Monday, June 25, 2012

The Hormones Are Doing the Talking

I have thought of about 50 different titles for this blog post lately:
Hormones Are From the Devil: I honestly don’t see how I can take much more of these hormones.  I have TRIED to explain it to Trey, but unless you are a woman who has had a baby it’s impossible.  I feel like I have no control over them.  Some days I am good, other days everyone and everything on the planet are on my hit list. 
 When Will This Stop: The hormones
 I am a Nutcase: Because of the hormones
Leakage:  Thanks to breast feeding
I do love my kids:  Despite my terrible attitude lately and how I have been acting (against my will might I add) I promise I do love my kids.  I would do it all over again for them.  Do I want baby #3???  Not so sure about that though.  Trey does!
Don’t leave me:  Being left alone with Ford and John Brantley makes me NERVOUS!  Example:  this morning I fed JB and put him to bed.  I put Sesame Street on the TV for Ford to watch and I took a shower.  When I got out of the shower Ford said there is green on the couch.  Yep, he used crayons to color my couch.  Fortunately he was matching colors since our couch is a light green color.
Anxiety:  Ohhhhhhhhh buddy… I’ve got it BAD!  If someone wants to come over I worry.  I don’t know why, but I do.  I really don’t like people around my newborn babies.  I am a germ FREAK and since John Brantley hasn’t had his shots I WORRY!  I wish the anxiety would go away.
Touching his head:  Ohhhhhhhh MY GOSHHHHHHhhhhhhhh.  WHY?  WHY?  WHY?  Do people feel the need to rub a baby’s head and face?  I cringe!  It makes me CRAZY!
Up all night:  I feel like I am a robot.  I feed.  I rock.  I sleep.  About 2-2 ½ hours later it starts over.  By morning I am pooped.
House Arrest:  Since I am a breast feeding mother I feel like I am on house arrest.  John Brantley is like a little alarm clock.  2 ½ hours after he eats he is ready again.  You can try to hold him off 3, but you will hear some yelling.  It’s really not even worth taking him anywhere.  He screams in the car.
WASH YOUR HANDS PLEASE:  I feel funny asking people to wash their hands before they touch JB.  Trey will tell them to wash their hands right away.  I just feel like everyone should know that they must be washed.  I wash my hands all day.  I am paranoid that he will get sick and he has no immune system right now.
Call first:  If you want to come see us you must call first.  Last week someone didn’t call before coming over and guess what… I didn’t go to the door!!!  Mostly because I couldn’t tell who the person was based on their car.
The Biggest Loser:  I am considering joining!
Unreasonable:  Trey has called me this several times.  I know I am….. HORMONES PEOPLE!  HORMONES
Another baby:  Probably not going to happen unless God intervenes BIG TIME!  I am too Type A and NOT laid back. 
Hernia Pain:  The hernia didn’t bother me while I was pregnant.  The other night I was aware of it.  I hope it will just chill out.  I am not up for another surgery.
It’s Square:  I gained 40 pounds and in 12 days have lost 25.  I have 15 pounds to go.  However, the body doesn’t look quite the same.  My stomach has a strange almost square shape to it.  I hope that goes away quick.
Skinny Ankles:  Yes, I do believe my ankles are skinny.  I can see my ankles bones again.
SORRY if I offended anyone…. Remember… the HORMONES are doing the talking!


Lauren and Nick Miller said...

Hormones are the devil...I said the same statement to Nick the other day!

jillemersonbell said...

Hang in there!!! I have been there twice and am about to be there again, so I totally "get it"! I so so so ridiculously hormonal after birth. It's awful. I am an anxious wreck. The newborn phase is simply a doosey! BUT you will survive, I promise! :)

Molly King said...

I loved reading all your posts about his birth and this one is equally as great! Horomones make you feel and act crazy!

Laurie said...

ha you are so funny! love your keeping it real posts (that'd be all of them!) I don't think people understand the risks involved with germs and a newborn baby... but you would think everyone would know this by now!

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