Friday, February 13, 2015

Hearts, flowers, Cupid, and such....

Tis the season for chocolate, hearts, Cupid, flowers, sweets, cards, and the color red.  This also means that kiddos have Valentine parties at school. 

Bitty’s class is a bit different, parents don’t attend their parties.  It’s probably best because he would want to hang all over me and then leave when I left.  Instead of attending I sent my table cloths, napkins, and plates… and my camera of course.  Poor teachers, they probably dread that I ask them to take pictures, but a woman must document each occasion.  Am I right or am I right?!?!  So yay for his teachers snapping some pics of my little dude!
 Passing out treats...
 John Brantley’s treats for his classmates…
 Ohhh but at Ford’s school mothers attend their party functions, and I was there in all my 38 week pregnant glory!

First they made ice cream sundaes… 
 Then played pin your name on the heart....
 And a lovely round of B-I-N-G-O until every child won a prize....
 And lastly they passed out their treats...
 Ford's homemade box!!!!
 His treats we made....
 Some artwork I snapped a few pictures of....
 And what is this face??????
 Well, tomorrow is the real day of love and such, so to show my love and appreciation for my crew I decided to be festive and decorate the kitchen for breakfast……
 And I bought the boys treats.  Well, I think I went a tad bit overboard, BUT I have good reason.
The shirts were like $4.00 each at Wal-Mart, the dry erase boards were $2.37 (and they LOVE to draw and write might I add), and the stupid huge toy in the middle is to share.  Two weeks ago I went to buy my nephew a birthday present.  I thought it would be a good idea to bring BOTH of my children for some odd reason.  When Ford saw this Jake and the Neverland Pirates toy he had a fit.  Then Bitty chimed in saying he “needed” it too.  Ford was completely fixated on this $60.00 toy that was on sale for $25.00.  He begged and pleaded for it, and I said, “NO!!!”  He then suggested that it go on his birthday list.  I decided to cave and buy it as a joint Valentines present.  And to answer any of your questions, YES my kids are spoiled rotten to the core.  I’m sorry…. I promise I teach manners.  That counts for something doesn't it?!?!?!

When Representative Fancy is gone to Jackson serving our county in the very thankless job he performs, my boys like to sleep with me.  Well, the other night, I let Ford sleep with me knowing good and well that John Brantley would show his face sometime that night.  And he did.  Well, I wake up every 1 to 1.5 hours to have a potty break.  On one such occasion, I decided to use my phone light to check on the boys and this is what I found….
Ohhhhhhhh the cuteness and sweetness.  And please note how much they look alike!!!!

Sister Lamar will be here in a matter of days... and Y-E-S I am in slight panic mode!!!

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Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

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