an awful lot in the last week.

Ohhhh the joys of NOT being the only child anymore.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

A Baby Story Part 3

So now we are in a recovery room.  We were actually the only people in the entire recovery wing so I had all the nurses’ attention.  My parents had been in the waiting room the entire time and I really wanted them to be able to come back and see John Brantley.  The head nurse in charge allowed them both to come back there.  During this time they were measuring and assessing our little dude.  I finally got to hold him after what seemed to be an eternity.  He was precious.
I actually have a great recollection of my stay in recovery this go round.  When I went in there after Ford I was so out of it I could have been in China for all I knew.

We didn’t have to stay in there too long and then we got to go to our own room.  Later that morning Puddin came up with Ford and around lunch time Pops came.  We had a few other visitors that day, but for the most part it was quiet.  I guess my “DON’T come near me after I have a baby blog” scared people away!!!

They told me that all I could have to eat on Wednesday was a liquid diet.  Fortunately that was okay with me since I wasn’t that hungry.  I was then given a menu to fill out of foods that I wanted to eat the next day.  I wasn’t impressed with the selection and verbalized that out loud while a nurse was in the room.  She said I could write in some things I wanted (within reason) and they would deliver.  They did!!!  I suggested chocolate pie and French fries would be nice and I got that along with my other grub. 

I have never been assessed by so many people so often in my life.  I think I had my temperature and blood pressure taken no less than 50 times while I was there.  On Thursday morning at 4:54 A.M. a nurse came in and said it was time for me to get out of bed.  EXCUSE ME!!!???  I wasn’t happy with her.  All I wanted was some sleep.  So up I got…very slowly.  I went to the bathroom where so told me to sponge bathe myself over the sink.  It actually felt amazing considering all the sweating I did during labor and delivery. 

I never went back to sleep after that.  Thursday brought on a few more visitors and trips out of bed to move around.  I felt as if I were moving slower than a 90 year old.  On Friday I was released to go home.  I actually wasn’t ready to go home myself, but I knew that Trey needed to get back to work and Ford really wanted us at home.  So off we went about lunch time.  As soon as we got in the car I felt like I had made a BIG mistake.  I felt sick.  It was the worst nausea feeling I think I have had.  To my great fortune we had the pleasure of driving down Poplar Avenue in Memphis.  SHOOT ME now!!!  Trey was starving, but I told him he couldn’t eat because I didn’t think I could handle smelling his food.  Once we got home and I wasn’t moving I was okay.
So today brings us to Wednesday, one week after John Brantley was born.  We are home.  No one has died yet.  I am still hurting from my section and am sleep deprived.  I am also trying to manage life with these crazy hormones you get after child birth.  I think for the most part I have done pretty well.  I have only cried once and that was when Ford jumped on my stomach.  It’s now time to get used to my “new normal”.  As for Ford, he deserves a blog post of his own.
Born June 13th at 4:29 A.M.
Weight: 8.12 pounds
Height: 19 ¾ inches
He is a good little sleeper.  He is eating every 2 ½ to 4 hours.  When he gets mad his entire body turns red.  He has a little dimple in his chin that turns white when he cries.  He also has a patch of blonde hair on his left temple… possibly a birthmark.  He is so sweet and seems like he will be my relaxed child.  Time shall tell.

Comparison between Ford and John Brantley….

Monday, June 18, 2012

A Baby Story PART 2

What did he mean how are we feeling??  I didn’t think his jokes were funny in the slightest.  He said “Okay, it’s time to go.”  Those words were like someone saying I had won the Power Ball lottery.  We started wheeling down the hall and thru all kinds of doors.  We got into the OR and I remember a lot of nurses being in there and seeing a table full of cutting utensils.  Under normal circumstances this would have put me over the edge, but I was hurting so bad I didn’t care.  It felt like I could have reached up and grabbed John Brantley’s head myself because he was so low. 
They told me I had to move up to another bed.  That isn’t exactly what I call easy when you are experiencing the worst pain of your life.  I was hurting so bad that crying wasn’t even an option.  I was just MAD that it was now 4:00 A.M. and I was just now going to have my section.  So I moved over to another bed and they told me to sit on it like I was riding a horse.  WHAT?!?!?  I was then given a pillow to hold and they told me to relax.  I was having contractions very quickly and they hurt like HELL.  (Excuse my language).  Once I was contraction free for about 30 seconds the doctor did my spinal tap.  I didn’t care how big that needle was.  They could have jammed a spatula in my back for all I cared.  I needed that pain to GO AWAY! 

As soon as he stuck me and was finished they told me to lie down quickly because I was about to go numb.  They weren’t kidding.  Within 1-2 minutes I was feeling GOOD!!!!  However, the medicine caused me to begin shaking.  I assured them I WAS NOT COLD and didn’t need any blankets.  My teeth were chattering and my arms were going nuts.  About this time Trey walked in to find me lying down with oxygen on and my arm flailing around like I was directing the choir.  I was told not to fight that feeling, just to let it be.  I had two doctors trying to hold my arms down.  Then a black nurse took my chap stick from me.  I told her she best NOT lose it.  Anyone who knows me personally knows of my chap stick addiction. 

A curtain was then put up around my face and I could tell that all those cutting utensils were going to work.  I got a slight bit nervous because like an IDIOT I had googled C-sections earlier and nearly died watching them.  I knew that was happening to me right then and there.  I was then told I would feel a lot of pressure.  I felt them pushing John Brantley out of my stomach.  At one point I thought they might break some ribs.  Trey started smiling and saying he could see his head.  I couldn’t see squat.  Then I heard them say he was as big as a toddler and I heard the cries.  It was 4:29 A.M.

I got tears in my eyes.  I wanted to YANK that curtain down and see the angel that I had been baking for 38.5 weeks.  Trey ran over and was taking pictures of him all the while I am yelling that I want to see them.

Finally he walked over to show me some pictures.  I could then see them bring JB over to the scale.  He weighed in at 8 pounds and 12 ounces.  Trey then got to hold him and brought him over for me to see.  I thought he was perfect!!!

It felt like I was lying there forever while they were sewing me up.  I remember asking if all was going okay.  The doctor said they were perfectionist and it would take a minute.  Trey then looked over the curtain and asked if there was supposed to be that much blood.  WHAT?!?  I got concerned and they assured him it was normal.  Whhhewww!!
When they finished we were wheeled off to the recovery room.


Sunday, June 17, 2012

A Baby Story Part 1

Many of you have been anxiously awaiting the blog with my birth story on it so here goes…  Before I begin if you are a man or a child this post of restricted for women only.

Last Saturday, June 9th, I started feeling a little blah.  I figured it was because I was 38 ½ weeks pregnant and that pretty much came with the territory.  Tuesday I woke up and I really felt bad.  My back was killing me.  While Ford napped that day I laid down on a heating pad.  I kept thinking it was possible that my back might break.  Trey called late that afternoon and said we should use one of my gift certificates I got during teacher appreciation week and go out to eat.  About 5:30 we left and headed for Red Lobster in Southaven.  I don’t eat anything that swims so I wasn’t too excited about the choice.  We ate and came home.  About 9:00 I told Trey I was going to bed because my back was killing me. 

I woke up around 10:30 to go to the bathroom and went back to bed.  At 12:30 I woke up again.  I went to the bathroom and when I reached for some toilet paper I felt a little weird.  My water had broken.  I jumped up and ran into the living room where Trey had fallen asleep watching TV.  I sort of yelled, “It’s time to go!  My water just broke!”  He asked if I was sure and I was definitely sure.  I told him to call his parents and figure out someone to come to our house to be with Ford. 

I got in the shower and shaved my legs.  I am a big fan of leg shaving before giving birth.  We hurried around packing bags and trying to figure out all we needed.  A good family friend, Mrs. Rhonda, came over to be here with Ford.  We left Mayberry around 1:30 (I think) and headed north.  I called the hospital to let them know I was on the way and soon after the doctor called us back.  I told him we would be there in 30 minutes.  By this time I was hurting. 

When we got to the hospital Trey went inside to find a wheel chair.  A few minutes later an orderly came out with me a chair.  Trey was standing around waiting to make sure I got in the chair okay.  I was growling at this point for him to hurry up and park the car.  The orderly and I got into the elevator and up we went.  I was wheeled back to what I like to call a” holding room” for questioning.  I remember my arm band saying it was 2:05.  I was asked a lot of dumb questions and some of the same questions as many as 10 times.  I was highly annoyed and wondering where in the world was Trey.  Apparently when he parked the car and came upstairs no one was at the window waiting to let him back. 

I asked the nurse if I could go to the bathroom.  I hobbled in there thinking my life was over because my back was hurting sooo bad.  I got back to my holding room and Trey came in.  He was mad that he had been locked out for ten minutes.  The nurses kept asking me questions.  A few minutes later I told them I had to go to the bathroom again.  This time across the hall was much harder.  When I got back I was sweating.  Fortunately, they had a fan in there and blew it on me.  It really didn’t help.  I started yanking the covers off and pulling my hospital gown off.  Trey nearly died.  He started putting it back on me.  I threatened him within an inch of his life not to touch me or the covers.

I was hurting and hurting bad.  I kept asking what was taking so long and apparently the doctor decided he’d lolly gag around.  I was PISSED!!!  I was HURTING!!!  I threatened to start getting loud and saying stuff.  I needed to go to the bathroom again.  I told them I wasn’t getting up that I would use it in the bed.  Thank goodness they had a bed pan.  (That was a first for me).  At this point any and all modesty I ever had was completely out the door.  Again, Trey was mortified by my lack of modesty. 

The contractions were out of this world.  I was given NOTHING for pain.  Since I was a scheduled C-section patient any and everything needed to be done in the operating room.  My contractions were sooooo close together.  It felt better not even to breathe when I had one.  The contractions were completely in my back.  Nothing up front hurt at all.  I had a BAD one and screamed I’m about to push.  Push… what was I thinking?  You don’t push when you have a C-section.  But you sure do push when you are 10 CENTIMETERS dilated and have no pain medicine.  Yep, you read that right 10 cm with NO medicine.

About this time the cheese ball doctor comes in and says how are we???  How does he think I was…..????


Monday, June 11, 2012

John Brantley's Room

John Brantley’s room is almost complete.  The only thing missing is my sweet little boy.  I honestly can’t take credit for much of the room at all.  Fortunately, my mother in-law knows that I am not into decorating and she helped me with a lot of the nursery. 
This is Ford’s bed, but new bedding I ordered.  The opened door goes straight into our bedroom. 
He has two small closets.  I am using one for clothes he will be wearing this summer and the other is bigger stuff that people have given me.  I bought that little dress for $59.00 and Puddin (my mother in-law) painted it with with Annie Sloan Chalk Paint.  She is also responsible for picking out the window treatments and the cute frog floor pillow. 
That is the same rocker and ottoman that used to be in Ford’s room.  The pillow in the chair says John Brantley on it.  I found the little table at a consignment store in Hernando.  It was once red.  Again, Puddin painted it for me.  She also painted the cute Noah’s Arc picture hanging on the wall.  The opened door on the left goes into our guest room.  So, in order to get into John Brantley’s nursery you must either go through my bedroom or the guest bedroom. 
And the last angle of JB’s room and one of the most important is the diaper changing area.  This dresser was once brown, but Puddin painted it for me as well.  GO PUDDIN!!!  The lamp was a gift from a man at a local store.  I asked him to help me find a lamp shade that would match the lamp for my baby’s room and he told me it was a gift.  I was soo excited!!  On the left side there is a print title “God’s ABC’s for Life” that my great aunt gave us and we have framed.  Puddin found the cute letters and the other picture hanging on the wall.  And one of the ladies that works with Trey bought the cute door hanger. 

I think we are in pretty good shape.  I’m not a theme person so this is the room that Toto will be living in for a few years.  If you are concerned that there is nothing hanging over his bed feel free to paint him a picture and send it my way!!!  I have run out of ideas.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Pants on his head

I am really enjoying being at home with Ford.  He is a fulltime job.  My sister in-law taught Bible school last week at her church.  She called one day to tell me how tired those kiddos had made her.  She went on to say she didn’t know how I taught school, was pregnant, and was here alone with Ford all spring and managed it all.  I quickly replied with teaching 21 kids was less work than keeping up with one 3 year old.  I have NEVER seen a child with so much energy.  I have to plan daily events to keep him occupied.
Last week he helped me clean house.
I found some Melty Beads at Wal-Mart.  This was a lovely idea, or so I thought.  I figured Ford would really enjoy putting these little beads on the peg board and having me iron them down.  This is a time consuming activity so I had high hopes of getting stuff done while he worked on his crafts.  I should have known that he would love it, BUT would want me to be involved in the entire process.  We have been making some colorful little projects!
Enjoying a hot June day with Lucy’s pink sunglasses on! 
My oldest niece turned 6 this past week and she had her birthday party on Saturday.  Ford was excited about going to her party since she had a water slide bouncy house.  It only took him one hour to warm up to the idea of actually going down the slide.  Beforehand he decided to play on all the outside toys instead. 

Sweet Molly Cate in her pink and white striped bathing suit patiently waiting on someone to bust open the piñata. 
I asked Ford if he wanted to hit the piñata too.  He didn’t have a clue what a piñata was, but when I told him it was filled with candy it was all business for him.  He was definitely in the game then!! 

I have been working on potty training pretty hard now for 3 weeks.  I’d say Ford is 85% potty trained.  He is a smart child and it would really tick me off, for lack of a better word, when he wouldn’t tell me that he needed to go and use it on himself.  I am potty training him in diapers for several reasons.  Reason #1 is because I have some diapers left.  Reason #2 is because I don’t want to clean up messes all day long and Reason #3 is because I figured it would be easier until he really has the swing of it.  We can go 3 or 4 days with no accidents and then he might revolt against me and use it in his pants.  I spanked him one day and it didn’t faze him a bit.  Spanking used to work well with Ford, as did time out.  I think he is over them both so my new method of punishment is…. putting toys in the attic.  I haven’t had to do it yet, but he is fearful of some of his precious tractors going up there “for a lot of days.”
Using the potty with his pants on his head…. I mean WHY NOT!!!????
We went to our property tonight to water some trees.  As soon as we got off the road and hit the grass Ford wanted to drive.  It’s a lovely thing to start driving your Daddy’s truck at age 3 in a field.  He actually steered pretty well.  I guess all that practice from driving his tractor has paid off. 
Several weeks back when my doctor said there was no way I would make it until my scheduled due date of June 21 the teachers I worked with on my hall at school made up a baby pool.  They all picked a date of when they thought John Brantley would arrive.  The winner would be named as the godmother and even get the first dirty diaper.  Unfortunately, no one will be named as Toto’s godmother or be lucky enough to have his first dirty diaper.  I am confident, despite the contractions I have been having for two days, that he is stuck and won’t be coming out until next Thursday. 
My lovely feet yesterday 

Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...