Saturday, January 29, 2011

A male-witch in the making???

 This was a rough week at school. I’m not sure if it was the fact that we were actually there 5 whole days, or that Thursday was the first time ALL month we could go outside, or maybe the kids were just out to get me. I kept telling myself that God was not going to give me more than I could handle. One morning I sent my brother a text to pray for me and my attitude and he reminded me that God had me with those children for a reason. Friday got better thank goodness. Don’t get me wrong, I love teaching and can’t imagine doing anything else, but this week being a garbage collector was very appealing for me!!!

I think Ford grew like 3 inches over night. His tennis shoes and church shoes are too small. I noticed on Friday when I picked him up from the babysitter that he was showing off his midriff (I don’t dress him each day, Trey does). Needless to say we went shopping today and low and behold they have summer stuff out. I love summer but I need to find my child some 24 months winter clothes. I was perturbed. I will also not let him wear certain things. No jeans, and no outfits with slogans like “Daddy’s little Tiger” or “Mommy’s Little Hero.” Those goob me out beyond belief. So if you want to donate clothes to the Ford Lamar fund no jeans and no goofy sayings please!

Witch or I guess Warlock????

I usually wouldn’t post something like this but I am just really excited.  I got something today that I have wanted for years.  I have asked Trey for this and he would laugh and so no or say I would have to wait a long long time.  I actually got it for Christmas, but I didn’t get here until today.  He got me a second wedding band!  Thank you Trey, I LOVE IT!!!!!!

Daddy's boots
 Brushing his teeth

Monday is a big day for my side of the family.  My sister in-law is going to have my first nephew, Jack!!!!!  He has been messing with us and making us think he was going to come early, but he decided to wait to make his grand entrance.  Now Ford won’t be the only grandson.  We can’t wait.  I found this picture of Ashley from several years ago before she had Molly Cate (my first niece).  Don’t kill me, Ashley! 
Last Mother’s Day all I asked for was my blog to be published.  Now when is Mother’s Day???... May!!!  I just now did it.  I read someone else’s blog who had gotten theirs done on so I pulled up that site.  I am a lot of things, but computer savvy I am not.  I resorted to and had it done in 10 minutes.  Being the cheap individual I am, I scheduled it to come on February 8th where I would not have to pay tax or shipping.  It came in less than a week.  It’s really pretty good.  I will be so glad I have this in the future.  So much of the stuff I had written about (Ford) I had completely forgotten.  I wish my mother had one of me as a child. 

Until next time…

Sunday, January 23, 2011

First trip to the woods

This was not Ford’s best week at the babysitter’s house.  He bit the little baby at the lady’s house.  He has no problem telling you that he “bite Emma.”  He did it on Tuesday and is still talking about it today.  We have talked to him about it every day since and I am hoping that it doesn’t happen again.  Trey and I were terribly embarrassed. 

Reading a cookbook
Pitching one

Ford was calling me the other day.  When I found him he was in his stroller ready for a ride. 

Eating a cinnamon roll

 Bath time

I may have to sleep outside for this next one.  On Saturday morning Ford woke up about 7:30 hollering “Momma” through the monitor.  I got up and got his milk and we rocked a bit.  After rocking I told Trey he needed to get up too because it wasn’t fair that I always had to get up early and he didn’t.  Well, he wouldn’t get up so Ford and I went in there with him to watch The Wiggles.  After a few minutes Ford wanted to get up.  I continued to tell Trey (now an hour after I have gotten up) that he needed to get up and play with us too.  I decided to get some footage of him…
 And he's watching The Wiggles......
 At Uncle Ken and Aunt Ashley's house.   Aunt Ashley gave Ford a sucker.

Aunt Ashley and Ford
 Riding the see-saw with Molly Cate

Ford loves to get Delta some food for her bowl.  He helped me out this morning before church. 
 Waiting on Daddy to come on so we won't be too late

Ford loves to look at himself on the camera after I have taken a picture.  Here he is chasing me to see it. 
 My tough boys riding the lawnmower
 Riding in Ford's car

We went to see the cannon from WWI by our house.

 "I touch it"

While Ford took his nap today I made my weekly Wal-Mart run.  I bought him a big green frog sucker.  He referred to it as a turtle.  Whatever… they are both green. 

Trey begged me to go hunting with him today and I told him I was over that for this year.  He said well then lets all go.  And that we did.  All three of us got dressed and loaded up for the big hunt.  Ford was so loud that Trey said we might as well be shooting firecrackers.  He wanted to go home about 3 minutes after we got there so we tried to occupy his time with fun hunting items that Daddy had in his bag.  Trey said Ford can’t come back with him until he is at least 8!!!!
 Yes, I have a blanket wrapped around me.  It was more for Ford.


Ford will be 21 months next Tuesday

He weighs 25.8 pounds

He wears mostly 18 months clothes with a few 12 months and a few 24 months

He wears a size 4 diaper

He wears a size 5 shoe

He still loves his pacifier (pappy) which we try to only give to him at nap time or bed time

I still give my child a bottle (Yes, shame on me) in the morning and at night. I am working on this, I promise. It’s just hard.

He takes one nap a day for 1.5 to 2.5 hours

Some of his favorite things to eat are pretzels, rice, pizza, goldfish, cinnamon rolls, chips, and Sweet-tarts (loves, loves, loves them)

He is not a big fan of textured foods… fruit is out. He eats a lot of those mushy fruits like apple sauce and the other flavored ones.

He LOVES tractors. It’s borderline ridiculous. A tractor can also be classified as a riding lawnmower. If he has seen anyone’s tractor he talks about it constantly.

He is also a fan of trains (we live by a train track) and fire trucks (we live by a fire station). But in Mayberry you live by everything since it’s so small.

He is fascinated with airplanes, horses and 4-wheelers as well

He calls push lawnmowers “Bubbles” since he has one that blows bubbles.

He can say just about anything.

If you ask him where he lives he knows.

He can count to ten.

He can recognize several colors, but calls most of them blue.

He loves the Baby Einstein DVD’s we have. There is one that is called Baby Macdonald and it has farm animals and tractors on in which we watch all the time. (literally)  Ford refers to it as "tractor show."

He loves to sit in my car and screams “Drive Mommy Car.”

He graduated from his Bumbo seat a few weeks ago to a chair that is strapped to one of our kitchen chairs.

He loves Delta (our dog) although she doesn’t share the same amount of love for him.

He loves to go to church.

He is definitely a Momma’s boy.

My cute door at school

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Happy 1/2 to me

Trey and I have lived in Mayberry since the summer of 2007.  When school started in August we had an open house and meet the teacher night.  I went through all the guidelines, expectations and what not of my classroom.  I also talked about a very important topic which was “birthdays.”  I informed them that they were welcome to celebrate their birthdays at school and if they had a summer birthday they could celebrate on their half birthday like I used to.  I told them my birthday was July 16th and every January 16th my mom would bring cupcakes to school.  Well, one of my fabulous parents, and the BEST homeroom mom ever, remembered and threw me a Happy Half Birthday Party.  It was great!!!!!!  She still remembers my real birthday and my half birthday every year and they just sent me a text message today!!!!!  Thanks Mrs. Correro and Richard!!!!!!!! 

Pictures from my party....

On to the subject matter that I know EVERYONE reads my blog for anyway, Ford. He has been a sick little man lately. Last Tuesday I took him to the doctor and they told me it was drainage. HA! What a diagnoses. He didn’t get any better with the over the counter medications they said for me to give him. Finally on Friday the sitter called for us to come get him and I took him back to the doctor on Saturday. A different doctor said he had a double ear infection and a sinus infection. I KNEW something was wrong with my baby…. I guess I just took him too early in the week.

We stopped by to play at Gran and BoomPa’s house on the way home…

Ford is testing us BIG TIME lately. He is quite the handful. We need some helpful parenting tips if you know any good ones.

Trying on his ski gear…. Yes, we are going skiing and Ford is coming too.  Pray now for a pleasant plane ride.

Getting ready to ride the tractor with Pops.
Ford and Daddy playing

Ford is talking non-stop. It’s usually about tractors (riding lawn mowers) and everyone who he knows that owns one. He wants to do nothing but ride tractors all day. It is borderline annoying how much he talks about them.

Tonight we were watching one of his Baby Einstein videos and I was asking him what all the pictures were before the person told us. A chair popped up and he said “time-out.” I laughed. He is so much fun right now and pretty smart.

Enjoy your MLK Day!!!!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Snow Party 2011

We have just spent the last two days celebrating the snow party of 2011.  It was no surprise, the weathermen told us it was coming so I was prepared and grocery shopped ahead of time.  I wasn’t going to be stuck at home with no food to eat.  I would say we got a good 5 inches (maybe more) on Sunday night.  Monday morning when we woke up it was time to play…. 

 The snow makes Delta all frisky

It was rather hard for the little man to walk in the deep snow, but he kept his eye on the prize and trudged onward. 
 Trying to get there....

 He fell...
 And again...

 HE MADE IT!!!!!!!!  To the tractor

 Walking with Daddy to work.  You can walk to work in Mayberry you know!!!

 After about 45 minutes of playing in the snow we had to go inside and thaw out.  When Trey got home from work we went to the farm to ride the 4-wheeler.

Trey likes to hunt and goes often.  Ford wants to know where he has gone so I will tell him “hunting.” 

Trey and Ford in the deer stand.  Now he knows what hunting is all about. 
 Peeking out the deer stand
 The farm

I NEVER order stuff off line.  But the other day I was looking at my Southern Living (thanks Bobba for giving me this magazine) and I came across a cute outfit.  I didn’t order it right away but later decided I really needed this outfit.  It’s from Spiegel.   It hasn’t come in the mail yet, but I am really excited about my purchase.  I am not sure Trey shared my same excitement!!! 

Well, it’s back to work tomorrow. This will be a nice 3 day week and then we get to celebrate MLK Day next Monday. January isn’t so bad after all.

Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...