Monday, January 25, 2010

The Way To My Heart

Not a lot has been happening around the Lamar household. Since I killed that HUGE deer and all I guess God needed to bring me back down to Earth and not let me get the big head!!! HA! Wait now, I can think of some big news. I am not sure if any of you remember what I had on my Christmas list, but one of the things was to have my house professionally cleaned… meaning by someone other than myself. IT HAPPENED last week. I call Puddin’s cleaning lady and she said she could come. When I opened the door after school last Wednesday and the aroma of lots of cleaning products hit my nose like a Beagle on a rabbit’s trail, I was excited. I grabbed Ford up out of his car seat and we inspected the house. Who knew a toilet and sink could sparkle so much? Not me!!! I was beyond thrilled. Even though we managed to junk the living room back up with all of Ford’s toys I was still one happy woman. Having someone else clean my house is a big way to win my heart over!!!

I took Ford to the doctor last Monday for his third ear infection. My mom, Gran, came down and kept him 2 days last week so Trey and I could go to work. Thanks mom!!! I think he needs tubes, but it looks like we will have to suffer thru a few more infections until we get the green light to go see an ENT specialist.

My new job is going really well. Who would have thought that I could branch out from my 8 and 9 year olds and manage with high school kids? It’s a whole different ballgame over there now. I really miss having my own classroom and being with my third graders, but it’s really nice not to have to grade papers, prepare lesson plans, worry about state testing etc.
Trey started teaching a class at the local community college in town. He is teaching Wills and Estates, and has the pleasure of spending his evening with 5 women. They may teach him a thing or two! Ford and I are proud of Professor Lamar!!!!!


2 to 3 cans chicken broth
2 cups water
½ cup uncooked rice
½ cup celery slices
½ cup carrot slices (or chopped)
2 cups chopped cooked chicken
¾ cup Velveeta cheese

Combine broth, water, rice, celery, and carrots. Cover and simmer 20-25 minutes or until vegetables and rice are tender. Add remaining ingredients. Stir until cheese is melted. Pepper Jack cheese is also good to add some flavor.

I recommend this recipe!! It’s delicious. It’s one of my mother in-laws specialties.

We locked him out of the cabinets
I just noticed that Ford is in his pajamas in every picture. I promise we do dress the child everyday!


Janice said...

I like pj's the best anyway! Brad wants to teach a class at Pearl River. Maybe when he starts, Trey can give him a few pointers :)

Ashley said...

precious pictures! I need to see Ford soon!!

Wendy said...

Bailey lives in his pajamas!!!

Felicia said...

I love reading your blog.

Margaret said...

I'm going to have to try that recipe! The pictures are precious, as always!!

Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...