Sunday, August 28, 2011

I think it's okay

I think it’s okay to bribe your children.  No, of course not all the time, but there does come a time when bribery is necessary.    Sleeping for instance is a big bribe issue in the Lamar household.  I believe you can tell that our nightly routine still isn’t going too smoothly.  Now it’s the waking up in the middle of the night that is killing me.
 Ford loves tractors.  Love might not even be a strong enough word for his feelings towards the big machines.  So, with that in mind, I decided to bribe him with big tractors if he would sleep.  I would say he sleeps through the night about 3 nights a week.  The other 4 I am up at some point or points during the night.  The other night he slept through the night so when I got home from work we walked down the big hill, across the train tracks, and through this junk yard to ride the “big lellow tractor” (as he calls it).

He likes to eat his breakfast sitting on the counter.  One day we had cinnamon rolls instead of our usual, Lucky Charms.  (I know my oven mitts need to be washed).

Ford thinks he is 25 and can do whatever he pleases.  On this very day a sippie cup was not an option.  He wanted a big boy cup.  Needless to say, his spastic little self spilt the water everywhere. 

After his bath

He is weighing in at 28 pounds now.
He worries about other people’s happiness.  I get the “Momma you happy?” question lots of times a day.  If someone says they are sad he will continue to ask them about it until they agree to be happy.
He is still “Mr. Independent” and throws fits when I do something for him.  He says “Me do it!”
He is afraid of loud noises.  The other day he shut his bedroom door and I was scared he was going to lock himself in there. So of course I “lied” and told him if he locked the door I would have to call someone with loud machines to get him out!  He hasn’t tried to close it again.
He thinks all bugs are “bad bugs”.
It has recently begun that he doesn’t want to wear certain clothes.  I thought that was just something girls did.  We had a “disagreement” the other day that he wanted to wear his Cubs shirt to a dinner deal we had to attend and I wouldn’t let him.  Then he started pulling out all these other t-shirts and was pitching a fit about the outfit I picked out.
The “WHY” questioning has started.  I asked Trey where it came from and he told me he told him about that word.  I told Trey he could sleep outside.  Ford will ask “why” and when I give him an answer it isn’t good enough.  He must ask “why” 7498735704378 more times.  If you don’t respond he screams “Answer me momma!”
Ford doesn’t watch TV very often.  Not really at all.  He is too busy playing with his tractors.

Friday Pops (Trey’s dad) went to the doctor because he wasn’t feeling well.  It turns out he has blood clots on his lungs.  He is still in the hospital.  Please pray for him. 

1 comment:

heatherstockett said...

No judgement here...bribery works amazingly well :)

I love that last pic of Ford!

Hope Trey's dad gets better soon. Will be praying for him.

Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...