Monday, October 26, 2015

Progress Reports

School isn’t all fun and games.   It’s some fun and games and then a lot of learning.  With learning comes assessments and progress reports.  The boys both received their First 9 weeks reports recently. 

Looks like we need to learn his letters!!!!  (He was only asked the letters and numbers to the (/) sign.  The highlighted portions are what he answered correctly.
I guess we will work on sharing, using our inside voice, and cutting!

We can thank Daddy for those two tardies.  Good job Representative Daddy!!!!  I also can't believe he didn't know the lower case "j" and "k".  Guess we better drill those until he's highly annoyed with me. The (/) weren't asked this 9 weeks.  I've always pushed Ford too hard, but I know what he can do, so I want him to do his best.

Ohhhh and I'm not going to lie.  This gave me severe anxiety seeing this beaut in his folder.   Listening to little kids read can be like fingernails down a chalkboard.   He did surprisingly well... thank goodness!

Sunday, October 25, 2015

My lump of sugar

Sarah Suzanne "Annie" Lamar was 8 months old on the 23rd.  Glory it's flying by.  Glad I blog, or otherwise I wouldn't remember squat.  

On her special day we celebrated big with a trip to the pediatrician because her ears weren't better from the visit ten days earlier.  Nope.  Double ear infection, amoxicillin, sleepless nights, no relief = trip back to the doctor.  I knew it was the ears and requested another antibiotic.  It seems to be doing the trick.  
Weight: 19 lbs. 2 oz.
Clothes: 9-18 months (varies.  Usually 9-12 but she had on an 18 mo Garanimals shirt yesterday). 
Shoes: size 2
Diapers: size 4
Teeth: 2 on the bottom
Nicknames: Annie Wannie and Ford calls her Wan-a-duchie
She has the happiest demeanor.  I've never seen someone so happy about life and all that it involves. When she wakes up from a nap and I walk in the room she starts smiling and kicking.  The girl loves to kick those chubby legs.  She is very vocal with her grunts, squeals, and belly laughs.

 She seems very interested in food and animals.  Annie hates to get dressed and she doesn't love hair-bows either.  Quite frankly, getting dressed ticks her right off!

She loves to be held.  I think she would enjoy being attached right to my hip at all times.  She will partially reach her arms up for me to hold her.  When she gets really excited she makes noises and bucks/kicks her legs.
She's sitting up like a pro.  No crawling yet, but the girl can roll like a bowling ball.  She rolls and rolls and will spin around on that fat belly and get places.   She acts like she wants to pull up too.

Annie loves to give's somewhat of an attack/sugar combination.
Annie and her friend, Maggie.  These two precious little ones are 12 days apart in age.
Annie insists on tasting everything.  She doesn't discriminate either, she tasted a leaf last week!
Happy 8 months to this little lump of sugar!!!!!!

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Cedar Hill Farm

It’s so nice and convenient having the boys at the same school this year.  On Tuesday, they (being 3K-5K) took a field trip to Cedar Hill Farm.  It’s a working farm/pumpkin patch.  I recruited the help of Representative Daddy.  Why?   Well, many reasons.  First of all, he hadn’t been on a field trip with us yet.  Secondly, the boys aren’t in the same class so I needed him to go with one child while I went with the other.  And lastly, I need him to participate in the fun!

When we got there we split.  Trey went with Ford and I went with Bitty with the understanding we would switch at some point.  Nice idea, but I was sad I was missing Ford doing special things and I had to do the same part of the field trip twice.   Oh well…. It’s not all about me is it!
 Battle and John Brantley
 I could eat him up!
 Train ride
 Too short
 I have jokingly said it many times, Bitty has little man syndrome.  He INSISTED on riding the biggest horse they had!
 Some of his peeps
I smell bacon!!!!
 Lucas, Ford, and Addison
 Jack and Jill
 Langston, Hayes, and Fordy
 I could eat him up too!
 Train ride round 2
 Bitty's class minus one girl who was with her big sister
 Bitty and Walt
 Zip line
 Gotta ride the tractor before you leave
 The distress is setting in.  He wanted to drive!
 And it's in... full force.  Distress!!!!!
 Good times... next time Annie cane join us!

Friday, October 23, 2015

Searching for the perfect pumpkin

I’m that mom; the one who carries her camera around hollering for them to look at me and smile so I can take their picture.   One day they will appreciate all the times I annoyed them when they have their entire lives documented, and I will be thankful because I forget these special times.

Last weekend we went to pick out pumpkins.  This might seem like no big deal, but finding your unusual pumpkin is a huge deal!!!
 Ohhh the decisions
 Annie Wannie about fell off this here hay bale.
 See.... she does have a neck!
 Her mighty protector
 And Bit was ticked he didn't get to hold her.  So let's just pout about it!
 I think he appreciated this picture.  Do you?
 The perfectionist found a bad spot on the pumpkin.
 A tad bit bright
 The next day we decided to decorate them...
 The Bit LOVES the show called Paw Patrol.  He thinks he is something else in this tacky shirt!
 Ford's pumpkin
 Bitty's pumpkin
New blog below

Mardi Gras Coast Style

Did you know that NO ONE wants to keep 3 kids?   You got one... people will fight over one.   Two....kind of got to ask nicely.   Three....n...