Sunday, October 25, 2015

My lump of sugar

Sarah Suzanne "Annie" Lamar was 8 months old on the 23rd.  Glory it's flying by.  Glad I blog, or otherwise I wouldn't remember squat.  

On her special day we celebrated big with a trip to the pediatrician because her ears weren't better from the visit ten days earlier.  Nope.  Double ear infection, amoxicillin, sleepless nights, no relief = trip back to the doctor.  I knew it was the ears and requested another antibiotic.  It seems to be doing the trick.  
Weight: 19 lbs. 2 oz.
Clothes: 9-18 months (varies.  Usually 9-12 but she had on an 18 mo Garanimals shirt yesterday). 
Shoes: size 2
Diapers: size 4
Teeth: 2 on the bottom
Nicknames: Annie Wannie and Ford calls her Wan-a-duchie
She has the happiest demeanor.  I've never seen someone so happy about life and all that it involves. When she wakes up from a nap and I walk in the room she starts smiling and kicking.  The girl loves to kick those chubby legs.  She is very vocal with her grunts, squeals, and belly laughs.

 She seems very interested in food and animals.  Annie hates to get dressed and she doesn't love hair-bows either.  Quite frankly, getting dressed ticks her right off!

She loves to be held.  I think she would enjoy being attached right to my hip at all times.  She will partially reach her arms up for me to hold her.  When she gets really excited she makes noises and bucks/kicks her legs.
She's sitting up like a pro.  No crawling yet, but the girl can roll like a bowling ball.  She rolls and rolls and will spin around on that fat belly and get places.   She acts like she wants to pull up too.

Annie loves to give's somewhat of an attack/sugar combination.
Annie and her friend, Maggie.  These two precious little ones are 12 days apart in age.
Annie insists on tasting everything.  She doesn't discriminate either, she tasted a leaf last week!
Happy 8 months to this little lump of sugar!!!!!!

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