Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Who's the Boss?

Do you remember the TV show called “Who’s the Boss”?  Well at our house we have a boss as well.  It’s not Trey, Ford, Delta, or myself.  It’s Toto.  Toto pretty much plans out my day for me.  For instance, yesterday I woke up at 5:00 A.M. for school and this was upsetting to Toto.  She insisted that I lie down on the bathroom floor for a while and feel bad.  Usually Toto likes for me to get in bed early evening while Ford watches “Bob the Builder” and then I go to sleep at 7ish.  I feel like a drug addict because I took Zofran until I became immune to it and now I am on to Phenergan.  The whole deal of “morning sickness” doesn’t apply to me because I feel bad pretty much all day long.
On Thanksgiving we went to my parent’s house.  The day went well until I ate lunch.  I felt bad and we had to go home.  I did get some cute pictures before we left.

Our Elf on the Shelf, Elfie, has arrived.  Original name, I know.
I think it’s very important that Ford has special Christmas memories when he grows up.  So not only does he have a lovely strand of colored light hanging in his room, he also has his very own Christmas tree.
We even painted some ornaments for his tree.

If you remember I said that Ford decided he wanted a green sister.  Well, Aunt Ashley and the girls found Ford a baby Shrek doll and now he has a green sister.  She sleeps with him and I even saw him attempting to share his milk with her.  So sweet. 

Ford got invited to a farm/tractor birthday party last weekend and he had a LARGE time.
On the way home from the party we stopped by the Kroger.  No, not in Mayberry…. We aren’t that fancy.  Ford saw this dog cake and HAD TO HAVE IT.
My tree is up thanks to Puddin.  Ever year she has come to help me decorate, but this year I really don’t think one would be up if she didn’t help.  My drive to do things is at an all-time low.  Thank you Puddin!!!
And here is my Christmas tree skirt I worked on for about 3 months!!!!!
I went to the doctor last Monday (before our trip to the E.R.) and had my first ultra sound.   We have one baby in there and all is well.  I had actually lost 1 pound which was surprising considering the size of my belly.
Ford is better.  He lost 3 pounds while he had the bug and looks like a scrawny little man.  Keep me in your prayers.  I need to feel like the old Jill again.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

He didn't move

On Saturday morning after Ford got up he followed me into the bathroom and climbed up on the toilet to watch me put in my contacts.  The next thing I knew he had thrown up a little bit of milk.  I decided it was drainage and we went about our morning.  About thirty minutes later he completely unloaded in front of the frig.  I knew at this point it wasn’t drainage.  I used almost an entire roll of paper towels cleaning it up… all the while Ford is telling me how proud he is of me for cleaning it up.  We made it through the day without any more sickness until about midnight.  We literally almost ran out of sheets and pillows.
 Sunday the same routine happened again… sick twice in the AM then not until that night.  Monday when Ford woke up he threw up again this time accompanied with diarrhea.  I had an appointment and ultra sound and told Trey that he needed to take Ford to the doctor and just to let me go to mine alone.  We decided since the weather was bad we would all drive to Memphis together.  Ford literally didn’t utter a word the entire ride.  When we got there he was limp.  I quickly told the ladies up front I had a sick baby and to please get me back asap.
We were called back for my ultra sound within minutes.  I was so excited to see baby Toto and hear that he/she was healthy.  It was amazing that my 9 week old little one was moving around.  We got a picture, but I will spare you because Toto looks exactly like a peanut with one little arm sticking out.  We saw the doctor and left.
We called Ford’s pediatrician and they told us we couldn’t have an appointment until the afternoon.  By this point Trey and I were both worried because Ford started throwing up in the car.  We opted for Methodist Lebonheur’s ER.  They were great. 
We were called back right away.  All the rooms were full so they put Ford on a bed in the hall.  His cuteness was drawing lots of attention.  He fell asleep on the bed.  Then it was time for the IV.  We prepared all the nurses that it wasn’t going to be pretty.  They tied a thick orange rubber band around his arm to locate a vein.  Nothing.  They thumped his arm and tried to find a vein in his other arm.  Nothing.  Eventually after 30 minutes, five nurses and 2 sticks they found a vein and were able to draw some blood.  Ford never moved.  He never cried.  Oh, but I did!  I had to walk away.  His little body was so dehydrated the veins weren’t showing.  They finally got us into a room and I got to ride in the bed with him.  Within a few minutes he started to move and act like he was coming around.  We stayed there for 3.5 hours and were released. 
He has thrown up again today, but only once.  I hope this is the end of the terrible stomach bug.

Puddin has supplied us with food along with our Sunday school teachers.  Lucy and her mom brought Ford some cute pajamas and me some crazy socks.  Thanks everyone for taking care of us.  Hopefully next time I post Ford will be back to his spunky little self. 

Saturday, November 19, 2011

End to your day

One of the glorious perks to being a teacher is Thanksgiving break.  I have the entire week off, and it’s well deserved.  The last 3 weeks have been tough.  Being at school from 7:00-3:15 with 22 children and a case of 24/7 nausea are not a good mix.  The good news is, today is the first day I have been able to function without medicine.  I pray it continues. 
My group of Indians made some headbands at school yesterday. 
During our social studies lesson on Thursday we had an extensive conversation about the Englishmen coming to North America and settling in Jamestown.  I talked about how when they arrived it was basically woods.  They didn’t have a Wal-Mart, Fred’s, Walgreens, McDonalds etc.  We discussed how many died due to lack of shelter, illness, and starvation.  I really thought I was driving the point home and they understood.  One little girl raised her hand and said, “Mrs. Lamar, you mean to tell me they didn’t have no Popeye’s Chicken?”  All I could think was where did I go wrong!!!  Then we talked about how the Native Americans were the first people here and how no one in my class is 100% Indian.  I told them they should go home and ask where their ancestors came from.  One little guy raised his hand and said, “Mrs. Lamar, I know where I am from, Australia.  And also my ancestors are famous for finding out 5 new kinds of tarantulas.”  After that comment I was done and social studies was over.  Never a dull moment being a teacher.
After school Ford and I needed to go to Wal-Mart to buy a birthday gift for one of his friends.  Taking Ford to the toy section of Wal-Mart isn’t a smart idea.  He immediately needed to get out of the buggy when he saw this $60.00 fire truck that he REALLY needs Santa Claus to bring him.  He also needed about 35 other toys in the store.

Before I left school yesterday I took down all my Thanksgiving stuff and got out the few pieces of Christmas décor I have.  I had an extra strand of colored Christmas lights and they had Ford’s name ALL over them.  We hung them around his closet.  He is so proud and told me several times how pretty they were!   

Trey came home early from work yesterday.  I thought he was coming to see us, but he really wanted to go scope out the deer before opening morning of gun season.  So all of us piled in the truck to go to the farm.  Ford and Delta stayed in the back looking out the window.  As soon as Delta realized there were about 15 deer in the field she bailed out the window like a bullet to get her a deer.  Trey was screaming, Ford was crying, and I was laughing hysterically.  Any critter within a 2 mile radius was LONG gone.  Ford was so upset thinking his puppy dog was gone forever.  Trey finally caught her.  I haven’t laughed that hard in months!
I hope everyone has a lovely END to their day…….

Sunday, November 13, 2011


We’ve all seen the movie, The Wizard of Oz.  Dorothy, the main character, has a little dog named Toto in the movie.  Well, Toto isn’t only the dog in The Wizard of Oz, but Toto is also the name of our new baby… or so Ford says.  If you ask Ford what the baby’s name is he replies with “Toto” or sometimes I get “Baby Girl.”  If you ask about the baby being a boy… well, it’s not even a question.
Puddin recently got Ford a new outfit.  It’s precious.  A young girl who works in her building makes clothes and all the profits go to supporting her in the adoption of a baby.  I am very pleased with his outfit and the quality.  If you are interested check out Cassady Street. 

So I have hit the 8 week mark with the nugget.  I must say that most people would be impressed with the bump I have grown here. 
Who knew that something so small could completely take over your life?  My drive has completely been shot.  It looks as if a tornado has hit my house.  Trey keeps asking when the old Jill, the one he married and met 9 years ago, is going to come back.  I want that Jill back too, but I am not sure when that will happen.  I am trying to tell myself that all things happen for God’s glory and I don’t feel well for a reason.  I have to keep that as my focus.
The ginkgo tree is beautiful this time of year at our church.  After Ford’s nap today we went to get a few pictures. 

Fall 2009
Fall 2010
Fall 2011

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

M&M smile

Ford before church on Sunday. 
 He won’t always cooperate.
On Sunday our church had a Fall Festival.  Ford loved the bouncy slide.

Pregnancy so far….
Out of 24 hours each day I probably feel bad about 20 of them.  I am not trying to be Negative Nancy; I am just laying the facts out there for you.  I feel so different this time than I did with Ford.  With that being said I have decided this little nugget is a girl.
 Ford is dead set on the baby being a girl.  He won’t have any part of us talking about a boy or a brother.  He keeps telling me to open my stomach so he can see her.  I try to explain to him that it will be a very long time before she comes out.  There is already a lot of love there for this baby because he said when she comes he will give her his little tractor.  NOW THAT IS LOVE PEOPLE!!!!!
I will be 8 weeks this weekend and I am already 100% in maternity pants.  I guess this body just knows what to do.  I am poking out kind of far which still makes me concerned that I could have multiple babies in there!!!
I have had several people ask me if we are going to build on our new land now that I am pregnant.  The answer is no.  I am just not ready to go into the long and stressful process of building a house.  We have decided to enclose our back porch to make another bedroom.  We never use our back porch and it’s the perfect place for a nursery.  I will also be upgrading to a more family friendly ride than the Accord within a few months as well.  Don’t jump to conclusions, because I don’t think I am the minivan type, but maybe a nice SUV.  I know you minivan moms will probably give me some feedback on how much you love yours.  I know my sister in-law loves her ride!!!
I really hope my zest for life comes back soon.  Poor Trey is lonely since I am getting in bed some nights before 7:00.  I just feel so icky that sleeping is the only thing that helps.  My house is a mess, the laundry needs to be done, and I haven’t cooked in a while.  It’s times like this that I need my momma!!!!
The Lord really knows what I need.  Lucy and my friend, Drew, have volunteered to come and play with Ford so I can rest or get some housework done.  And my mom said she would provide us with some supper!  Ohhh thank you all!!!!!!

Nothing like a Big Brother smile with M&M’s all in your teeth!!!!

Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...