Sunday, February 22, 2015

Ready or not... here she comes...

Its 2:30 on Sunday afternoon and in 17 hours I will be in surgery awaiting the cries of my little baby girl, Annie.  This has been the most blurred pregnancy of all by far.  For starters, I was blindsided and totally didn't expect to have another baby.  Ohhh but what a blessing she will be to our family!!!  Secondly, we have spent this entire pregnancy living out of boxes while we build a house.  And lastly, I've been super busy with two little boys and this is Trey’s time to be in session.

 Today is kind of bitter sweet.  It’s sad because this is it.  No more babies for the Lamars.  I won’t be pregnant again.  I won’t feel the miracle of life inside my body.  But it’s exciting because since the day I found out I was pregnant, my grandmother’s birthday- June 26th, I have been waiting and wondering what this child would look like.  I have known from 11 weeks that my baby was a girl and the dynamics of the Lamar household would change drastically.  I have rubbed my stomach, sung to Annie, talked to Annie, and quite frankly thought about how a lot of my daily decisions could and would affect her.   Now in a matter of hours I will have a new little life that is 100% reliant on me for everything.  WOW!!!!.... God sure does trust Trey and me a lot.  

It’s time.  I have said I was content, but it’s time.  I am over 39 weeks pregnant and beginning to feel miserable.  I can’t breathe well, I don’t sleep much, and I can’t get comfortable.  She has baked long enough and it’s time to be evicted.

We will be moving in 3-4 weeks, so for now Annie will be bunking up in our room.   I, unlike many other mothers, have never had a baby sleep in the room with me.  This is a first.  So for now she has a small pack-n-play and a rocking chair.  I will have you know that Bitty was unsure of this transition.  That’s “his” chair!!!!
 These two little guys are excited, or for now they are.  I have them Big Brother shirts that they will wear to meet their new baby tomorrow.
Some of my favorite lines from them lately are:
(Scenario: The boys in my bed and me trying to climb in there.)

JB:  “You’s a BIG momma!”
Ford: “ Do  you weigh 300 lbs?”

Another favorite:
Ford: “Momma, you’re really big.  How do you get out of my bed at night without waking us up?”
 Yes, I made it to church this morning.  I think a lot of folks were shocked to see me there.  I’m still okay… not handicapped.  I’ll be locked in the house for several weeks so I have to get out while I can.  I've never had a baby in the cold weather so this is all new to me.  I am scared of the flu and other germs.  Therefore, if you are considering seeing the baby before her 8 weeks shots you will have to scrub your hands down before touching.  Sorry!  Also, here’s another thing… I am sensitive to smells, ladies.  Please don’t wear perfume and want to hold Annie.  I’ll have to change her immediately!  I think that about covers it.  Hand washing and no smells!
I’ll be blogging, but you won’t see me out and about anytime soon.  I’ll be in hiding until some of this 35 lbs. sheds off!!!!!! 

Prayers for a safe delivery and a healthy bundle of joy!

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Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

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