Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Dang It

It’s only Tuesday and it feels like it should be Friday.  I am telling you… teaching can wear a woman out.  My students do say some funny things.  The other day we were lining up for recess.  One of my little boys said, “Mrs. Lamar your earrings sure are pretty.  They remind me of the color of your eyes.”  My earrings were black.  Was he suggesting I am evil????  Another afternoon we were doing our social studies lesson and I was referring to my map of North America on the wall.  Someone raised their hand and said “What is that green above the United States?”  I told him it was Canada.  He responded, “Is that where Santa Clause lives?”  I was without words and continued on with me lesson!

Pops has been in the hospital since last Friday.  We are hoping that he can come home tomorrow.  While they have been away Ford has been watching after things at their house.  He went to mow...

To check the pool water…
While he was working he decided to sport Uncle Vance’s sunglasses…        

  And you can’t mow Pop’s yard without wearing his ear muffs. 

I saw this bumper sticker the other day.  I do miss you George…
Yesterday was week 3 of my Christmas tree skirt class.  The class was only supposed to last 3 weeks, yet no one finished.  I still have to do my backing.  Who knows how long that could take me?  This part took 6 hours…
The other day Puddin and Taylor (Puddin’s law clerk) were at my house with Ford while he ate lunch.  Ford burped and Puddin said Ford remember our good manners.  What do you say if you burp?  Ford said “DANG IT”.  I think we still have some work to do on our manners.  And yes, Mother of the Year again!!!!  I could have said worse around him.

Need a cute gift?  Try here… HoneyBeeGifts

Sunday, August 28, 2011

I think it's okay

I think it’s okay to bribe your children.  No, of course not all the time, but there does come a time when bribery is necessary.    Sleeping for instance is a big bribe issue in the Lamar household.  I believe you can tell that our nightly routine still isn’t going too smoothly.  Now it’s the waking up in the middle of the night that is killing me.
 Ford loves tractors.  Love might not even be a strong enough word for his feelings towards the big machines.  So, with that in mind, I decided to bribe him with big tractors if he would sleep.  I would say he sleeps through the night about 3 nights a week.  The other 4 I am up at some point or points during the night.  The other night he slept through the night so when I got home from work we walked down the big hill, across the train tracks, and through this junk yard to ride the “big lellow tractor” (as he calls it).

He likes to eat his breakfast sitting on the counter.  One day we had cinnamon rolls instead of our usual, Lucky Charms.  (I know my oven mitts need to be washed).

Ford thinks he is 25 and can do whatever he pleases.  On this very day a sippie cup was not an option.  He wanted a big boy cup.  Needless to say, his spastic little self spilt the water everywhere. 

After his bath

He is weighing in at 28 pounds now.
He worries about other people’s happiness.  I get the “Momma you happy?” question lots of times a day.  If someone says they are sad he will continue to ask them about it until they agree to be happy.
He is still “Mr. Independent” and throws fits when I do something for him.  He says “Me do it!”
He is afraid of loud noises.  The other day he shut his bedroom door and I was scared he was going to lock himself in there. So of course I “lied” and told him if he locked the door I would have to call someone with loud machines to get him out!  He hasn’t tried to close it again.
He thinks all bugs are “bad bugs”.
It has recently begun that he doesn’t want to wear certain clothes.  I thought that was just something girls did.  We had a “disagreement” the other day that he wanted to wear his Cubs shirt to a dinner deal we had to attend and I wouldn’t let him.  Then he started pulling out all these other t-shirts and was pitching a fit about the outfit I picked out.
The “WHY” questioning has started.  I asked Trey where it came from and he told me he told him about that word.  I told Trey he could sleep outside.  Ford will ask “why” and when I give him an answer it isn’t good enough.  He must ask “why” 7498735704378 more times.  If you don’t respond he screams “Answer me momma!”
Ford doesn’t watch TV very often.  Not really at all.  He is too busy playing with his tractors.

Friday Pops (Trey’s dad) went to the doctor because he wasn’t feeling well.  It turns out he has blood clots on his lungs.  He is still in the hospital.  Please pray for him. 

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Big Boy beds are for the birds

I feel like I haven’t blogged in forever.  We have been busy around here plus getting up at 5:00 every morning for school can wear a woman out.  Speaking of school, Ford loves it.  I believe he is the teacher’s pet.  She rocks him to sleep each afternoon and to my knowledge no one else gets rocked.  One day last week she told me that when she was carrying him he tee teed all over her.  They insisted that he wear big boy underwear to school and so big boy underwear he wore.  When I picked him up that afternoon he had on a diaper again!!!!!!
Ford playing with BoomPa
We have been transitioning Ford’s room into a big boy room.  His baby bed has been out of his room for over two weeks now.  The only problem is that it is still up in our house, just in the front living room (Trey needs to take it down).  At night time he cries to sleep in his baby bed.  I have to lie down or rock him to sleep.  He is constantly waking up at night and screaming for me.  I believe he woke up 3 times last night.  I can’t continue to wake up at all hours of the night and still manage to get up at 5:00 to start my day.  Do you spank them if they won’t go to sleep on their own and wake up all night?  Do you continue to wear yourself out by lying down with them every night for up to an hour and get up every time they scream at night?  Do you ignore it and pretend they aren’t yelling at the top of their lungs for you and kid yourself into thinking you can sleep through the madness???  I need some advice?????!!!!!!

We have been painting furniture for Ford’s room.  Two weeks ago Puddin and I were painting away while Trey and Vance (Trey’s brother) cut Pop’s yard.  After he finished Trey INSISTED that I sit on this lawn mower.  I told him no.  He pestered me to death until I gave in.  I sat down and he insisted that I drive it.  No sooner than they words “I can’t drive this thing” came out of my mouth I spun around and took off into the bushes.  I nearly died.  It was hilarious.  That lawn mower was tricky.  I thought Pops might kill me because he loves his yard.  The bush kept me from hitting the house!!!!!

Sunday we went to Germantown to Baby Jack’s baby dedication.  Ford was wild all weekend and it was basically disastrous for us to even try to take him to something like that.  We saw only a couple of babies before we had to spend our evening in the hallway.

I am taking another sewing class.  This is a three week project.  I have already completed two weeks.  I am making a Christmas tree skirt.  He is some of my project…

Hopefully I will be done by next week!

I must sleep now for I do not know when the little man will start his yelling.

He did it for Pops

I have been contemplating how to write this e-mail for about two weeks now.  When your family receives less than favorable news it can be very upsetting at first.  What am I talking about?  Well, several weeks ago Pops (Trey’s dad) was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.
This was a complete shock to our family since he wasn’t feeling bad and is in very good health.  Now I only know what I have been told by my family (I am not an internet researcher) and many aspects of this form of cancer aren’t great.  However, we are all remaining positive and praying that the chemo puts his cancer into remission.  Pops is a fighter and one of the strongest men I know.  I have faith that God will do his will and heal Mr. Johnny so that he can be around to ride Ford on his tractor for many more years to come.
The chemo will supposedly make your hair fall out.  Pops has a fine head of hair and wasn’t looking forward to losing it.  My husband wanted to show his dad that going bald (or almost) isn’t so bad.  Two weeks ago Trey shaved his head for his dad.

Mr. Johnny we love you with all of our hearts.  You are a fighter and this caner won’t win.  Lots of prayers are going up for you each and every day.  Stay strong and trust in the Lord. 

Sunday, August 14, 2011

School and the fair

Well, Mr. Ford started preschool last week.  No, I didn’t cry, it didn’t even cross my mind to cry.  He was so excited about going and all of his new accessories (especially his nap mat) that I was just too happy for him to cry.  He doesn’t start school until after I have to be at work so I got to go in a few minutes late.  It was important for me to document the occasion so I could blog about it you know!

Before leaving for school….

I might be biased, but I think he is the cutest kid I have ever seen with a backpack!!

At meet the teacher it became very evident to Ford that the room was lacking in the tractor department so we donated one of our 16 to the cause…

There is nothing like a little brownie batter and raw egg to make a body feel good…. 
Last night we went to the Tate County Fair.  I had never been before and told Trey we definitely needed to go.  Ford saw all the rides and quickly began telling us he needed to ride them.  This was ride #1… the fire truck. 
On the first time around he said “I ride fire truck.”  By the second time around he had a concerned look on his face.

And round three he was crying and they had to stop the ride and let him off. 

His mood was settled when we went to see his favorite babysitter, Lucy, in the Miss Preteen Tate County Pageant!!  She won second place!!!!!!! 

Then we ate some healthy fair food like French fires, corn dogs on a stick and you can’t leave that place without a funnel cake.  Ford then spotted a Dumbo elephant ride that he needed to try out….

I have no clue who the little girl sitting next to him was, but she didn’t offer much comfort because we got the same results on Dumbo that we got on the fire truck ride. 
The Dumbo ride had to be stopped as well.
Ford did enjoy going down the slide with Daddy though!

I have been working on manners with Ford lately.  We have been going over.. .
Please and Thank You.  Yes ma’am and no ma’am.  Yes sir and no sir.  Bless you.  And I’m sorry.
School is going good.  There is A LOT OF paperwork and grading that I could do without, but my children are sweet.  On Thursday at 12:00 I started grading papers and by Friday at 2:00 (26 hours) I was finished.  I graded 198 papers most of which were front and back.  SHOOT me now!!!!!!
Tomorrow I am starting on another sewing project.  I am not tackling this alone.  I am taking a Christmas tree skirt class for the next 3 Mondays.  I will blog about my progress.   I think it’s going to be really cute!!!

Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...