Friday, September 20, 2013

"E" is for epidermis

There are some people in life that I would deem to be a professional of some particular skill, sport, or knowledge of some sort.  I've never thought of myself as a professional until recently.  I am definitely a professional kid’s birthday party attendee and as of late I have become a professional at taking my child to the doctor.

Last Thursday I took Bitty to get his 15 month checkup and shots.  On Friday he was running fever so I called the nurse and she said it was just the shots.  Meanwhile on Friday I started feeling blah.  I had been feeling sort of bad for a few weeks.  Well, low and behold I have a kidney infection.  Friday night was MISERABLE!!!  I painted my toe nails, cleaned out the frig, did laundry, loaded and unloaded the dishwasher, all the while feeling the urge to go to the bathroom until 3:00 AM.  Saturday morning John Brantley woke up with 101.4 fever.  I had basically been up all night dealing with my own issues so at 7:00 AM we headed back to Memphis to the doctor.  Diagnosis: the shots.  He continued to run fever on Saturday and by Sunday he was still sick and coughing.  It was a funny cough.  It almost sounded like a seal barking.  Monday morning at 7:00 AM we headed back to Memphis.  Diagnosis: Croup.  Croup is some BAD stuff.

Monday afternoon the boys and I headed to Jackson for a visit at Puddin’s house.  On Wednesday he was still sick so I took him to the ER at the Children’s Hospital in Jackson.  So we went to the doctor on Thursday, Saturday, Monday, and Wednesday.  I am definitely qualified to be a professional at taking my kids to the doctor. 

At the ER…. He hated the hospital bracelet.
Some more sick Bitty pictures….so pitiful.
I had big plans of things to do while on our trip to Jackson, but between two naps a day for John Brantley and a day trip to the ER, we didn't get a lot done.  However, we did squeeze in some putt-putt golf on Tuesday night with our pal, Miss Taylor!
 Ford got to go first hitting the ball because it took him a while.  I’m terrible at putt-putt.  Taylor beat me 53-71.
Soccer has begun and it’s going about like tee-ball did.  Ford isn't aggressive, or competitive, or into focusing on something not of his choosing for more than 5 seconds.  I truly believe at one game he was making shapes, in his mind, out of the clouds.  Let’s just say that no one should feel threatened by our #5!!! 
Yep, see here…. Looking at the clouds!
I believe Gatorade is his favorite part of soccer, Bitty’s too.  This mean momma won’t give her boys juice too often. 
Ford’s class has been studying the letter “E” at school this week.  I like to talk about what they are learning at school while we are at home.  We were naming stuff that started with “E” and I told him to go to school and tell his teachers that “epidermis” started with an “E”.  He did and I think he was real proud of himself.  Trey told me to stop making our kids weird!!!!!

I got a text from Ford’s teacher that said, “Ford said John Brantley had to go to the hospital because he was barking.  Is he ok??”  I LAUGHED soooooooooo much.  I guess Ford heard us saying he was barking like a seal a few too many times!
 John Brantley doesn't say much other than a few words here and there.  He does a lot of squealing and yelling.  He gets his point across very clearly to us what he needs.  He is big into telling on Ford.  If Ford doesn't share, does something ugly to him, or hurts him I can hear Bitty start crying.  Next, I hear the little pitter patter of his feet coming to let me know that something isn't just right with him.  He starts jabbering in what sounds like Japanese and using that index finger to point towards Ford.
 Puddin read my blog post about the matching pajamas and bought the boys 3 new pairs!!!!!!  We will be styling and profiling now!  Thanks Puh!
 John Brantley knows who our dog is, and I used to believe that he knew her name was Delta.  Lately he points to her and says “Baaa”.  It didn't click with me until today that he is yelling at her and calling her “bad”!!!!  Trey and I are constantly getting onto Delta for eating the boys’ food, getting on the couch, or playing in the trash.  I guess John Brantley will call her “bad” or “Baaa” now too!!!!!
We are on the mend!!!

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Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

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