Friday, March 12, 2010

Nursing the sick back to good health

Who would have thought last Sunday when I posted my last blog entry that the next day Trey would get violently ill. I do mean violently. He called me on Monday afternoon and asked me to come get him at work. By 3:30 he was extremely sick with stomach bug like symptoms and by 6:30 we were in the E.R. I convinced him to go by saying we would go get an IV to pump some fluids back in him and a phenogran (sp?) shot to stop the throwing up. Little did either of us know that his blood work would come back with his white count being alarmingly high and he would get to spend the next 2 nights in the hospital? WOW! He got home on Wednesday and is still on the road to recovery.

Ford did love the balloon that his Daddy got while in the hospital!!

Trey and I took Ford outside last night to play before bath time. He put Ford down in the grass and as soon as he touched it he panicked. I guess the texture of the course grass and crunchy leaves was a little more than he could handle. He wanted out so bad but all Trey and I could do was sit and laugh! Mean… I know.

Ford has on new pajamas. I know you are all glad to see some different ones!!!

Trying to get the phone.

Does anyone remember the cemetery Trey and I thought we lived on???? Right after we moved into our house here, 3 years ago, we needed to do some yard renovation. This included digging up all the bushes, putting down new grass, putting up a fence, and digging up “chunks” of concrete out of part of our back yard. Trey was digging and I was dumping the pieces in a pile. Some of the chunks looked more like blocks and I flipped one over to find a name, birth date, and date of death on it. I screamed and we looked at a few more to find the same thing. I ran (real fast) next door to ask our neighbors WHAT WAS GOING ON!!!!! Come to find out, we don’t live on a cemetery. The people who lived in our house many years ago owned a funeral home and would dump the temporary markers in their yard when the real tomb stones would come in. We thought it was neat and saved the “chunks of concrete”!!!


Lauren and Nick Miller said...

I'm glad to hear that Trey is better! Nick, Reid, & I all got the stomach virus this week...MISERY. I have never been so sick in my life!

Ashley said...

So gald yall are better! I love the pics of Ford upset...C did the same thing this time last year!! Need to stop by and see yall Sunday!

heatherstockett said...

Glad yall are better! Sorry about Trey getting so sick! I think the men are worse patients than the kids! ;) Love the pic of Ford mad. And, I'm glad you don't live on a cemetery-I would have flipped out, too!!

Katie said...

I'm glad you got him some new PJ's... I think I may have saw Santa on one pair =) I had forgotten about the cemetary story, that was a good one! Miss u!

Kimberly Roberts Moore said...

Oh no! Men are such worse patients than children! Glad everyone is well again! Yes...they did give Maggie the pain ear drops and they worked wonders, especially when getting her to bed!!

Felicia said...

Jill go check out my sewing blog..i gave you and award...

Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...