Friday, September 13, 2013

15 Months old

John Brantley
Weight: 20.5 lbs.- 5th percentile
Height:  30 ¼ in. – 25th percentile
Head Circumference:  48 ½ cm – 75th percentile
Weight:  22.5 lbs. -25th percentile
Height:  31 in. – 30th percentile
Head Circumference: 48 cm- 75th percentile

John Brantley is 15 months old today.  He is changing every day and learning new stuff.  I am so fortunate to be able to stay at home with him and watch him grow. 

Yesterday we went to the doctor for his 15 month checkup and shots.  Today he has been running around 101 fever all day.  I am hoping it’s from the shots and he’s not coming down with something.  

Always on the go….

 He loves his car!
(I know you love those towels in my chairs in the background).  
 My child normally only gets milk and water to drink.  Today he had some Gatorade.  He sucked it down!
 Mosquito bites on his face….

John Brantley Facts:

Diapers:  Luvs size 3
Shoe Size: 3 or 4
Teeth: 9, but it looks like #10 is coming in very soon
Bed time: Anywhere from 7:00-8:00
Naps:  He still takes 2 naps; one in the morning about 2 hours after he gets up and another about 1:00.  He sleeps anywhere from 1 ½ to 2 hours at each nap.
Mornings:  He wakes up anywhere from 6:15 to 7:15
Talking:  Not much.  He can very clearly say “bye bye” and will wave to you.  He can say da-da, Momma, De-ta (Delta).  He has made the “F” sound for Ford, and ba-ba for ball.  Other than that he says “Daaaa” and points to things, or just squeals until you understand what he wants.  Although he can’t talk much he communicates quite well and understands about 90% of what I say to him.

Likes: animals, milk, Ford, balls, Delta, outside, the battery powered tractor, sprinklers, the sandbox, popsicles, drinks, swimming, bath time, sweets, mowing the yard with Daddy, trains, pictures of animals, feeding himself, rocking before naps and bedtime, and waving to people.

Dislikes: changing his diaper, shots, putting on clothes, coming inside after playing outside, when the tractor battery dies, the nursery at church, most food, sharing toys with Ford, and getting out of the bath tub.

Food:  Being that he is in the 5th percentile, he doesn't eat too much food.  He will, however, eat shredded cheese, French fries, ice cream, chicken, peas (sometimes), pizza, granola bars, squeeze fruit and vegetables packs, rice, spaghetti, noodles, junk food, anything sweet, BBQ, sausage muffins, and cereal.

Pitching a fit…
John Brantley doesn't sleep in our bed and never has.  He loves his bed and the two stuffed animals in there.  
 “Looooook Momma!!!!”
Ford got this John Deere tractor for his second birthday.  He has loved tractors as long as I can remember and we knew he would love this.  We were right.  Well, for Christmas he got a 4-wheeler which has taken the place of the tractor.  John Brantley has quickly learned to operate it and cruises through the yard daily.  He can’t steer yet, but he knows how to make it go.  Therefore, I get to walk beside him and guide his way.
He never drinks out of a bottle, but Ford thought he needed one today.
The nightly entertainment while I tried to fix supper.  And Trey wonders why I don’t cook fancy 5 course meals!
You know I probably shouldn't rock this little guy to sleep every time, but he’s so stinking cute and is growing up so fast that I can’t help it.  He MUST have his sack before he goes to bed.  (That is a sleep sack that he used to sleep in during the winter.  Now he cuddles with it).  
Happy 15 months to our precious baby, Bitty!!!!  

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