Friday, January 29, 2010

Toot Toot

Let’s just start off by saying that I had no intentions of blogging today since I don’t have a lot to say, but the fact that so many people tell me that they read my blog made me want to write. I had several people say something to me this week about reading my blog and how much they enjoy it. I find that humorous. I would never consider myself to be a good writer, I know I make a lot of mistakes (I don’t proof read), and the majority of the time I ramble on about nonsense. But the fact that I have had people tell me they enjoy reading my blog made me want to write tonight. Even one of my former students put my blog as an icon on her computer. Bless you, Lucy!!! Okay now that I tooted my horn lets move on….

We were out of school today for yet another snow day. I can see where this one might have been necessary since ice was involved and we don’t need anyone wrecking out there. Ford and I enjoyed a nice morning at home. Actually we went to McDonald’s for breakfast at 7:15. We didn’t go inside since I was in my robe!!! He enjoyed the ride even though it was 30 degrees outside.

I still can’t believe my little man will be 9 months old on Monday. Where does the time go???? He is sooooooo much fun. I just can’t imagine my life without him anymore.

Here are some Ford facts….
On Monday he weighed 19.4 pounds
He started rolling over before 8 weeks
He started eating rice cereal at 4 months
He started crawling at about 5 ½ months
He started walking behind a walker on Christmas Eve
He has 2 teeth. Tooth #1 came in on December 27th followed by #2 on January 6
He loves loves loves to eat and we have begun to feed him small amounts of table food
He can hold his own sippy cup
He wears size 3 diapers and mostly 9 months clothes
He loves a bath and will squeal with delight when he realizes its bath time
He can wave. He turns his wrist towards himself to wave
His first word was “a boo”
I have heard him say “bye” and I think he has said “Momma”
He loves Delta, but she does not share the same love for him
He is fascinated with keys, cell phones, remote controls, and cords
He is on the move 99.9 percent of the time he is awake
He is such a happy baby

Here are some earlier pictures of Ford


½ cup mayonnaise
2 teaspoons dried Italian seasoning
8 slices whole grain bread
6 ounces packages pepperoni
1 ½ cups (6 ounces) shredded mozzarella cheese

Combine mayonnaise and Italian seasonings; spread half of mixture evenly on 1 side of bread slices.
Layer pepperoni and cheese on mayonnaise side of 4 bread slices; top with remaining bread slices, mayonnaise side down.
Spread half of remaining mayonnaise mixture on tops of sandwiches. Place sandwiches, mayonnaise side down, in a hot griddle or large nonstick skillet. Cook over medium heat until bread is browned. Spread remaining mayonnaise mixture on ungrilled sides of sandwiches; turn and cool until sandwiches are browned. Yield: 4 servings

Monday, January 25, 2010

The Way To My Heart

Not a lot has been happening around the Lamar household. Since I killed that HUGE deer and all I guess God needed to bring me back down to Earth and not let me get the big head!!! HA! Wait now, I can think of some big news. I am not sure if any of you remember what I had on my Christmas list, but one of the things was to have my house professionally cleaned… meaning by someone other than myself. IT HAPPENED last week. I call Puddin’s cleaning lady and she said she could come. When I opened the door after school last Wednesday and the aroma of lots of cleaning products hit my nose like a Beagle on a rabbit’s trail, I was excited. I grabbed Ford up out of his car seat and we inspected the house. Who knew a toilet and sink could sparkle so much? Not me!!! I was beyond thrilled. Even though we managed to junk the living room back up with all of Ford’s toys I was still one happy woman. Having someone else clean my house is a big way to win my heart over!!!

I took Ford to the doctor last Monday for his third ear infection. My mom, Gran, came down and kept him 2 days last week so Trey and I could go to work. Thanks mom!!! I think he needs tubes, but it looks like we will have to suffer thru a few more infections until we get the green light to go see an ENT specialist.

My new job is going really well. Who would have thought that I could branch out from my 8 and 9 year olds and manage with high school kids? It’s a whole different ballgame over there now. I really miss having my own classroom and being with my third graders, but it’s really nice not to have to grade papers, prepare lesson plans, worry about state testing etc.
Trey started teaching a class at the local community college in town. He is teaching Wills and Estates, and has the pleasure of spending his evening with 5 women. They may teach him a thing or two! Ford and I are proud of Professor Lamar!!!!!


2 to 3 cans chicken broth
2 cups water
½ cup uncooked rice
½ cup celery slices
½ cup carrot slices (or chopped)
2 cups chopped cooked chicken
¾ cup Velveeta cheese

Combine broth, water, rice, celery, and carrots. Cover and simmer 20-25 minutes or until vegetables and rice are tender. Add remaining ingredients. Stir until cheese is melted. Pepper Jack cheese is also good to add some flavor.

I recommend this recipe!! It’s delicious. It’s one of my mother in-laws specialties.

We locked him out of the cabinets
I just noticed that Ford is in his pajamas in every picture. I promise we do dress the child everyday!

Monday, January 18, 2010

The Mighty Deer Slayer

The redneck came out in me pretty strong yesterday. Before I begin lets get this straight… I found the redneck inside of me when I married Trey. He insists that I do things such as hunt, ride 4-wheelers, wear camouflage, look at bean fields, cook deer meat, and own 4 pair of boots, etc. Yes, I have 3 pair of cowboy boots and a pair of hunting boots for stomping thru the mud. Back to what I was saying… the redneck came out yesterday. Trey wanted me to go hunting since I hadn’t shot my new gun he brought me this year. It’s a 7mm08 for anyone who knows anything about guns. He and I set out on our nature hunt fairly late and stomped and squished thru the mud until we arrived at the deer stand well after 4:00. For any of you hunters out there you know that is late!! We sat, looked, listened, wiggled, talked, used binoculars, and wondered WHERE ARE THE DEER! Finally 3 does came out and I had my sights set on the big one. I told Trey I was nervous since I hadn’t shot my new gun… not even to practice. My heart started to pound and I got this uneasy feeling that the gun is going to pop back and give me a black eye and I would miss my deer. Well, I had her right on the money thru my scope and then BOOM I shot her and she dropped. That means I hit her good and she didn’t run off. I think I scared Trey because I didn’t warn him I was about to shoot. I just did! After a few minutes Trey climbed down from the deer stand to walk back to his truck to get the 4-wheeler. While he was gone I heard and shot and will you know he also killed a deer. He lucked out and got an 8 point. I would have mounted that sucker over my bed if I had shot him. Kidding… redneck again!

I can rid myself of the camo and dress nicely for a wedding!! Trey and I went to Jackson last weekend for one of his good friend’s weddings. It was lots of fun. Puddin and Pops kept Ford so we could enjoy ourselves without the worry of what to do with Fordster.
"M" cookies for Mr. and Mrs. McLeod

The Lamars and the Crocketts

I like to burn candles in my house, but can’t stand the way they smell when you blow them out. I have to put them outside….

Ford has another ear infection. Being that today is MLK Day and I do not work on that day I was able to take him to the doctor. It’s getting border line ridiculous that we have had 3 ear infections in the past few weeks. I asked about tubes and got the RED light on that idea. The doctor said not yet. I guess until then he will have to suffer from a runny nose, stuffy/achy ears, and yucky medicine which results in SEVERE diaper rash. It’s a lose-lose situation.

Playing with Uncle Vance

Reading the mail

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Welcome back Mrs. Lamar, Welcome Back

God definitely has a sense of humor. I have found this to be true in the last few weeks. He decided he wanted me to go back to work which broke my heart at first thinking of leaving Ford. Once I stepped back into teaching I felt at home once again. As many of you know, I taught third grade in Jackson and third grade again in Senatobia. I was at home all of the fall and then became an interventionist or a “glorified tutor” for second graders. Now my friends, there is a big difference between second and third graders… also I was at a different school than last year which was yet another adjustment. I, myself, do not like change. I get settled into a routine and feel all comfortable and like things to run smoothly.

So the last week and a half I have been working with my second graders on their reading skills. It was an easy job and a nice way to transition back into the working world. Well, on Monday, the superintendent approached me about a full time job. I accepted the “new” job and now I work at the HIGH SCHOOL!!!!!! Yes, I am a Special Ed teacher at the HIGH SCHOOL!!!!!!

This is how day #1 went down…

I pull up at 7:16 and no other teachers are there???????? I was at work last year at 6:45 and we HAD to be there by 7:10. I was a bit confused and went to my hall duty. The kids were definitely looking at me like I was a sub. At the beginning of the day the sped kids that are not my kids, came into the room to watch channel 1. Who knew that was still on???? I got some too close for comfort love from one student. After channel 1 I went to Mississippi Studies with 9th graders. I have 2 kids in there. Second period I have “tutorial” where I am alone with 4 students. I am supposed to help them with their work. The girl asked if I could help her with her math. It was all kinds of stuff like finding the volume, circumference, area and all kinds of stuff. I have not done pre-algebra since 8th grade. I survived that. Third period is my planning period. Since my room has NO HEAT I left and went to the middle school. Ahhhhhhhh home… That is where I taught last year. I am in an inclusion class with third graders. I just pull about 6 kids and go over work with them. Then I leave there at 2:00 and go back to the high school for BIOLOGY! Yes… haven’t done that since 9th grade either. My biology teacher’s name was Mrs. Polk and her hair looked like a Cheeha Pet… (however you spell it). All I remember about that class is dissecting stuff and hanging my head out the window. Luckily, I didn’t have to go to biology today since they were short on subs so I was the CHORAL TEACHER!!!!! I quickly told those darlings (8th graders) that I was not singing for them and they should do their homework or visit quietly.

Who would have thought that I would teach high school? I look like a high schooler!!!! More to come on my new job as it progresses. I survived day 1… PRAY FOR ME!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

They Would Laugh At Us

You know I bet the Northerners would have a good laugh over the fact that us Mississippi people basically shut down today because of a little snow. I am NOT complaining… I love being at home with my little man. We have had a very productive day and even run a few errands. I am not quite sure how I am going to do all my errands, cleaning, mommy duties, wifely duties, and work. Hats off to all working moms!!! Ya’ll are really good. I have got to figure out how to balance all of this.

Yesterday Trey took Ford to the sitter’s house and I went on to work. When I left at 7:45 Ford’s bag was packed and all Trey had to do was put his clothes on him. Now dressing Ford is no easy task I will confess, but it’s not something someone with a college degree, law degree, and masters of law degree shouldn’t be able to tackle. The sitter lives about 2 to 3 minutes away and then Trey’s office is about 2 minutes from her house. He said he didn’t get to work until 8:30!!! What did he do for 45 minutes is what I want to know!!!!!??? Oh the joys of parenthood!!!


2 cups chopped cooked chicken
1 (10 ¾ ounce) can cream of mushroom soup
1 (10 ounce) package frozen chopped spinach, thawed and well drained (get the kind of the box…not the bag)
2 cups (8ounces) shredded cheddar cheese
1 (6 ounce) jar sliced mushrooms, drained (optional)
¼ teaspoon pepper
1 cup sour cream
6 lasagna noodles cooked and drained (I use no boil noodles)
1 cup grated parmesan cheese
¾ cup to 1 cup chopped pecans (I do not put them in mine)

Stir together chicken and next 6 ingredients.
Arrange 3 noodles in a lightly greased 11 x 7 inch baking dish; top with half chicken mixture. Repeat layers with remaining noodles and chicken mixture. Sprinkle with parmesan cheese and pecans. Bake cover at 350 for 45 minutes

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

It was like I left him to go to Iraq

On New Years Eve Trey and I went to Oxford and he took back half of the Christmas presents I bought him and got different stuff. No biggie… I didn’t mind. We then met up with a group of friends and ate on the Square at Waltz. It was good food and good times, but we had to be home before midnight or we might turn into pumpkins!!! We celebrated the 7th year of our meeting, rung in the New Year at home, and went to sleep. We are so much fun!
No, I didn’t make any New Years resolutions. What’s the point??? Why not better yourself all during the year.

I have been far too busy lately panicking about going back to WORK than to make any New Years resolutions. I am sure a lot of you already knew I was back in the workforce while others might be a bit surprised. This whole new job deal has been in the works for more than a month. I chose to not discuss the issue just yet, being that it’s a sensitive topic.

I am back in the school, but not as a classroom teacher. I taught at the middle school and now I am at the elementary working as an interventionist…better known as a glorified tutor. It’s really not a bad job. I am only there 6 ½ hours whereas a regular teacher must be there 8 hours. I do not have duty, no lesson plans, no grading of papers, no parents to deal with (yet), no state testing…etc. I am strictly working with 11 second graders one on one for 30 minutes at a time and then I return them to their classroom. Not too bad.

What is bad is leaving my little man. Trey and I went together to the babysitter’s house on Monday. Ford seemed to notice he was in a new place and started wiggling indicating he wanted down. I put him down and he crawled to the middle of her living room floor and looked up at us. I told Trey we needed to go and I was crying before we got out the door. I was okay once I got to school and convinced myself that Ford was fine and having a blast. I left early to take him back to the doctor for a follow up on his ear infection. The sitter said he cried all morning, wouldn’t eat, and wouldn’t sleep. She said he screamed when she talked or looked at him. Now isn’t that comforting to a new mom! It really made me want to go to work today. So today when I took Ford back to her house I made sure to go over with her exactly what I do, when I do it, and how I do it. I also told her I didn’t want my baby crying at her house all day and if it were a problem that she needed to call me. I called by or before 10:00 and she said he was okay.

Apparently when I talked to a friend in town yesterday she knew I was upset about my day and how everything had gone. She told me she completely understood since she is also a new mother. Low and behold she brought us dinner tonight!!!!!

I am overprotective and I know I am. He is my first and only child and I know exactly what he needs and wants and when he wants it. I know my baby! It absolutely broke my heart to know he cried all day yesterday. I bet he thought I had abandoned him. I “know” it will get better with time. Please pray for us.

Helping momma do some laundry…. He is inside the dryer.
I think the pink Snuggie looks great on him.

Ford and Pops

Take 5 Tuesday:

1. I like to pick the mushrooms out of cream of mushroom soup when I am eating it.
2. I hate to be cold.
3. I wish I could speak a foreign language, sing worth a flip, and had some artistic ability.
4. I will NEVER own a pair of skinny jeans. My body just isn’t made for the things.
5. it goobs me out when people back their car into a parking place.

Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...