Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Big Boy beds are for the birds

I feel like I haven’t blogged in forever.  We have been busy around here plus getting up at 5:00 every morning for school can wear a woman out.  Speaking of school, Ford loves it.  I believe he is the teacher’s pet.  She rocks him to sleep each afternoon and to my knowledge no one else gets rocked.  One day last week she told me that when she was carrying him he tee teed all over her.  They insisted that he wear big boy underwear to school and so big boy underwear he wore.  When I picked him up that afternoon he had on a diaper again!!!!!!
Ford playing with BoomPa
We have been transitioning Ford’s room into a big boy room.  His baby bed has been out of his room for over two weeks now.  The only problem is that it is still up in our house, just in the front living room (Trey needs to take it down).  At night time he cries to sleep in his baby bed.  I have to lie down or rock him to sleep.  He is constantly waking up at night and screaming for me.  I believe he woke up 3 times last night.  I can’t continue to wake up at all hours of the night and still manage to get up at 5:00 to start my day.  Do you spank them if they won’t go to sleep on their own and wake up all night?  Do you continue to wear yourself out by lying down with them every night for up to an hour and get up every time they scream at night?  Do you ignore it and pretend they aren’t yelling at the top of their lungs for you and kid yourself into thinking you can sleep through the madness???  I need some advice?????!!!!!!

We have been painting furniture for Ford’s room.  Two weeks ago Puddin and I were painting away while Trey and Vance (Trey’s brother) cut Pop’s yard.  After he finished Trey INSISTED that I sit on this lawn mower.  I told him no.  He pestered me to death until I gave in.  I sat down and he insisted that I drive it.  No sooner than they words “I can’t drive this thing” came out of my mouth I spun around and took off into the bushes.  I nearly died.  It was hilarious.  That lawn mower was tricky.  I thought Pops might kill me because he loves his yard.  The bush kept me from hitting the house!!!!!

Sunday we went to Germantown to Baby Jack’s baby dedication.  Ford was wild all weekend and it was basically disastrous for us to even try to take him to something like that.  We saw only a couple of babies before we had to spend our evening in the hallway.

I am taking another sewing class.  This is a three week project.  I have already completed two weeks.  I am making a Christmas tree skirt.  He is some of my project…

Hopefully I will be done by next week!

I must sleep now for I do not know when the little man will start his yelling.

1 comment:

jillemersonbell said...

Hey Jill! Love reading your blog. If it makes you feel any better, I went through the EXACT same thing with Carter after we had to make him give up his thumb. We had to lay with him until he fell asleep and then he would still wake up several times in the night. Here is what I did: I would read him a few books, say a prayer, and say, I'll be right back to check on you. I started out by leaving for only one or two seconds at a time. The next night, I would leave for about ten seconds, then 30 seconds at a time the next night until I eventually got to where I was only checking on him about every 15 minutes. He eventually learned that I was going to continue to come back and check on him, so he would just fall asleep when I was out of the room. It took about two weeks to build up to it though. If at any point, he didn't want me to leave at all, I would sit in a chair in his room for a few minutes and then say I had to go to the bathroom and that I would be right back and then I would start all over. I hope that helps some! It was a miracle worker for us. Now Carter is very secure in his bed and knows I am in the house and will check on him until I know he is asleep. Good luck!

Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...