Wednesday, February 29, 2012

It's Done

I am seriously exhausted.  Thinking about blogging makes me even sleepier, but if I don’t blog now then I will need to say too much on my next post and my mom, Gran, will call me and tell me I wrote too much!!  Love you, mom. 
Last Sunday Ford went to a birthday party at a kid’s gym.  It was right in the middle of nap time so I had to wake him up from his deep sleep which didn’t go over too well.  He wasn’t ready to get up and when we got to the party it took him a good 20 minutes to even get out of my lap (what lap I have left).    Once he warmed up he had a large time.

After the party we went to see some baby goats and to ride 4 wheelers.  Yes, I rode too.  I had to make sure that Ford didn’t fall off and I told Trey he couldn’t go fast or hit any bumps.  I don’t imagine I will do that again.  I haven’t gotten positive feedback from that idea. 

Ford is obsessed with himself.  He loves to watch videos and see pictures of himself on my phone.  It’s a normal daily activity. 
I got an e-mail about the blog books being on sale (only 10% off, but still) so I decided to get my 2011 blog published.  I went through all the steps and when I hit create it said the picture limit was 1,500 pictures and I had 1,524.  I was ticked.  Instead of deleting 24 pictures I made 2 books. 

Ford loves his bike that Gran and BoomPa gave him for his birthday last year.  He can finally reach the peddles and he has mastered the breaks.  He has no clue how to peddle a bike to save his life.  We went outside yesterday after he put on his uniform and attempted to ride.  Being that I am 23 weeks pregnant and I am carrying a cannon ball on my stomach it isn’t exactly easy for me to help him.  I tried to show him how to peddle and then I gave up and pushed him around the corner.  When we got around the corner I felt like I had run 5 miles and could kill over and die.  No time for death though, we had to turn around and go home.  I suggested that we ride his tractor, but that wasn’t on his agenda for the afternoon. 
IT’S DONE!!!  IT’S DONE!!!  Toto’s room is DONE!!!!  I am so pleased with how it turned out.  We went from this….

To this….

You can honestly not even tell that a room has been added on.  It’s like Toto’s room always was there.  Now it’s time to start decorating.  We have two doors leading into his room which will be nice depending on where you are in the house.  I think it will be just perfect!
Yesterday my blood pressure was up a little bit and I felt dizzy all day at school.  My mom sent me an e-mail checking to see how things were.  I told her between the hernia, my sciatic nerve issues, and being dizzy I might lose my mind.  If you have good health you need to seriously appreciate it.  This nerve mess I have going on might do me in real soon. 
Until next time….

Saturday, February 25, 2012

The Big H

I love a field trip, if you will, to do something fun and interesting.  No, I am not talking about a school related field trip, but a family one.  A few weeks ago I decided we needed to paint pottery.  Last weekend we went shopping for stuff for Toto’s room, and this weekend was a trip to see the Peabody ducks.  Now Trey doesn’t share in the same excitement that I do about a “family fun day.”  He would rather stay in Mayberry, drink coffee, and talk about manly things that don’t interest me at all.  I like to give him my whole spill about the importance of family time and how when Toto comes it will be harder to get out and about.  He caved and went to Memphis with us.
They take this duck business extremely serious.  We got there about 10 minutes before the gig got started and I was quickly told I couldn’t sit where we were.  Luckily a lady hollered across the red carpet (fancy, I know) that we could sit on the floor by her.  The “duck master” came out and gave a 10 minute spill on the history of the hotel, the ducks, and our rules.  Basically, this guy was a huge goob and still hasn’t realized it. 
Ford was waiting on the ducks.
Those suckers scooted right on out of the elevator and hopped into the fountain. 
Ford and Gran

Gran, Ford, and BoomPa

He loved the ducks.  We were some of the last people left in the lobby watching the little guys swim around the fountain. 
Then we had to go up on the roof to see the duck palace.  Ford found it very interesting that they slept up there. 

   Then went to eat at Gus’s Fried Chicken.  If you noticed the mark below his eye, he fell off of the slide at school.  I got two messages from his teacher that day.  The first one said that Ford took off all his clothes (only a diaper left) in the playhouse and then I got another one that said he fell off the slide and may have a black eye.  Rough day for the little man last week.

And such a big day wore my little man out. 
Latest Pregnancy Developments….
The famous question that I am asked just about daily is, “Does the baby have a name yet?”  No.  I am sorry to tell you, but no.  Trey and I have only actually talked about a name twice and quite honestly we didn’t get very far.  We do know that Toto will have a family name, but trying to think of something as crafty as Jefferson Hannaford is a bit more difficult than one might think.  Puddin really wants to monogram something so hopefully we will decide something in a few weeks.
The builders finally came back this week after a 15 day vacay.  They say they will be finished with the room on Monday and the floors will be completed on Tuesday or Wednesday!!!!!!  I am really excited about that because I had to invest in a Swiffer today to clean my hardwood floors.  Those guys have tracked the white chalky sheetrock stuff all over my house.
I went to the doctor on Tuesday and I was right… I do have a big H.  Hernia, that is.  My kind is rare in women and won’t go away on its own.  The doctor said I would have to have surgery to repair it after the baby is born.  Not exactly what I wanted to hear, but there isn’t anything I can do about it now.  I am not supposed to be picking up Ford, but that is easier said than done when your baby is crying, holding his arms up for you, or yanking your pants down for you to pick him up.  She said it wouldn’t hurt the baby, only me, so I still hold Ford whenever I want to.
I also discussed this pain I have going down my right buttocks into my leg.  (Oh and Trey almost died when I blogged about my buttocks pain last week!!!!!!)  The doctor said that Toto is on my sciatic nerve, and again there is nothing I can do about that either.  Hot dog!
This baby moves and kicks ALL the time.  I do not remember Ford moving around so much.  If this is any indication of Toto’s personality then I am in some kind of trouble.  He will be a wild child.
The little man is slightly obsessed with his rain boots and blue jeans.  Every day after school he wants to put on his “uniform” and go ride his tractor.  He usually gets what he wants….

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Go Away Fever

We have been fighting sickness at our house since Wednesday.  I was called at school with the news that Ford had a fever of 101 and I needed to come get him.  We went straight to the doctor and I was told he had a little fluid on his left ear and his tonsils were a little red.  I looked at the doctor and asked what that meant.  He said whatever it is you caught it early.  I felt proud of that news and we left with the baby “cure all”, amoxicillin.  Well, today is Sunday and the child STILL has fever.  I thought we were in the clear this morning before church because it was 99.1.  I thought, finally some normalcy.  After we got home from church it was 102.  We eat at Puddin and Pops’s house every Sunday for lunch.  During lunch I looked at Ford’s throat and the poor little guy’s tonsils are so huge and red they are touching.  Gran and BoomPa have volunteered to take him to the doctor tomorrow since I really need to go back to work. 
We have been eating some popsicles to reduce our fever….
Last weekend we went to Mud Monkey Pottery for a weekend outing and painted some.  Ford’s truck turned out super cute.  He is pleased with his work. 
A lot of schools nowadays have a strict uniform policy.  Ford has his own uniform.  It consists of rain boots, blue jeans, a t-shirt of some sort (usually with a utility vehicle on the front), a jacket, hat, and glasses.  Do you think he is trying to be like somebody?????
One of Ford’s little girlfriends at school had a birthday party yesterday.  There is no greater fun for a little kid than a bouncy house.

Ford always has big plans for Pops and his tractor.  Today Ford worked out a deal with him.  He told Pops if he ate his lunch real good then he could ride him on the tractor.  Ford was even nice enough to invite Puddin to ride in the wagon with him.  I think Ford is just rotten!!!
Preparing for the big ride…

And here is the hormonally pregnant blog author herself at 22 weeks pregnant!!!  I promise to act normal again someday for those of you who are annoyed with me!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Let's Get Real

So the title of this blog is “Let’s Get Real”.  And let’s do.  But before I start please know that this entire thing is written solely by pregnancy hormones.  I debated while in the shower, shaving parts of my legs I can’t see any more that now are all bandaged up from me cutting them, if I should or shouldn’t write this post.  But this is “my” blog, I am the author, and I really think it will be hilarious later when I am not pregnant to read. 
So here goes…
Is it just me or do other people get highly annoyed when pregnant?  I feel like people and things get on my nerves much more lately, since I am pregnant, than they did before I was pregnant.  I am not always easy to please and I will be the first to tell you that, Trey would be a close second, but recently goodness, things seem to tick me off.  Today I was at Wal-Mart and I was annoyed that whoever does inventory there slacks on their job because they are always out of the same things.  My shower cleaner annoyed me yesterday because it wouldn’t get the soap scum off of my shower door like I wanted it to.  My kids at school annoy me with how much they tattle on each other and we, as a class, had a come to Jesus talk about all that the other day.  Ford annoyed me a few weeks ago with all of his “why” questions.  Trey annoys me with how he can come home and lie on the couch and relax.  I don’t know how to relax.  I promise after lying there a total of two minutes my wheels are spinning and I get up to do stuff.  I hate being Type A.  Why can’t I be Type Z?.... if there was such a type I wouldn’t have a prayer.  The builders really have annoyed me because they haven’t been here to work on Toto’s room since last Tuesday when they told us they would be finished by the end of this week.  I promise I could go on and on and on and list just about every person I come into contact with, but I will spare you all!!!  Remember people, it’s the hormones.
I have also found that I can relate to the elderly lately.  I used to seriously wonder why people complained of aches and pains.  What kid has them?  I sure didn’t.  I have always been healthy and in good shape.  Not now.  Last night I was actually lying on the couch talking to Trey while he was feeling the baby kick, and when I got up it wasn’t pretty.  I attempted to get up and sort of crawled around on the floor saying I had a pain running down my right buttocks cheek into my leg.  Seriously, I felt old.  I figure Toto was on a nerve.  I asked Trey if he would mind carrying me to the bathroom and do you know he said, “I don’t think I can pick you up anymore!”  Good thing I am not emotional or that might have struck a chord with me. 
Tonight Ford yanked something out of my hands and I spilled my drink all down my shirt.  I took it off and headed to get another one.  As I was venturing down the hall I passed the bathroom mirror and what I saw surprised me.  I saw me.  A big me.  A really big me.  I said, "Wow Trey look at the view I just got."  He laughed and said, “I wasn’t going to say anything.”  I looked like Big Bertha… whoever that is.
The worst part of all is that I am about 99% sure I have a hernia.  I go back to the doctor on Tuesday and I will know for sure, but for now that is what I think this golf ball sized protrusion is.  It’s not real comfortable and after standing for a while it sends these pulsating pains through it.  Trey likes to remind me that it’s my intestines or something fun like that poking through holes in my body.  I think he is seriously trying to gross me out. 
But please know that despite my hormonal rant I am on right now I am 100% happy and thrilled to be pregnant.  I am looking forward to little baby Lamar coming, not real soon, but in a few months and I can’t wait to be his momma too.  I just had some thoughts and felt the need to share them with my blog readers.
Just think… I get to have another one of these little guys real soon and all the hormones, hernias, extreme weight gaining, and aches and pains are BEYOND worth it!!!!!!!!   

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

My 3 Valentines

So I sat down to write this blog about the three Valentines cupid has brought into my life and I decided I was cold.  No, it’s nothing new for me to be cold, but fixing the heat was a must before my little brain could blog at full speed.  When I got to the thermostat I noticed I had it on 70, but my house was 60.  That = a problem.  I called my friend from school whose husband is a heating and air man and he instructed us how to fix my problem.  Needless to say I have heat and a pie in the oven for him keeping me warm. 
I think I have said before that Ford loves cinnamon rolls.  Nothing fancy, just the ones that come 5 to a can with the white icing.  This morning I decided my middle Valentine needed some cinnamon rolls for breakfast.  After I woke him up I asked if he wanted to have red icing on them and he agreed that it was a good idea.  I got out the red food coloring and mixed it in the icing.  I should have known it would be a bad idea.  Ford lost his mind.  He started crying these huge crocodile tears, his nose was running, and he was demanding that I make that icing white again.  Being two, reasoning isn’t one of his strong areas.  I told him I could make him some white icing and that I did.  I got out the powdered sugar and got busy.  Well, naturally mine didn’t look right and he was pissed, for lack of a better word.  He had cheese and crackers for breakfast instead. 
The last two days at school Ford has had a Valentine’s party.  Fortunately for him, he goes to school 5 days a week and was able to benefit from two parties unlike the kids who only go part time to school.  I, on the other hand, didn’t benefit so well from the extreme sugar high my middle Valentine was rushing on.  This was day #2 with no nap.  At our house no nap = a ridiculously early bedtime.   Last night he was asleep at 6:30 and tonight it was before 7:00. 

Trey has been my first Valentine now since 2003.  We weren’t “officially dating” yet on Valentine’s Day 9 years ago, but I did receive a card and some flowers at the Tri Delt house at Ole Miss.  The outside of the card said “Jill”.  Being that I was the only Jill in DDD I knew they were for me.  I still have the card he sent me and found it tonight in a scrapbook….

I thought that was so sweet.  I didn’t get flowers this year because Trey knows me well enough that I would prefer something else.  He did me right with a gift card to get a pedicure.  I desperately need to get these toes painted being that I can hardly bend down touch them, much less meticulously paint the things.  I will enjoy that.  Thank you my first Valentine.  Thank you to my middle Valentine, Ford, for being so sweet today and telling me I was your Valentine, and to my littlest Valentine, Toto, for kicking me for the last hour to let me know you care.  I love all my Valentines!!!!!!

Saturday, February 11, 2012


In the last few months Ford has decided that he needs to do exactly what Trey does.  Trey never thought the day would come.  I have told him since Ford was tiny that “one day” Ford would want to follow him around and do whatever he did.  The day is here. 
Trey was leaning against the fence looking at the spot where we are going to build our new porch and Ford decided he would help him out.  Ford had no idea what he was looking at.  Then they came inside and Ford took his boots off exactly like Trey and placed them at the back door just like his daddy did. 

It’s amazing how cold it is outside.  It is painful to be outside in this weather.  That didn’t stop my boys from raking some leaves today though.  I stayed inside and did wifely things like 4 loads of laundry, vacuuming, cleaning the bathrooms, and changing bed sheets.

After a few minutes I made Ford come inside to warm up.  I stuck him in the bathroom with the heater running while I made him some hot chocolate.  Telling him something is hot isn’t always the best things to do.  He preferred to call it “warm chocolate”. 

I like to have an activity planned.  At the end of the week I got in my mind that I would like to take Ford to a paint your own pottery place.  This morning Puddin, Ford, and I drove to Olive Branch and met my parents at Mud Monkey Pottery.  Ford had a wonderful time.  He painted his truck a variety of colors.  He told me he needed to go back after his nap. 
We still don’t have a name for Toto.  If his personality is any indication of how he is acting in my stomach I am in for a wild child.  This baby has been moving and grooving so much the last few days.  It’s an awesome feeling and I can’t wait to let Ford feel his brother move.  He talks to my belly all the time and asks me if Toto is still in there.  The addition to our house isn’t complete.  They are moving at a snail’s pace.  I am ready for them to be finished so I can start on my nursery. 
Today I felt a bit of “nesting” coming on.  There were several things I wanted to pick up, move around, or clean up.  I know I don’t need to be lifting anything and that is hard for me.  I like my independence and not being able to do what I want to do is hard.  I am bigger this go round than I was with Ford and the swelling has already started.  It mostly happens during the week when I have been on my feet a lot at school.  I have 19 more weeks to go before my little man arrives.   We are getting excited!!!

Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...