Sunday, June 17, 2012

A Baby Story Part 1

Many of you have been anxiously awaiting the blog with my birth story on it so here goes…  Before I begin if you are a man or a child this post of restricted for women only.

Last Saturday, June 9th, I started feeling a little blah.  I figured it was because I was 38 ½ weeks pregnant and that pretty much came with the territory.  Tuesday I woke up and I really felt bad.  My back was killing me.  While Ford napped that day I laid down on a heating pad.  I kept thinking it was possible that my back might break.  Trey called late that afternoon and said we should use one of my gift certificates I got during teacher appreciation week and go out to eat.  About 5:30 we left and headed for Red Lobster in Southaven.  I don’t eat anything that swims so I wasn’t too excited about the choice.  We ate and came home.  About 9:00 I told Trey I was going to bed because my back was killing me. 

I woke up around 10:30 to go to the bathroom and went back to bed.  At 12:30 I woke up again.  I went to the bathroom and when I reached for some toilet paper I felt a little weird.  My water had broken.  I jumped up and ran into the living room where Trey had fallen asleep watching TV.  I sort of yelled, “It’s time to go!  My water just broke!”  He asked if I was sure and I was definitely sure.  I told him to call his parents and figure out someone to come to our house to be with Ford. 

I got in the shower and shaved my legs.  I am a big fan of leg shaving before giving birth.  We hurried around packing bags and trying to figure out all we needed.  A good family friend, Mrs. Rhonda, came over to be here with Ford.  We left Mayberry around 1:30 (I think) and headed north.  I called the hospital to let them know I was on the way and soon after the doctor called us back.  I told him we would be there in 30 minutes.  By this time I was hurting. 

When we got to the hospital Trey went inside to find a wheel chair.  A few minutes later an orderly came out with me a chair.  Trey was standing around waiting to make sure I got in the chair okay.  I was growling at this point for him to hurry up and park the car.  The orderly and I got into the elevator and up we went.  I was wheeled back to what I like to call a” holding room” for questioning.  I remember my arm band saying it was 2:05.  I was asked a lot of dumb questions and some of the same questions as many as 10 times.  I was highly annoyed and wondering where in the world was Trey.  Apparently when he parked the car and came upstairs no one was at the window waiting to let him back. 

I asked the nurse if I could go to the bathroom.  I hobbled in there thinking my life was over because my back was hurting sooo bad.  I got back to my holding room and Trey came in.  He was mad that he had been locked out for ten minutes.  The nurses kept asking me questions.  A few minutes later I told them I had to go to the bathroom again.  This time across the hall was much harder.  When I got back I was sweating.  Fortunately, they had a fan in there and blew it on me.  It really didn’t help.  I started yanking the covers off and pulling my hospital gown off.  Trey nearly died.  He started putting it back on me.  I threatened him within an inch of his life not to touch me or the covers.

I was hurting and hurting bad.  I kept asking what was taking so long and apparently the doctor decided he’d lolly gag around.  I was PISSED!!!  I was HURTING!!!  I threatened to start getting loud and saying stuff.  I needed to go to the bathroom again.  I told them I wasn’t getting up that I would use it in the bed.  Thank goodness they had a bed pan.  (That was a first for me).  At this point any and all modesty I ever had was completely out the door.  Again, Trey was mortified by my lack of modesty. 

The contractions were out of this world.  I was given NOTHING for pain.  Since I was a scheduled C-section patient any and everything needed to be done in the operating room.  My contractions were sooooo close together.  It felt better not even to breathe when I had one.  The contractions were completely in my back.  Nothing up front hurt at all.  I had a BAD one and screamed I’m about to push.  Push… what was I thinking?  You don’t push when you have a C-section.  But you sure do push when you are 10 CENTIMETERS dilated and have no pain medicine.  Yep, you read that right 10 cm with NO medicine.

About this time the cheese ball doctor comes in and says how are we???  How does he think I was…..????



Anonymous said...

Wow! Can't believe they let you sit there laboring and in pain when you were supposed to be having a section! Did they ever check you to see how far along you were? And then they would have known to get a move on it.. And yes that pushing urge is natural when your body is ready

Congrats on his arrival - the cuteness helps erase all the pain :)

Felicia said...

Literally, I have been checking daily for this post...I loved reading it can wait for part 2

Laurie said...

what the heck?? i would be so pissed too! i'm ready to hear the rest!!

Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...