Saturday, February 28, 2015

Annie's Baby Story- Part 1

Where does one even begin to write “The Baby Story” for the third child?  I honestly didn't think I’d be writing anymore of these, but I must say that I am sure glad I am.  Annie Lamar is sweet as pie and has stolen our hearts.  Let’s start at the beginning…

Trey and I sold our house we had lived in for 7 years, had begun building our forever home, and moved into a rental house in late April of 2014.  At the end of June I took a pregnancy test on a whim, not expecting to see the plus (+) sign, ohhhh but it was there.  My first reaction was, “NOWAY!”  Then I panicked, cried, and immediately got on the computer.  I put all the necessary info in and it determined my due date to be February 27, 2015.  I couldn't call Trey.  You just don’t call your husband and be like, “SURPRISE!!!!”.  Instead I panicked alone for 1 ½ hours.  John Brantley was napping and Ford had a friend over.  I’m pretty sure I didn't think straight the next little bit.  After the friend left and Bitty woke up, I loaded the boys up and we headed to see Daddy.  I sent the boys to talk to Ms. Judy because she gives suckers, and I ran up the stairs to Trey’s office.  I had the pregnancy test in a zip lock bag and chunked it at him.  He looked up and me like, “SHUT UP!” and then I cried.  He, unlike me, was positive about it from the first.  The date was June 26.

Fast forward and in late July we found out that Annie was a girl by doing a genetic test called MaterniT 21.  And the rest of the pregnancy is nicely documented in the pages of my blog.  By January things got “real”.  I was bigger, it was only a few weeks until sister arrived, and Trey left for his 4th term as State Representative in Jackson.  I worried.  I tried NOT to worry, but God wired me that way.  I honestly didn't worry as much as I should have under the circumstances at hand.

By 36 weeks I was going to the doctor every week to be “checked”.  I never dilated and was always told, “See you next week”.  Unlike many other females, I did NOT want Annie to come before her scheduled induction date of February 23.  I knew that if my water broke there would be pain.  I knew that if I went into labor at night there would be panic of who would keep the boys.  I knew that if Trey were in Jackson he would miss the birth.  I just couldn't worry about all of that.  Instead I prayed and trusted that God would make Annie come on 2/23 and her daddy would get me to the hospital.

The week leading up to her birth was bad.  Not for me, but weather wise.  There was snow.  There was ice.  There was inclement weather all over the place and school was canceled for FOUR days.  Four days!!!  I needed my last week to nest and do stuff that you do before you bring a new addition home.  Instead we had ice.  That brought on more worries for Gran, Boom, Puddin, Pops, and most of Mayberry who worried about me traveling the 1 hour distance to the hospital.  See with all those people worrying, I didn't have to!!!

My last appointment was scheduled for Wednesday, February 18, but I canceled it due to “inclement weather”.  So the final weight gain count was 35 pounds!  Please hold your applause.  I kept telling everyone that since I had made it this far Annie wasn't coming out.  I will be honest, there were times I would get a pain and be scared to move because I thought my water my break, and I did not want that to happen.  Last Sunday we went to church and ate at Puddin’s house for lunch.  We knew that snow and ice was in the forecast for Sunday night so I convinced Trey that we should go to Memphis Sunday night and stay in a hotel by the hospital.  He didn't love that idea, but I am pretty sure he was tired of hearing about it from about 10 people so he caved.  After lunch I came home and nested like a fool.  I washed, cleaned, packed, and organized stuff.  I didn't want to come home to a mess and be faced with multiple chores and all that I would have going on after birth.  

We dropped the boys off at Puddin and Pop’s house, and left for Memphis on Sunday night at about 5:30.  Our first stop was dinner at Benihana’s.  It was delicious and I know my body appreciated all of that sodium.  After supper we checked in at the Hampton Inn which was only yards away from the hospital.  In true Joe and Suzanne (my parents- Gran and BoomPa) fashion, they were the most panicked about the weather and had themselves a hotel room at the Hampton as well.  Since I had 35 pounds of extra insulation, I was toasty warm in that room.  I finally turned the AC on 62 degrees and attempted to sleep.  Between bathroom breaks every 30 minutes, feeling like I was having menopausal sweats, and restless leg syndrome at an all time high, I think I slept 4 hours.  I woke up Monday morning, February 23rd at 4:10 AM.  I showered and got all dressed.  At 4:46 I was trying to get Trey up because he is the slowest human being I know.  We were supposed to be at the hospital at 5:30 AM.  We were definitely still at the hotel at that hour. 

We road to the hospital (through parking lots basically) with my windshield completely iced over.  Trey dropped me off at the front door and I walked inside.  He went and parked the car and together we headed up to the second floor of the Baptist Women’s Hospital.

To be continued…..

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Ready or not... here she comes...

Its 2:30 on Sunday afternoon and in 17 hours I will be in surgery awaiting the cries of my little baby girl, Annie.  This has been the most blurred pregnancy of all by far.  For starters, I was blindsided and totally didn't expect to have another baby.  Ohhh but what a blessing she will be to our family!!!  Secondly, we have spent this entire pregnancy living out of boxes while we build a house.  And lastly, I've been super busy with two little boys and this is Trey’s time to be in session.

 Today is kind of bitter sweet.  It’s sad because this is it.  No more babies for the Lamars.  I won’t be pregnant again.  I won’t feel the miracle of life inside my body.  But it’s exciting because since the day I found out I was pregnant, my grandmother’s birthday- June 26th, I have been waiting and wondering what this child would look like.  I have known from 11 weeks that my baby was a girl and the dynamics of the Lamar household would change drastically.  I have rubbed my stomach, sung to Annie, talked to Annie, and quite frankly thought about how a lot of my daily decisions could and would affect her.   Now in a matter of hours I will have a new little life that is 100% reliant on me for everything.  WOW!!!!.... God sure does trust Trey and me a lot.  

It’s time.  I have said I was content, but it’s time.  I am over 39 weeks pregnant and beginning to feel miserable.  I can’t breathe well, I don’t sleep much, and I can’t get comfortable.  She has baked long enough and it’s time to be evicted.

We will be moving in 3-4 weeks, so for now Annie will be bunking up in our room.   I, unlike many other mothers, have never had a baby sleep in the room with me.  This is a first.  So for now she has a small pack-n-play and a rocking chair.  I will have you know that Bitty was unsure of this transition.  That’s “his” chair!!!!
 These two little guys are excited, or for now they are.  I have them Big Brother shirts that they will wear to meet their new baby tomorrow.
Some of my favorite lines from them lately are:
(Scenario: The boys in my bed and me trying to climb in there.)

JB:  “You’s a BIG momma!”
Ford: “ Do  you weigh 300 lbs?”

Another favorite:
Ford: “Momma, you’re really big.  How do you get out of my bed at night without waking us up?”
 Yes, I made it to church this morning.  I think a lot of folks were shocked to see me there.  I’m still okay… not handicapped.  I’ll be locked in the house for several weeks so I have to get out while I can.  I've never had a baby in the cold weather so this is all new to me.  I am scared of the flu and other germs.  Therefore, if you are considering seeing the baby before her 8 weeks shots you will have to scrub your hands down before touching.  Sorry!  Also, here’s another thing… I am sensitive to smells, ladies.  Please don’t wear perfume and want to hold Annie.  I’ll have to change her immediately!  I think that about covers it.  Hand washing and no smells!
I’ll be blogging, but you won’t see me out and about anytime soon.  I’ll be in hiding until some of this 35 lbs. sheds off!!!!!! 

Prayers for a safe delivery and a healthy bundle of joy!

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Inclement weather and the house

If school being dismissed for inclement weather and a mouse trying to attack my slipper didn't put me into labor, then I think I am good to go.  I have now been pregnant longer with Annie than either of the boys, and I am pretty confident she is content in my uterus until Monday. 

There was no school on Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday.  I got a text from a teacher friend of mine saying school was canceled on Wednesday around 5:40 AM.  I thought she was lying, but ohhhh no.   We got another day extreme boredom.   Ford saw the small amount of “powdery white stuff” on the ground and needed out there badly to build a snowman.  I tried to explain that he wasn't even going to be able to make a snow ball, but nonetheless, we headed outside…..
 Bitty:  “Why dis tuck?”  Translation “Why is this stuck?”  He was trying to pick up ice that was clearly frozen solid and wasn't coming up.
 Yes, the snow party 2015 lasted all of 2.5 minutes and we were back inside!!!!
 The house.  The house.  The house.  When I see people I am asked about two things: #1 being pregnant and #2 the house.   Well, it’s a work in progress, and the builders were right.   They said it would take 12 months and by George it has.  The fire hasn't been lit under everyone’s butt so I must be patient.  At this point in the game, they can just take their time.  I’m having a baby in the next few days and I won’t feel like moving.

Currently they are doing floors.  I asked Trey for two things when building this house… #1 brick floors in my kitchen and #2 a big pink closet.   Here are my brick floors in the works….  
 It’s a tedious process.  We are using old reclaimed bricks for my floors.  They have to be cut just so or they will break.  I think it’s turning out marvelous!!!  The counter tops are supposed to be in tomorrow.  We shall see.
View of my living room from the kitchen….  We still need a mantel, cabinets, and floors, and the sliding barn door (on the left... that's a playroom).
 This is the other side of the fireplace.  It's a two-way fireplace if you will.  This is Trey's man room.  All things critter can go in here.
 Here's his mudroom.  I think the green walls are cool.  He salvaged that wood from an old barn.
 Hallway from kitchen/den
 Other end of hallway looking back towards kitchen.  I really like the brick walls.  You can see the wood floor has been laid here, but not stained.
 Half bath... we had extra bricks so I threw some in here too!!!
 Butlers pantry
 Butlers pantry
 Dining room
 View into my bathroom
 Master shower
 My closet
 Back porch
 View from master bedroom
We still have about 3-4 weeks of work to be done before we get to move.  It's coming along.  I still can't believe I will actually ever live there one day.  We have been working on this house so long it doesn't seem like it'll ever happen!

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

The word and an unwanted guest

Is there a word or words that you hear a lot?  When I taught school I heard “Mrs. Lamar” a gazillion times a day.  Now I no longer hear that word, yet I am still being called by little people, just by another name, “Momma”.  I have considered changing my name a lot lately.  I often wonder how two little people could have so much to say or need something so often.  All.  The.  Time!!!  I walk out of the room and I hear “the word”… “Momma”.  I promise I have learned an ungodly amount of patience since becoming a mom, but sometimes I want to blow my gasket when I hear them hollering, “Momma”.  Then when they are asleep at night I miss these two little faces, but love the quietness I hear.
People, I feel fat, sluggish, worn-out, swollen, and all those other fun pregnancy related feelings one can have at the end of such a journey.  BUT, I am holding on strong!!!  I might be all those things, but I am in no way telling Sister Lamar to come any earlier than she has to.  To be perfectly honest, I hope my water doesn’t break like it did with the boys and I can leisurely go to the hospital on Monday morning without being in a frenzy like panic!  Here’s me in my robe…. 
My sock line
The other day I went to Babies R Us for a few last minute necessities.  When I wheeled my bus, the suburban I am still trying to learn to drive and park, into a space I saw this sign and it was glowing like a gift from God!!!!!!!!
I wonder if my hubs, the Representative for District 8, would write up a bill requesting such?????!!!!!!

A sweet friend made her sister in-law a baby door hanger for a shower a few weeks ago.  I commented on it and she made me one too!!!!!!!!!!!!  I love it.  Annie is officially ready to come.

So if you've been reading my blog you know that Trey and I sold our house in the spring and have been living in a rental since April.  During this time we have seen a few uninvited guests around our house.  Last Friday I walked into the bathroom, and BOOM a mouse ran from our closet and escaped into a hole by my side of the cabinets.  I panicked and immediately rounded up several mouse/bug sticky traps we had. 

The next two days I would turn on the lights and inspect the bathroom closely before making my way in there.  Sunday morning I got up, checked the sticky traps, and then went to talk to Ford and Bitty.  After several minutes I decided I would go back to the bathroom and put on my contacts.  I walked in the bathroom, headed for my side, and when I was within 6 inches of the trap the DAMN MOUSE, yep I cussed on my blog, jumped out of the hole and plopped right on the trap.  I screamed bloody murder.

I flung open the bathroom doors to see Trey jumping out of the bed in a panic that was right on the same level as I was on.  However, he wasn't flipping out because I saw a mouse, oh no, he thought I had the baby in the bathroom or that something was wrong with me.  I continued hollering there was a mouse in the bathroom and at the point his demeanor completely changed.  He went from worried to ticked.  I made him mad because: #1 he was still in bed at 7:00 AM when he should have been up, #2 He doesn't like any yelling or such, and #3 I made him think something was terribly wrong.

Well people, it was!!!!!!!  When a mouse almost attacks your slipper when you are within inches of it and sticks to a trap things are NOT OKAY.  I continued to FREAK OUT because the little beast was struggling with all its might to free himself from the trap.  I was yelling that if it got off I would really go nuts.  After threatening to call neighbors for backup, Trey got the mouse and took him outside. 

I guess since that didn't put me into labor nothing will!!!!!  Oh and the picture shows the mouse and next to the rodent is a hunk of peanut butter because apparently they like it.
Tomorrow, Wednesday, is my last doctor visit before Annie comes.  Since my part of the state has been having inclement weather (ice) my dad insists that he is driving me to the doctor.  I gave in and let him.  The parental units had threatened to move in with me this week while Fancy is in Jackson, but I refused such.  So I guess I’ll appease him and let him drive me to my final appointment.  Should Annie come before Monday, I won’t be posting again, BUT if she stays put you might hear one last post from me before “The Crazy” hits!!!!

And for your enjoyment and pleasure here are the birthing stories from Ford and Bitty.... read if you are bored....

Ford.... Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3   and     Bitty.... Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3

Friday, February 13, 2015

Hearts, flowers, Cupid, and such....

Tis the season for chocolate, hearts, Cupid, flowers, sweets, cards, and the color red.  This also means that kiddos have Valentine parties at school. 

Bitty’s class is a bit different, parents don’t attend their parties.  It’s probably best because he would want to hang all over me and then leave when I left.  Instead of attending I sent my table cloths, napkins, and plates… and my camera of course.  Poor teachers, they probably dread that I ask them to take pictures, but a woman must document each occasion.  Am I right or am I right?!?!  So yay for his teachers snapping some pics of my little dude!
 Passing out treats...
 John Brantley’s treats for his classmates…
 Ohhh but at Ford’s school mothers attend their party functions, and I was there in all my 38 week pregnant glory!

First they made ice cream sundaes… 
 Then played pin your name on the heart....
 And a lovely round of B-I-N-G-O until every child won a prize....
 And lastly they passed out their treats...
 Ford's homemade box!!!!
 His treats we made....
 Some artwork I snapped a few pictures of....
 And what is this face??????
 Well, tomorrow is the real day of love and such, so to show my love and appreciation for my crew I decided to be festive and decorate the kitchen for breakfast……
 And I bought the boys treats.  Well, I think I went a tad bit overboard, BUT I have good reason.
The shirts were like $4.00 each at Wal-Mart, the dry erase boards were $2.37 (and they LOVE to draw and write might I add), and the stupid huge toy in the middle is to share.  Two weeks ago I went to buy my nephew a birthday present.  I thought it would be a good idea to bring BOTH of my children for some odd reason.  When Ford saw this Jake and the Neverland Pirates toy he had a fit.  Then Bitty chimed in saying he “needed” it too.  Ford was completely fixated on this $60.00 toy that was on sale for $25.00.  He begged and pleaded for it, and I said, “NO!!!”  He then suggested that it go on his birthday list.  I decided to cave and buy it as a joint Valentines present.  And to answer any of your questions, YES my kids are spoiled rotten to the core.  I’m sorry…. I promise I teach manners.  That counts for something doesn't it?!?!?!

When Representative Fancy is gone to Jackson serving our county in the very thankless job he performs, my boys like to sleep with me.  Well, the other night, I let Ford sleep with me knowing good and well that John Brantley would show his face sometime that night.  And he did.  Well, I wake up every 1 to 1.5 hours to have a potty break.  On one such occasion, I decided to use my phone light to check on the boys and this is what I found….
Ohhhhhhhh the cuteness and sweetness.  And please note how much they look alike!!!!

Sister Lamar will be here in a matter of days... and Y-E-S I am in slight panic mode!!!

Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...