Friday, February 17, 2012

Let's Get Real

So the title of this blog is “Let’s Get Real”.  And let’s do.  But before I start please know that this entire thing is written solely by pregnancy hormones.  I debated while in the shower, shaving parts of my legs I can’t see any more that now are all bandaged up from me cutting them, if I should or shouldn’t write this post.  But this is “my” blog, I am the author, and I really think it will be hilarious later when I am not pregnant to read. 
So here goes…
Is it just me or do other people get highly annoyed when pregnant?  I feel like people and things get on my nerves much more lately, since I am pregnant, than they did before I was pregnant.  I am not always easy to please and I will be the first to tell you that, Trey would be a close second, but recently goodness, things seem to tick me off.  Today I was at Wal-Mart and I was annoyed that whoever does inventory there slacks on their job because they are always out of the same things.  My shower cleaner annoyed me yesterday because it wouldn’t get the soap scum off of my shower door like I wanted it to.  My kids at school annoy me with how much they tattle on each other and we, as a class, had a come to Jesus talk about all that the other day.  Ford annoyed me a few weeks ago with all of his “why” questions.  Trey annoys me with how he can come home and lie on the couch and relax.  I don’t know how to relax.  I promise after lying there a total of two minutes my wheels are spinning and I get up to do stuff.  I hate being Type A.  Why can’t I be Type Z?.... if there was such a type I wouldn’t have a prayer.  The builders really have annoyed me because they haven’t been here to work on Toto’s room since last Tuesday when they told us they would be finished by the end of this week.  I promise I could go on and on and on and list just about every person I come into contact with, but I will spare you all!!!  Remember people, it’s the hormones.
I have also found that I can relate to the elderly lately.  I used to seriously wonder why people complained of aches and pains.  What kid has them?  I sure didn’t.  I have always been healthy and in good shape.  Not now.  Last night I was actually lying on the couch talking to Trey while he was feeling the baby kick, and when I got up it wasn’t pretty.  I attempted to get up and sort of crawled around on the floor saying I had a pain running down my right buttocks cheek into my leg.  Seriously, I felt old.  I figure Toto was on a nerve.  I asked Trey if he would mind carrying me to the bathroom and do you know he said, “I don’t think I can pick you up anymore!”  Good thing I am not emotional or that might have struck a chord with me. 
Tonight Ford yanked something out of my hands and I spilled my drink all down my shirt.  I took it off and headed to get another one.  As I was venturing down the hall I passed the bathroom mirror and what I saw surprised me.  I saw me.  A big me.  A really big me.  I said, "Wow Trey look at the view I just got."  He laughed and said, “I wasn’t going to say anything.”  I looked like Big Bertha… whoever that is.
The worst part of all is that I am about 99% sure I have a hernia.  I go back to the doctor on Tuesday and I will know for sure, but for now that is what I think this golf ball sized protrusion is.  It’s not real comfortable and after standing for a while it sends these pulsating pains through it.  Trey likes to remind me that it’s my intestines or something fun like that poking through holes in my body.  I think he is seriously trying to gross me out. 
But please know that despite my hormonal rant I am on right now I am 100% happy and thrilled to be pregnant.  I am looking forward to little baby Lamar coming, not real soon, but in a few months and I can’t wait to be his momma too.  I just had some thoughts and felt the need to share them with my blog readers.
Just think… I get to have another one of these little guys real soon and all the hormones, hernias, extreme weight gaining, and aches and pains are BEYOND worth it!!!!!!!!   


Lauren and Nick Miller said...

I love your honesty. I'm afraid on some days, if I were 100% honest about things that get on my nerves, I might bet some hate mail;) You will definitely laugh it this one day! In the mean time, be as honest as you want:)

heatherstockett said...

This is hilarious. Hormones or not.

First of all, if I would have been there and Trey said he couldn't pick you up anymore, I might have hit him for you (sorry Trey).

Wal-Mart is the WORST place to go while pregnant. If they're not out of everything, the "critters" want to touch your belly.

The second worst place to go while pregnant is in front of mirror without your shirt on. But, at the same time, towards the end of your pregnancy, you'll love it because you can watch Toto dance in your big belly.

Bless your heart about the hernia! I hope it's not that. Maybe it'll all fix itself after Toto gets his eviction notice.

I'm not even hormonal and I could write a "Get Real" post. Maybe I might make me feel better. Love you!!

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