Sunday, February 19, 2012

Go Away Fever

We have been fighting sickness at our house since Wednesday.  I was called at school with the news that Ford had a fever of 101 and I needed to come get him.  We went straight to the doctor and I was told he had a little fluid on his left ear and his tonsils were a little red.  I looked at the doctor and asked what that meant.  He said whatever it is you caught it early.  I felt proud of that news and we left with the baby “cure all”, amoxicillin.  Well, today is Sunday and the child STILL has fever.  I thought we were in the clear this morning before church because it was 99.1.  I thought, finally some normalcy.  After we got home from church it was 102.  We eat at Puddin and Pops’s house every Sunday for lunch.  During lunch I looked at Ford’s throat and the poor little guy’s tonsils are so huge and red they are touching.  Gran and BoomPa have volunteered to take him to the doctor tomorrow since I really need to go back to work. 
We have been eating some popsicles to reduce our fever….
Last weekend we went to Mud Monkey Pottery for a weekend outing and painted some.  Ford’s truck turned out super cute.  He is pleased with his work. 
A lot of schools nowadays have a strict uniform policy.  Ford has his own uniform.  It consists of rain boots, blue jeans, a t-shirt of some sort (usually with a utility vehicle on the front), a jacket, hat, and glasses.  Do you think he is trying to be like somebody?????
One of Ford’s little girlfriends at school had a birthday party yesterday.  There is no greater fun for a little kid than a bouncy house.

Ford always has big plans for Pops and his tractor.  Today Ford worked out a deal with him.  He told Pops if he ate his lunch real good then he could ride him on the tractor.  Ford was even nice enough to invite Puddin to ride in the wagon with him.  I think Ford is just rotten!!!
Preparing for the big ride…

And here is the hormonally pregnant blog author herself at 22 weeks pregnant!!!  I promise to act normal again someday for those of you who are annoyed with me!

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Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...