Sunday, June 10, 2012

Pants on his head

I am really enjoying being at home with Ford.  He is a fulltime job.  My sister in-law taught Bible school last week at her church.  She called one day to tell me how tired those kiddos had made her.  She went on to say she didn’t know how I taught school, was pregnant, and was here alone with Ford all spring and managed it all.  I quickly replied with teaching 21 kids was less work than keeping up with one 3 year old.  I have NEVER seen a child with so much energy.  I have to plan daily events to keep him occupied.
Last week he helped me clean house.
I found some Melty Beads at Wal-Mart.  This was a lovely idea, or so I thought.  I figured Ford would really enjoy putting these little beads on the peg board and having me iron them down.  This is a time consuming activity so I had high hopes of getting stuff done while he worked on his crafts.  I should have known that he would love it, BUT would want me to be involved in the entire process.  We have been making some colorful little projects!
Enjoying a hot June day with Lucy’s pink sunglasses on! 
My oldest niece turned 6 this past week and she had her birthday party on Saturday.  Ford was excited about going to her party since she had a water slide bouncy house.  It only took him one hour to warm up to the idea of actually going down the slide.  Beforehand he decided to play on all the outside toys instead. 

Sweet Molly Cate in her pink and white striped bathing suit patiently waiting on someone to bust open the piñata. 
I asked Ford if he wanted to hit the piñata too.  He didn’t have a clue what a piñata was, but when I told him it was filled with candy it was all business for him.  He was definitely in the game then!! 

I have been working on potty training pretty hard now for 3 weeks.  I’d say Ford is 85% potty trained.  He is a smart child and it would really tick me off, for lack of a better word, when he wouldn’t tell me that he needed to go and use it on himself.  I am potty training him in diapers for several reasons.  Reason #1 is because I have some diapers left.  Reason #2 is because I don’t want to clean up messes all day long and Reason #3 is because I figured it would be easier until he really has the swing of it.  We can go 3 or 4 days with no accidents and then he might revolt against me and use it in his pants.  I spanked him one day and it didn’t faze him a bit.  Spanking used to work well with Ford, as did time out.  I think he is over them both so my new method of punishment is…. putting toys in the attic.  I haven’t had to do it yet, but he is fearful of some of his precious tractors going up there “for a lot of days.”
Using the potty with his pants on his head…. I mean WHY NOT!!!????
We went to our property tonight to water some trees.  As soon as we got off the road and hit the grass Ford wanted to drive.  It’s a lovely thing to start driving your Daddy’s truck at age 3 in a field.  He actually steered pretty well.  I guess all that practice from driving his tractor has paid off. 
Several weeks back when my doctor said there was no way I would make it until my scheduled due date of June 21 the teachers I worked with on my hall at school made up a baby pool.  They all picked a date of when they thought John Brantley would arrive.  The winner would be named as the godmother and even get the first dirty diaper.  Unfortunately, no one will be named as Toto’s godmother or be lucky enough to have his first dirty diaper.  I am confident, despite the contractions I have been having for two days, that he is stuck and won’t be coming out until next Thursday. 
My lovely feet yesterday 

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Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

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