Monday, July 27, 2015

Chunk of Love

Sister is 5 months old!!!! She's tons of fun 24/7 (literally... still wakes up 1-2 times a night). She never cries when she wakes up at night, just jabbers. She began eating baby food 4 days ago. Annie loves her brothers, and they are still infatuated with her. The newness hasn't worn off. They stress out when she has tummy time because they don't like her being unhappy. She flips over, belly laughs out loud, can ride on my hip now, wants me to hold her if I pass by without stopping, loves the swimming pool and bath time, drools like a champ, loves to gnaw on things, and rocks those curls like it's nobody's business. 

At 5 months and 5 days old she weighs 15 lbs. and 12 oz. which puts her ABOVE the 95th percentile.  I think I'm making some whole milk for this baby girl.  She recently graduated to Luvs size 3 diapers, which is also what her big brother, Bitty, wears at night!
Tackling Wal-Mart with her around my neck wasn't my brightest idea to date.  I'm sure I have permanent nerve damage!!!
What's that saying.... "The days are long, but the years are short"...????  This was a long day.  Here we are one night at about 6:00 waiting on Daddy to come home from work.
I really don't like the baby food stage.  It's messy.  It looks like it tastes disgusting, and it's just another added expense to my shopping bill each week.  Annie isn't a huge fan of anything except bananas (mind you we haven't tried too much either).  The pediatrician said that when we started eating baby food it would help with her bowel movements.  Annie stopped pooping on her own at about 2 months of age.  Since then I have had to do suppositories when she needs to go which is anywhere from 5-7 days.  The food isn't helping.  I hope this is just a stage and will pass soon.
Happy 5 months to Annie Lamar!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Look into "baby led weaning" for feeding. So much easier than baby food! Mine loved it & will eat almost anything now. Our first things were steamed broccoli, roasted carrot & sweet potato sticks, banana. As for the whole suppository thing - mine stopped going when solid food was started. Nothing like prunes, pears, etc would make him go. Would also have to do suppository regularly. Finally at 12 months pediatrician put him on miralax - after 2 weeks every day, he rarely needs it anymore.

Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...