Sunday, January 16, 2011

Happy 1/2 to me

Trey and I have lived in Mayberry since the summer of 2007.  When school started in August we had an open house and meet the teacher night.  I went through all the guidelines, expectations and what not of my classroom.  I also talked about a very important topic which was “birthdays.”  I informed them that they were welcome to celebrate their birthdays at school and if they had a summer birthday they could celebrate on their half birthday like I used to.  I told them my birthday was July 16th and every January 16th my mom would bring cupcakes to school.  Well, one of my fabulous parents, and the BEST homeroom mom ever, remembered and threw me a Happy Half Birthday Party.  It was great!!!!!!  She still remembers my real birthday and my half birthday every year and they just sent me a text message today!!!!!  Thanks Mrs. Correro and Richard!!!!!!!! 

Pictures from my party....

On to the subject matter that I know EVERYONE reads my blog for anyway, Ford. He has been a sick little man lately. Last Tuesday I took him to the doctor and they told me it was drainage. HA! What a diagnoses. He didn’t get any better with the over the counter medications they said for me to give him. Finally on Friday the sitter called for us to come get him and I took him back to the doctor on Saturday. A different doctor said he had a double ear infection and a sinus infection. I KNEW something was wrong with my baby…. I guess I just took him too early in the week.

We stopped by to play at Gran and BoomPa’s house on the way home…

Ford is testing us BIG TIME lately. He is quite the handful. We need some helpful parenting tips if you know any good ones.

Trying on his ski gear…. Yes, we are going skiing and Ford is coming too.  Pray now for a pleasant plane ride.

Getting ready to ride the tractor with Pops.
Ford and Daddy playing

Ford is talking non-stop. It’s usually about tractors (riding lawn mowers) and everyone who he knows that owns one. He wants to do nothing but ride tractors all day. It is borderline annoying how much he talks about them.

Tonight we were watching one of his Baby Einstein videos and I was asking him what all the pictures were before the person told us. A chair popped up and he said “time-out.” I laughed. He is so much fun right now and pretty smart.

Enjoy your MLK Day!!!!


Lauren and Nick Miller said...

I have never heard about that with the "half" birthdays, but that's a good idea! I can't believe y'all are taking him skiing. I can't wait to hear about it. I also can't believe how much talking your child does! Reid says several words that make sense, & is definitely a "talker", but it makes no sense;)

Katie said...

OK, the 1/2 bday may be confusing me... but you are not 25 by any way, shape, or fashion. Sorry! Hope the lil man feels better soon!

Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...