Saturday, February 25, 2012

The Big H

I love a field trip, if you will, to do something fun and interesting.  No, I am not talking about a school related field trip, but a family one.  A few weeks ago I decided we needed to paint pottery.  Last weekend we went shopping for stuff for Toto’s room, and this weekend was a trip to see the Peabody ducks.  Now Trey doesn’t share in the same excitement that I do about a “family fun day.”  He would rather stay in Mayberry, drink coffee, and talk about manly things that don’t interest me at all.  I like to give him my whole spill about the importance of family time and how when Toto comes it will be harder to get out and about.  He caved and went to Memphis with us.
They take this duck business extremely serious.  We got there about 10 minutes before the gig got started and I was quickly told I couldn’t sit where we were.  Luckily a lady hollered across the red carpet (fancy, I know) that we could sit on the floor by her.  The “duck master” came out and gave a 10 minute spill on the history of the hotel, the ducks, and our rules.  Basically, this guy was a huge goob and still hasn’t realized it. 
Ford was waiting on the ducks.
Those suckers scooted right on out of the elevator and hopped into the fountain. 
Ford and Gran

Gran, Ford, and BoomPa

He loved the ducks.  We were some of the last people left in the lobby watching the little guys swim around the fountain. 
Then we had to go up on the roof to see the duck palace.  Ford found it very interesting that they slept up there. 

   Then went to eat at Gus’s Fried Chicken.  If you noticed the mark below his eye, he fell off of the slide at school.  I got two messages from his teacher that day.  The first one said that Ford took off all his clothes (only a diaper left) in the playhouse and then I got another one that said he fell off the slide and may have a black eye.  Rough day for the little man last week.

And such a big day wore my little man out. 
Latest Pregnancy Developments….
The famous question that I am asked just about daily is, “Does the baby have a name yet?”  No.  I am sorry to tell you, but no.  Trey and I have only actually talked about a name twice and quite honestly we didn’t get very far.  We do know that Toto will have a family name, but trying to think of something as crafty as Jefferson Hannaford is a bit more difficult than one might think.  Puddin really wants to monogram something so hopefully we will decide something in a few weeks.
The builders finally came back this week after a 15 day vacay.  They say they will be finished with the room on Monday and the floors will be completed on Tuesday or Wednesday!!!!!!  I am really excited about that because I had to invest in a Swiffer today to clean my hardwood floors.  Those guys have tracked the white chalky sheetrock stuff all over my house.
I went to the doctor on Tuesday and I was right… I do have a big H.  Hernia, that is.  My kind is rare in women and won’t go away on its own.  The doctor said I would have to have surgery to repair it after the baby is born.  Not exactly what I wanted to hear, but there isn’t anything I can do about it now.  I am not supposed to be picking up Ford, but that is easier said than done when your baby is crying, holding his arms up for you, or yanking your pants down for you to pick him up.  She said it wouldn’t hurt the baby, only me, so I still hold Ford whenever I want to.
I also discussed this pain I have going down my right buttocks into my leg.  (Oh and Trey almost died when I blogged about my buttocks pain last week!!!!!!)  The doctor said that Toto is on my sciatic nerve, and again there is nothing I can do about that either.  Hot dog!
This baby moves and kicks ALL the time.  I do not remember Ford moving around so much.  If this is any indication of Toto’s personality then I am in some kind of trouble.  He will be a wild child.
The little man is slightly obsessed with his rain boots and blue jeans.  Every day after school he wants to put on his “uniform” and go ride his tractor.  He usually gets what he wants….

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Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

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