Tuesday, January 5, 2010

It was like I left him to go to Iraq

On New Years Eve Trey and I went to Oxford and he took back half of the Christmas presents I bought him and got different stuff. No biggie… I didn’t mind. We then met up with a group of friends and ate on the Square at Waltz. It was good food and good times, but we had to be home before midnight or we might turn into pumpkins!!! We celebrated the 7th year of our meeting, rung in the New Year at home, and went to sleep. We are so much fun!
No, I didn’t make any New Years resolutions. What’s the point??? Why not better yourself all during the year.

I have been far too busy lately panicking about going back to WORK than to make any New Years resolutions. I am sure a lot of you already knew I was back in the workforce while others might be a bit surprised. This whole new job deal has been in the works for more than a month. I chose to not discuss the issue just yet, being that it’s a sensitive topic.

I am back in the school, but not as a classroom teacher. I taught at the middle school and now I am at the elementary working as an interventionist…better known as a glorified tutor. It’s really not a bad job. I am only there 6 ½ hours whereas a regular teacher must be there 8 hours. I do not have duty, no lesson plans, no grading of papers, no parents to deal with (yet), no state testing…etc. I am strictly working with 11 second graders one on one for 30 minutes at a time and then I return them to their classroom. Not too bad.

What is bad is leaving my little man. Trey and I went together to the babysitter’s house on Monday. Ford seemed to notice he was in a new place and started wiggling indicating he wanted down. I put him down and he crawled to the middle of her living room floor and looked up at us. I told Trey we needed to go and I was crying before we got out the door. I was okay once I got to school and convinced myself that Ford was fine and having a blast. I left early to take him back to the doctor for a follow up on his ear infection. The sitter said he cried all morning, wouldn’t eat, and wouldn’t sleep. She said he screamed when she talked or looked at him. Now isn’t that comforting to a new mom! It really made me want to go to work today. So today when I took Ford back to her house I made sure to go over with her exactly what I do, when I do it, and how I do it. I also told her I didn’t want my baby crying at her house all day and if it were a problem that she needed to call me. I called by or before 10:00 and she said he was okay.

Apparently when I talked to a friend in town yesterday she knew I was upset about my day and how everything had gone. She told me she completely understood since she is also a new mother. Low and behold she brought us dinner tonight!!!!!

I am overprotective and I know I am. He is my first and only child and I know exactly what he needs and wants and when he wants it. I know my baby! It absolutely broke my heart to know he cried all day yesterday. I bet he thought I had abandoned him. I “know” it will get better with time. Please pray for us.

Helping momma do some laundry…. He is inside the dryer.
I think the pink Snuggie looks great on him.

Ford and Pops

Take 5 Tuesday:

1. I like to pick the mushrooms out of cream of mushroom soup when I am eating it.
2. I hate to be cold.
3. I wish I could speak a foreign language, sing worth a flip, and had some artistic ability.
4. I will NEVER own a pair of skinny jeans. My body just isn’t made for the things.
5. it goobs me out when people back their car into a parking place.


Kimberly Roberts Moore said...

AW! I hate your little man cried the first day. Going back to work is so hard. I will pray for ya'll.

On another note, how did you change your title at the top and include a picture. I have been trying to do this for months, but i cannot figure it out. I am VERY blog challenged!!! I need a major tutorial

The Gilreath's said...

Jill, I am so glad I read your post today. I too am in the process of maybe entering back into the working world, I am just sick about it. I have been researching daycares and I just don't know how I am going to take my little man and drop him off ALL DAY! We have been so lucky to stay home this long, I will be thinking about you!

Janice said...

I know how hard it must have been to leave him, but just know that he won't remember it :) You are a good momma! We need to hear that sometimes!

Felicia said...

i too will never own skinny jeans...and I get instantly ill when I see someone backed into a space. Like it will really take that much longer to actually back out rather than driving forward....

Mardi Gras Coast Style

Did you know that NO ONE wants to keep 3 kids?   You got one... people will fight over one.   Two....kind of got to ask nicely.   Three....n...