Saturday, February 11, 2012


In the last few months Ford has decided that he needs to do exactly what Trey does.  Trey never thought the day would come.  I have told him since Ford was tiny that “one day” Ford would want to follow him around and do whatever he did.  The day is here. 
Trey was leaning against the fence looking at the spot where we are going to build our new porch and Ford decided he would help him out.  Ford had no idea what he was looking at.  Then they came inside and Ford took his boots off exactly like Trey and placed them at the back door just like his daddy did. 

It’s amazing how cold it is outside.  It is painful to be outside in this weather.  That didn’t stop my boys from raking some leaves today though.  I stayed inside and did wifely things like 4 loads of laundry, vacuuming, cleaning the bathrooms, and changing bed sheets.

After a few minutes I made Ford come inside to warm up.  I stuck him in the bathroom with the heater running while I made him some hot chocolate.  Telling him something is hot isn’t always the best things to do.  He preferred to call it “warm chocolate”. 

I like to have an activity planned.  At the end of the week I got in my mind that I would like to take Ford to a paint your own pottery place.  This morning Puddin, Ford, and I drove to Olive Branch and met my parents at Mud Monkey Pottery.  Ford had a wonderful time.  He painted his truck a variety of colors.  He told me he needed to go back after his nap. 
We still don’t have a name for Toto.  If his personality is any indication of how he is acting in my stomach I am in for a wild child.  This baby has been moving and grooving so much the last few days.  It’s an awesome feeling and I can’t wait to let Ford feel his brother move.  He talks to my belly all the time and asks me if Toto is still in there.  The addition to our house isn’t complete.  They are moving at a snail’s pace.  I am ready for them to be finished so I can start on my nursery. 
Today I felt a bit of “nesting” coming on.  There were several things I wanted to pick up, move around, or clean up.  I know I don’t need to be lifting anything and that is hard for me.  I like my independence and not being able to do what I want to do is hard.  I am bigger this go round than I was with Ford and the swelling has already started.  It mostly happens during the week when I have been on my feet a lot at school.  I have 19 more weeks to go before my little man arrives.   We are getting excited!!!


Maria said...

I can't believe you are more than halfway there! We can't wait to meet little brother!

heatherstockett said...

Woa! Over halfway already?! Copycat...cute!

Laurie said...

those first pictures are so cute. all your posts crack me up and i love it all...just wanted to leave a comment to let you know i still click over here!

Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...