Friday, July 31, 2015

Back to school ready

It's true!  That annoying saying is true.....  "Time flies when you're having fun."   It does.  

We had Ford, well technically I just had Ford, Trey never went through the birthing phase, on May 1, 2009.  After some consideration we decided to hold the little man back so he could start his exploration of the world known as "college" a year later.  I'm a BIG fan of holding babies back with late birthdays.  This holding back was explained to Ford, and I got another year at home with my baby boy.  

Now I can't keep holding him back forever.  Next Friday he starts in 5 days a week from 8:00-2:45.  I don't know how much I can handle. 

We had to go to the doctor for his big exam.  Hearing test....
Old nursie told Fordman he had to take off his shirt for the doctor to examine him.  He didn't love this activity and squatted in the corner.  
Bitty acted Bitty-like. 
Annie hung out.....Yes, I took all 3 by myself.  It's in the job description to take the ankle biter to such appointments.... And alone can be scary.
Checking himself out
Mr. Ford passed his tests with flying colors and took those 3 shots like a man.  

Weight: 42 lbs. - 19th percentile 
Height:  46 in.  - 46th percentile 
Fancy "thought" he needed to go to the Neshoba County Fair in Philadelphia one night this week.  The boys slept with me. 
With back to school comes countdown chains. 
Here's to a big year of 5K and 3K for my boys!!!

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

I'll miss (most) of these days

Some people might read my blog and think she has it so easy.  She's a stay at home mom.  No worries for her.  She doesn't have a real job.  Been there... Thought that about others before I became a stay at home mom.  

Well, I'm here to tell you differently.  I taught school for 6.5 years, taught in two school districts, at 4 different schools, more than 200 kids, and that ain't got nothing on my three.  Nothing!!!!   

Let me start by saying that Annie is easy. The child literally eats and sleeps her life away. The boys present the challenge.  Lately we've been stuck at home because I've had house work, Annie needs to sleep, or she's gotta eat.  I guess the cabin fever begins to drive them mad and they start.  They start fussing, fighting, biting, aggregating each other, and purposefully being down right mean!

Yesterday I woke up with a headache which slowly got worse until I felt nauseous.  I can't call in sick people.  This is my job.  My kids. 24/7.  Rain or shine.  Good days or bad.  My job.  No holidays, no weekends, no rest.  So I feel like death and I'm dealing with two brats.  Yes, brats.  I corrected them.  I threatened them. I raised my voice at them.  It was as if I didn't exist.  They never acknowledged my warning.  I got mad.  And so I did this....
Now am I proud that I threw my brush full force on the bathroom floor and broke it?  Heck no!   Am I proud I let my temper get the best of me and made the Devil smile?  Of course not.  I acted terrible.  I should have responded in a totally different manner, but I didn't.  

The struggle is real y'all.  Being a stay at home mom is tough.  But I just need to remember they do grow up.  The days won't always be like this.  I'll miss (most) of these days.  

A friend sent me this today and it certainly is fitting....
Here's to a better today and tomorrow!

Monday, July 27, 2015

The bees were unwanted guests

You know the famous Forest Gump saying, “Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re going to get.”  Well, I’m here to testify… “ain’t that the truth”. 

So we were gone to the beach for 10 days, and I promise I am still playing catch up.  It’s like can I please keep my head above water???  Lots to do after one gets home from a trip.  Then you throw in some fun surprises, and life is really good.

We got home on a Saturday night and I had to book it straight to Wal-Mart because I was helping give a baby shower the next day.  While I was gone I got a text from Trey that read: “Do NOT go anywhere near the third garage bay.”  I respond: “What is it?”  He says: “Bees.”   Well, I’m known to be a smart ass (excuse the language) so I told him to just spray the bees.  HA!!!!!!!!

PEOPLE.... we had bees.  Bees for days.  Bees galore!!!  Do you see all those little specks???.... those are bees.  And little did we know there were thousands more under those boards.  Well, what did I do?  Panic?  Not a chance!  I used my knowledge from Facebook surfing and contacted "The Bee Man" himself.   He came.  He inspected...
He and his wife suited up and went to town.
Now don't you think for one minute that such an activity is going to take place within walking distance of my boys and them not participate.  Not a chance!!!  Bee Man said he'd been there at 6:00... we were waiting at 5:55 AM.
Boards came down and up the ladder they went.  They smoked the bees out, captured the queen, put her in a box, vacuumed other bees out, and estimated they caught 30,000 bees that day.  Yep!  It was a problem folks.  A BIG problem!!!  I am just grateful to the Bee Man and his wife for taking care of this sticky (honey-ha!) issue for us!
Unwanted guests!
The bees are all gone.  No one got stung, and now we wait on our builders to come back and fix our boards.  Yes, this happened in our new house we moved into this March.  Just keeping it real around here.  Just keeping it real.

New blog below

Chunk of Love

Sister is 5 months old!!!! She's tons of fun 24/7 (literally... still wakes up 1-2 times a night). She never cries when she wakes up at night, just jabbers. She began eating baby food 4 days ago. Annie loves her brothers, and they are still infatuated with her. The newness hasn't worn off. They stress out when she has tummy time because they don't like her being unhappy. She flips over, belly laughs out loud, can ride on my hip now, wants me to hold her if I pass by without stopping, loves the swimming pool and bath time, drools like a champ, loves to gnaw on things, and rocks those curls like it's nobody's business. 

At 5 months and 5 days old she weighs 15 lbs. and 12 oz. which puts her ABOVE the 95th percentile.  I think I'm making some whole milk for this baby girl.  She recently graduated to Luvs size 3 diapers, which is also what her big brother, Bitty, wears at night!
Tackling Wal-Mart with her around my neck wasn't my brightest idea to date.  I'm sure I have permanent nerve damage!!!
What's that saying.... "The days are long, but the years are short"...????  This was a long day.  Here we are one night at about 6:00 waiting on Daddy to come home from work.
I really don't like the baby food stage.  It's messy.  It looks like it tastes disgusting, and it's just another added expense to my shopping bill each week.  Annie isn't a huge fan of anything except bananas (mind you we haven't tried too much either).  The pediatrician said that when we started eating baby food it would help with her bowel movements.  Annie stopped pooping on her own at about 2 months of age.  Since then I have had to do suppositories when she needs to go which is anywhere from 5-7 days.  The food isn't helping.  I hope this is just a stage and will pass soon.
Happy 5 months to Annie Lamar!!!!!

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Bags are packed-- Beach part 4

My dad is a creature of habit and a big planner.  We book our vacation about 8-9 months in advance, and about 5 months in advance he has the agenda.  In saying, he can tell you how many times he will grocery shop, what we will eat each meal, if we will cook in or go out to eat etc.  One constant is always the Louisiana Lagniappe. 

And so we went... 
And waited a bit so there was time for photo opportunities... 
 The grands
Caroline and Ford are 1 year and 3 days difference in age.  They are great playmates but sure can push each other's buttons.
 This is probably one of my favorite pictures of all time.
 My little minis
 Anthony family vacation 2015
 And we're headed home
Thanks for another wonderful family trip to Florida.  We always enjoy the week, food, fun, and fellowship.  We look forward to continuing the tradition for years to come....

Mardi Gras Coast Style

Did you know that NO ONE wants to keep 3 kids?   You got one... people will fight over one.   Two....kind of got to ask nicely.   Three....n...