Thursday, June 21, 2012

The BIG Adjustment

Well, my last three blog posts have been about the birth of the littlest Lamar.  Let’s not forget about big brother.  Now Ford has been soooo excited about being a big brother since the day he found out I had a baby in my belly.  The concept of it all was hard for him to grasp and he would ask periodically if the baby had come out.  I assured him he would know when his brother arrived.  He quickly named the baby Toto well before we even knew the sex of the baby.  He spent many hours kissing and talking to my stomach.  Now let’s fast forward to present time….
While I was in the hospital (all of two nights that Ford knew I was gone) Ford stayed with his grandparents.  Night number 1 Puddin and Pops had him and night number 2 he stayed with Gran and BoomPa.  The attention he got from those 4 was great up until bedtime.  He needed his momma.  I was told by both sets that trying to get him to bed wasn’t the best part of his day.  When he came to see me in the hospital on Thursday he wanted me to come home with him.  He didn’t understand why I couldn’t come.

Once we got home on Friday he was desperate for me to pick him up.  I tried to explain that I had a big “bo bo” on my tummy and I couldn’t pick him up until it was better.  That didn’t sit well with Ford.  He was lying on the floor and he said, “I smell something.”  I asked what it was and he said, “Tee tee.”  I asked him if John Brantley needed his diaper changed.  Then he said, “I smell poo poo.”  I looked at him and said, “Ford Lamar, did you poo poo in your pants?”  He smiled and giggled and said, “Yes.”  I was not impressed.  He has pretty much been potty trained all summer.  He did it on purpose.

That night he went with Trey to a friend’s wedding.  Trey was trying to get him to shake someone’s hand and tell the bride that she looked pretty and he straight up refused.  He continued to act like a “brat” (if you will) and when he got home we put one of his tractors in the attic.

On Monday I had to take John Brantley back to the doctor for an assessment since I am a breast feeding momma.  They wanted to make sure he was gaining weight and growing like he should.  I hadn’t told Ford about the appointment and he found out from Puddin.  He immediately started crying and ran into the bathroom begging me not to go back to the hospital.  I told him I wasn’t leaving him again.  He said he wanted to go with me.  Elapsed time is not something that he understands so I tried my best to let him know I would be back before lunch.

He also insists on napping in my bed now.  I guess it makes him feel better being in there.  Ford has never slept with us, but I figured during this little transition that he could nap in our bed.

This morning he came and got in our bed.  After a few minutes I got up and said I had to go feed John Brantley.  Ford started crying and tugging on me to stay in the bed and cuddle with him.  I told him it was time to feed the baby and we could cuddle when I was done.  He jumped out of bed and ran into JB’s room.  He got in the rocking chair and refused to move.  He told me I needed to rock him and not the baby.  I tried to be nice about it, but he is so stubborn he refused to budge.  I had to threaten to spank.

The other night I was lying down with Ford as he was trying to go to sleep.  I had been in there a while, but he hadn’t fallen asleep yet.  Trey came in about 8:20 and said I had to come feed John Brantley because he had been crying for a while.  Ford went NUTS.  He was not liking the fact that I was leaving him.  I told Trey that he needed to deal with the situation and I would go feed the baby.  Ford told Trey… “My heart bad.” “My heart not feeling right.”   Trey said, “What’s wrong with it Ford?”  Ford said, “It’s hungry”  BLESS HIS LITTLE HEART!

My FAVORITE Ford moment since we have been home is him being sick.  I was with my mom changing John Brantley’s diaper; it was one of the big nasty blow out kind.  Ford was nearby and was listening to our conversation.  I said, “Goodness John Brantley, I guess your stomach must have been hurting.”  Apparently, Ford didn’t like the extra attention that Toto was getting and he stormed off to his room.  I went after him and he said he was sick that his stomach hurt.  He got in his bed and put his paci in his mouth.  He then asked me to close his door.  The little guy has been “sick” an awful lot in the last week.

Ohhhh the joys of NOT being the only child anymore.


Maria said...

God bless him! Has he seen you feed John Brantley yet?? I figured with his inquisitive mind he would have lots of questions about that! HA!

Lauren and Nick Miller said...

Bless that boy's heart!

Christy said...

Awe, I hope it gets better soon. The way Ford is acting is my biggest fear if we were to have a second child.

Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...