Sunday, March 28, 2010

Do you know Henry Johnson?

Do you know Henry Johnson? The members of my immediate family know who Henry Johnson is. And you do too; you just don’t know it yet. There are Henrys in every city, state, and country. Growing up in the Anthony household was… unique to say it best. My Dad, Boompa, has his own “special language.” Poor Trey has never grasped the Anthony family language and to this day will still ask me what certain stuff means. Some people have said we have our own language and we sort of do. My former students at school even could tell you that I often times said off the wall things or had my own language in the classroom. You get my drift here… we are talking about a special language. Back to Henry now. Henry Johnson is that slow person driving in the car who is in front of you. You know the kind that is going under the speed limit, sight seeing, braking at unnecessary times, and just plain in the WAY!!! It seems like lately I have gotten behind so many Henry Johnsons (slow people) that it about makes me crazy. And as you can tell from most of my posts, Senatobia is a small town and most of the roads here are 2 lanes and there is no way around these Henry drivers. So the next time you get behind a slow poke think about me and call them “Henry Johnson.”

I saw this bumper sticker the other day and thought it was worth sharing...

So last Monday I left school early to go to the doctor. I felt a little bit like I could be dying and self diagnosed myself with strep throat but later found out it was pharingitis. They must be in the same family. I came home and tried to rest and then realized it was time to go get Ford. Low and behold that little stinker got sick on Tuesday so we were both out of commission and missing work and the sitter most of the week. Now it’s Sunday and I still don’t feel good. There is so much pressure in my head from my sinuses that it has gone down into my teeth. Has anyone ever had a tooth to ache from sinus issues? Please say you have! Trey hasn’t and he doesn’t believe me!

Here are some pictures of our week at home…

Ford went to his first birthday party on Saturday. Here he is playing with someone else's toys. His nose is red from me wiping it all day long.

Riding the lawn mower with Daddy
Ford playing in Uncle Vance's hat

I am constantly talking to Ford and trying to teach him about his surroundings. Since he can’t talk back I don’t know what he understands and what he doesn’t. Today I put him to the test. I was holding him in my lap at lunch and I asked him where Daddy, Puddin, Pop, and Uncle Vance were. He looked at each one when I called out their names. Then tonight I showed Ford a cup, train, pacifier, and cell phone. I put all the objects down and asked him to go get each one individually and he went to the right thing every time. I was so proud of my little man! He is a sponge and soaks up everything we teach him.

Playing in the bed

I hope everyone will have a great week. Watch out for Henry!!!!!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

It's not gel, Jill.... It's paste

It’s not gel, Jill…. It’s paste. Those are the famous words my husband spoke to me this week when he came home with his hair shorter than I have ever seen it. I gasped at his new doo and then asked him if he were enlisting in the army. He laughed and then broke out the “hair gel”. There are some people who need hair gel… I am the queen of bathroom and hair products, but the fact that MY HUSBAND now is the proud owner of hair gel was more than I can handle. I, along with several others, have been giving him a hard time!

Trey’s new look

Spring break has been really nice. No, I didn’t see the bottom of my laundry basket (my 1 goal for the week), but I did see the bottom of Ford’s at least twice and I think Trey saw the bottom of his. All the hand wash only stuff really gets me.

My mom, Gran, and I were supposed to take Ford to Sebastopol, MS to visit my Nanny on Wednesday, but in true Ford fashion he got sick. I would have put money on it that he had another ear infection. We went to the doctor (see pictures) and the ears looked good and the throat looked good. The nurse pricked his finger to draw blood and I just knew he was going to start yelling but amazingly he didn’t. He was rather ticked that she put a band-aid on his finger and worked on that until he bit it off.
Speaking of band aids… Trey said he needed to go to Wal-Mart tonight to get some new “hair gel” and I asked him to pick up some kiddy band-aids for Ford. He argued with me saying that he and I don’t have special band aids and that Ford didn’t need them. He said the only person who really needed them was me. I know… actually I like when kids wear Sesame Street or Sponge Bob band aids. Well, when he returned with his new hair gel he broke out the band aids. No Sesame Street or Sponge Bob, but Camouflage. AHhhhhhhhh men!

This week has been really pretty. Ford and I did a lot of playing outside. We pushed the lion up and down the driveway, down the sidewalk, and into the grass.

We also visited the Dollar Tree to buy bubbles and a ball and bat. The bubbles weren’t the best I have ever seen, but the bat was a large success!!

I bought the little man some Bunny Ears at Wal-Mart and he didn’t love them as much as I thought he should.

We played some at Daddy’s office this week. My friend, Cooper, was even there.

Looking at the cows..

Me and Mommy

Monday, March 15, 2010

Keeping It Alive

As many of you know during the fall of ’07 and spring of ’08 Trey was in tax school at Washington University in St. Louis. Upon graduation his parents gave him, or better yet me, a dinning room set. I thought it was a grand gift; Trey on the other hand would have liked something a little more manly. The set is an antique with what appeared to be the original seat coverings still in tact. I had good intentions to recover them 2 years ago when we got he table, but Puddin started her campaign to run for re-election on the MS Supreme Court and then I got pregnant with Ford. Needless to say, they weren’t recovered in the last 2 years. Yesterday began the recovering process. Puddin came over with her staple gun and “she” got to work. I am not good at stuff like that at all. I would end up messing up the entire project and wasting a lot of material. Not only did I not help out too good, but I called Vance, Trey’s brother, to come help take out the screws in the chair. I was a good spectator yesterday. Where was Trey you may ask???? Looking for turkeys! Puddin managed to cover 2 chairs before she had to bail on me and left the staple gun in my possession. I gave her the heads up that I probably wouldn’t get the other 4 chairs covered while she was gone. She laughed! I am not sure what I would do without Puddin. I can think of a lot of home projects she has helped out with: painting Ford’s furniture in his room, picking out material for Ford’s room, hanging pictures on the wall when we moved in, helping me plant flowers outside, taking cakes out of bundt pans, helping me put flowers in vases for showers I hosted, rearranging our guest room when we had to make one room a nursery, spray painting patio furniture, hanging blinds in our house, and most recently cleaning the guest room and bathroom after Trey infected it with his stomach bug. That is just to name a few of the ways Puddin has helped to save the day! THANKS PUDDIN!!!!!!!

Time for some random thoughts…

My goal for Spring Break is to see the bottom of my laundry basket.

Ford eating his snack in his new tennis shoes...

I am still going strong with the quarter collection. I believe I am up to 29. Do you know there are a lot of Texas quarters out there??? I bet have gotten about 8-10 so far. It’s frustrating when I purposefully pay for something with cash and I get a quarter that I already have. The other day I went to Sonic and got 3 Rhode Island quarters back. What are the chances of that?
Trey thinks this whole idea of collecting quartets is bizarre and even a bit nerdy for me. He told me the other day that he could support me on a lot of things, but this was even a little much! I don’t need support on this issue. I am just fine the way I am!!!

We are trying a new recipe tonight…


1 lb. ground beef
1 pkg. Taco seasoning
1 medium onion, chopped
½ cup salsa
1 can green chilies
1 can cream of mushroom soup
1 can cream of chicken soup
2/3 cup milk or 2/3 cup sour cream
1-1 ½ cup cheddar cheese (save some to sprinkle on top)
1 bag Nacho Cheese Doritos

Cook ground beef and onions with taco seasoning until meat has browned. Add salsa and green chilies and set aside. Heat soups, milk/sour cream, and cheese until cheese is melted. Place 1/3 of chips in a greased 13 x 9 x 2 baking dish. Top with half of beef and soup mixture. Repeat layers. Sprinkle on remaining chips and cheese. Bake at 350 for 25 minutes. Soups, cheese, milk/sour cream can be heated in microwave.

Walking down the hall to Daddy….

Ford is at a stage where he needs his Momma at all times. Tonight I was trying to cook and put him in his highchair and he pitched a fit…

So after the torture chair I played with him after we ate….

I think it is absolutely hilarious how many people read my blog. I actually do not know “how many people” read it, but lately different people have told me things that I write about. Who knew my life was intriguing enough to read about???? All the comments from you people keep my blogging spirit alive! I hope I don’t disappoint you too often with a bad posting. Happy Spring Break!!!!!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Nursing the sick back to good health

Who would have thought last Sunday when I posted my last blog entry that the next day Trey would get violently ill. I do mean violently. He called me on Monday afternoon and asked me to come get him at work. By 3:30 he was extremely sick with stomach bug like symptoms and by 6:30 we were in the E.R. I convinced him to go by saying we would go get an IV to pump some fluids back in him and a phenogran (sp?) shot to stop the throwing up. Little did either of us know that his blood work would come back with his white count being alarmingly high and he would get to spend the next 2 nights in the hospital? WOW! He got home on Wednesday and is still on the road to recovery.

Ford did love the balloon that his Daddy got while in the hospital!!

Trey and I took Ford outside last night to play before bath time. He put Ford down in the grass and as soon as he touched it he panicked. I guess the texture of the course grass and crunchy leaves was a little more than he could handle. He wanted out so bad but all Trey and I could do was sit and laugh! Mean… I know.

Ford has on new pajamas. I know you are all glad to see some different ones!!!

Trying to get the phone.

Does anyone remember the cemetery Trey and I thought we lived on???? Right after we moved into our house here, 3 years ago, we needed to do some yard renovation. This included digging up all the bushes, putting down new grass, putting up a fence, and digging up “chunks” of concrete out of part of our back yard. Trey was digging and I was dumping the pieces in a pile. Some of the chunks looked more like blocks and I flipped one over to find a name, birth date, and date of death on it. I screamed and we looked at a few more to find the same thing. I ran (real fast) next door to ask our neighbors WHAT WAS GOING ON!!!!! Come to find out, we don’t live on a cemetery. The people who lived in our house many years ago owned a funeral home and would dump the temporary markers in their yard when the real tomb stones would come in. We thought it was neat and saved the “chunks of concrete”!!!

Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...