Friday, May 27, 2016

Worked the buns off

   The adolescents have been out of school for over two weeks now.  Bitty is completely fine with plowing and bush hogging the field (the new rug), but Ford gets bored.  I'm definitely getting paid back for all the years of telling my mom I was bored.

    I signed the little man, Ford, up for baseball and basketball camp at his school.  It was a 4 day siesta which I was thankful for.  He would be occupied to the fullest extent and I wouldn't hear "I'm bored".  Basketball camp was from 9-12, lunch from 12-1, and baseball was from 1-4.  Yesterday was the final day of the camps and awards for basketball.
Each grade level had 3 awards and he won all three for the boys in his age group.  At first I was a little embarrassed because he was "that kid", but then I thought that's silly.   My child lives and breathes basketball, he practices religiously, watches recorded Ole Miss games, and he totally worked his buns off and deserved them.  Go Ford!
And the MHS kindergarten class picture is complete!

New blog below....

Annie at 15 months

15 month check up:
Weight: 23.3 lbs- 50th percentile
Height: 29.5 inches- 25th percentile
Head circumference: 47 cm- 75th percentile

And 10 teeth

The boys at 15 months...
John Brantley
Weight: 20.5 lbs.- 5th percentile
Height:  30 ¼ in. – 25th percentile
Head Circumference:  48 ½ cm – 75th percentile
Weight:  22.5 lbs. -25th percentile
Height:  31 in. – 30th percentile
Head Circumference: 48 cm- 75th percentile
Bitty's 15 month blog
Ford's 15 month blog

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Miss Personality is 15 months old

There aren't enough words to thoroughly describe my fifteen month old child to you.  Clearly, you can see she's not lacking in the personality department!!!
Her greatest talent and defense mechanism from the Bubbas (mostly Bitty) is her high pitched squeal/scream.  
She's curious and into anything she can get her hands on.
She makes excellent facial expressions.  
She sleeps anywhere from 11-12 hours a night.  She naps twice a day.  The first nap is about 2.5 hours after she wakes up, and lasts 1.5-2 hours.  The second nap is after lunch and is 1-2 hours.  She goes to bed about 7:00 at night.
She's spoiled.  Period.  End of discussion.
This little stunt is what she does if she wants to be carried and no one will pick her up.  
Naturally, in true Annie fashion, she gets her way!
Girl likes some snacks.  She's climbing the scales at about 23 lbs.  I'll find out her stats on Friday.
She's wearing 12m - 24m clothes depending on what it is.  

When she walks she swings her right arm (kind of like I do because of my FitBit, but hers is more of a priss factor).
Like her daddy, she finds great pleasure in licking a bowl.  Based on my Facebook video I posted, I think his bowl licking days might be over!
The boys think she hung the moon.  Annie can literally do no wrong in their eyes.  She squeaks, they jump to attention.  I think we've got a long road ahead of us!!!
Happy 15 months to the most precious one that I know.  

Sunday, May 22, 2016

About sums it up

Vance, Trey's brother is finally getting married.  I've been around over 13 years and I just didn't know if he'd ever settle down with someone.  Well, he found Emily, and they've been dating a while and are tying the knot in August.  This weekend she had her church shower and the kiddos and I went.  

Puddin has lots of friends, but she has three friends that are "her girls" and they call themselves "The Ya-Ya's".  Aren't they cute....
 This is most (minus 2) of the women on Puddin's side of the family plus Emily (in the white by Puddin)
 My sweet babies before church....
 Mom fail.... Ford's shorts are from last year.  Thought we'd try them out.  Thinking they need to go into the tub... too small!
 About sums it up
Cousin Andi came to play and brought this hammock thing.  I'm so 1999, I know it's not a hammock, but I don't know what it's called!
The other day, Annie and I went to see Bobba (Puddin's momma, and Trey's grandmother).  Annie climbed right up in her lap and started messing with her phone and remote.  It was really so sweet.  My kids are fortunate to have 2 great grandmothers, 1 great grandfather, 1 grandmother, and 2 grandfathers who love them dearly.
Fancy, whom I refer to as my “wife” to those we are close to, told me a few weeks back that our living room looked bad and it needed help.  I, Jill Anthony Lamar, don’t do decorating.  I don’t know the first thing about it.  That is why Trey did 75% of our house and I had someone help with the other 25% (while building that is)!!!!  So we have done a lot of face lifting in our living room lately: new rug, recovered chairs, new pillows, new coffee table, new side table, several things framed, lamp shades, and more to come.
That Aztec looking pillow in the leather chair is going to be replaced, it's just not ready yet.
Y'all, today has been tough since about 2:00 (It's 7:00 now).  The wind wasn't blowing the correct way, apparently, and Bitty was showing his tail feathers.  I took the boys to the country club pool at 2:00.  Ford played happily and Bitty acted two.  He refused to get in the water.  I'm pretty sure every child and teenager there offered to play with him.  Negative.  He preferred to headbutt me in the stomach, whine, complain, pout. cry, make noises, etc.  Finally at 3:30 we left and he cried most of the rest of the day.
It's times like this that I want to run away and scream.   It's not fair to Ford who is good pretty much all of the time, or to Annie who is a baby and needs to be held too.  If she climbed in my lap he pushed her out.  Prayers that a 6:45 bedtime will make tomorrow more pleasant.
Two more ball games for this guy....
Summer is in FULL swing and it's about to get B-U-S-Y!

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Mud and puddles aren't just for the boys

Like I said in my previous post, we planted 22 new trees around our property, and my job is to water them.  I've prayed for rain!!!!   Yesterday, there was a threat of rain all day.  I kept holding out that it would come.  I wanted/needed a day off from the blasted watering buckets.  Well, late afternoon we finally got some rain, probably not enough to justify me not watering, but some.  

I also thought the sprinkle might cancel Ford's 5:30 game.  No such luck.  It was nasty out there, so we all put on our rain boots and headed to the fields.  
Sister is like the red headed stepchild, even though she's a girl, she has to get the Bubba's old goods... Hence the rain boots.
She hasn't even been walking three months so I wouldn't say she's steady on her feet.  She falls.  She crashes.  She wrecks.  Fortunately for her, she's close to the ground and doesn't have far to fall.
But she falls.  In puddles.
It's ok though.  She never missed a beat.
She was all about stomping and splashing.  Sister would even let out a few squeals.
I really liked this dress.  She had leggings underneath.  I bought it from a friend who has a daughter that's older.  Unfortunately, the mud ruined it, and I'm sad.
But when you go headfirst into the puddle and you're shivering it's time to strip down and head home.
Two baths.  Round one was the rinse to get the mud, leaves, trash and other debris out of her hair and ears.  Round two was the actual cleaning.  Squeaky clean and ready to go!

Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...