Monday, March 15, 2010

Keeping It Alive

As many of you know during the fall of ’07 and spring of ’08 Trey was in tax school at Washington University in St. Louis. Upon graduation his parents gave him, or better yet me, a dinning room set. I thought it was a grand gift; Trey on the other hand would have liked something a little more manly. The set is an antique with what appeared to be the original seat coverings still in tact. I had good intentions to recover them 2 years ago when we got he table, but Puddin started her campaign to run for re-election on the MS Supreme Court and then I got pregnant with Ford. Needless to say, they weren’t recovered in the last 2 years. Yesterday began the recovering process. Puddin came over with her staple gun and “she” got to work. I am not good at stuff like that at all. I would end up messing up the entire project and wasting a lot of material. Not only did I not help out too good, but I called Vance, Trey’s brother, to come help take out the screws in the chair. I was a good spectator yesterday. Where was Trey you may ask???? Looking for turkeys! Puddin managed to cover 2 chairs before she had to bail on me and left the staple gun in my possession. I gave her the heads up that I probably wouldn’t get the other 4 chairs covered while she was gone. She laughed! I am not sure what I would do without Puddin. I can think of a lot of home projects she has helped out with: painting Ford’s furniture in his room, picking out material for Ford’s room, hanging pictures on the wall when we moved in, helping me plant flowers outside, taking cakes out of bundt pans, helping me put flowers in vases for showers I hosted, rearranging our guest room when we had to make one room a nursery, spray painting patio furniture, hanging blinds in our house, and most recently cleaning the guest room and bathroom after Trey infected it with his stomach bug. That is just to name a few of the ways Puddin has helped to save the day! THANKS PUDDIN!!!!!!!

Time for some random thoughts…

My goal for Spring Break is to see the bottom of my laundry basket.

Ford eating his snack in his new tennis shoes...

I am still going strong with the quarter collection. I believe I am up to 29. Do you know there are a lot of Texas quarters out there??? I bet have gotten about 8-10 so far. It’s frustrating when I purposefully pay for something with cash and I get a quarter that I already have. The other day I went to Sonic and got 3 Rhode Island quarters back. What are the chances of that?
Trey thinks this whole idea of collecting quartets is bizarre and even a bit nerdy for me. He told me the other day that he could support me on a lot of things, but this was even a little much! I don’t need support on this issue. I am just fine the way I am!!!

We are trying a new recipe tonight…


1 lb. ground beef
1 pkg. Taco seasoning
1 medium onion, chopped
½ cup salsa
1 can green chilies
1 can cream of mushroom soup
1 can cream of chicken soup
2/3 cup milk or 2/3 cup sour cream
1-1 ½ cup cheddar cheese (save some to sprinkle on top)
1 bag Nacho Cheese Doritos

Cook ground beef and onions with taco seasoning until meat has browned. Add salsa and green chilies and set aside. Heat soups, milk/sour cream, and cheese until cheese is melted. Place 1/3 of chips in a greased 13 x 9 x 2 baking dish. Top with half of beef and soup mixture. Repeat layers. Sprinkle on remaining chips and cheese. Bake at 350 for 25 minutes. Soups, cheese, milk/sour cream can be heated in microwave.

Walking down the hall to Daddy….

Ford is at a stage where he needs his Momma at all times. Tonight I was trying to cook and put him in his highchair and he pitched a fit…

So after the torture chair I played with him after we ate….

I think it is absolutely hilarious how many people read my blog. I actually do not know “how many people” read it, but lately different people have told me things that I write about. Who knew my life was intriguing enough to read about???? All the comments from you people keep my blogging spirit alive! I hope I don’t disappoint you too often with a bad posting. Happy Spring Break!!!!!


The Savage Family said...

yay! You found Ford some little new balances! soo cute. Can't wait until Hayes can wear his.

Love the new fabric for the chairs, too!

The Dimino's said...

The chair looks great!! Ford needs to come teach Brady how to walk!!!

Anonymous said...

Glad to know someone else is still sleeping in their Christmas jammies!! And we have the exact same pair :)

Margaret said...

I love that last picture of Ford!

Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...