Saturday, March 28, 2009


I am nearing the end of my pregnancy. Honestly, it hasn’t been that bad. I can name a few discomforts I have endured while on this journey, but nothing too big. All in all, I have had an easy time the last 34 weeks.

Yesterday, I noticed that my feet an ankles were starting to swell. I have had minimal swelling up until this point, but yesterday was a different story. My feet were pretty large and were hanging over my flip flops and I had KANKLES. Oh it was just lovely. Well, I got a bit concerned since it happened so quickly all in one day. A friend of mine said maybe I should take my blood pressure. She warned that being this far into my pregnancy I could have toxemia and be going into premature labor. Ahhhhhhhhhh.

Well, we live in Mayberry and they don’t have a lot of blood pressure machines around here, but fortunately I found one. My blood pressure was high for me, but still normal according to the nurse I spoke with. She said that swelling was going to happen and I needed to stay elevated as much as possible. I am better today… not cured, but better.

I sure was glad that little Ford wasn’t ready to make his grand entrance into this world because I am not quite ready for him to come. I thought about slightly panicking since I haven’t packed him a bag or myself a bag. What do you even pack in a bag??????? I need tips on this one all you moms out there.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Taylor's wedding weekend

This weekend Taylor finally married the man of her dreams, Jeff. The nuptials took place in Oxford, which was a lot of fun. Friends from college came and spent the weekend celebrating the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Kilgore.
I pulled into Oxford on Friday for the bridesmaids’ luncheon and rehearsal festivities. Being that I am 33 weeks pregnant I have to say I was a trooper to stay out until after midnight two nights in a row! It was a lot of fun to see everyone and end my spring break with a bang.

I must say that being pregnant is a bit like being a celebrity. People look at you, then look at your mid-section, and then run over to ask you the same standard questions… How far along are you? How much longer do you have? Have you been sick? Is it a boy or a girl? Etc. If I had $1.00 for everyone who touched my stomach this weekend I would be a rich rich lady. Baby Ford got lots of attention and petting for 2 whole days.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Road Trip and Trey's Favorite Baby Gift

This past weekend the entire Anthony clan took a road trip to Sebastopol (where in the world is that???) to visit my grandmother. It’s hard to see family except on special occasions with all that seems to be going on , but we made it happen.

My brother came with his wife and two girls. They enjoyed a nice day at the Sebastopol park.

Trey called me from work and asked if I had time to come to his office because he had a surprise. Who in their right mind doesn’t have time for a surprise? Considering he works about 200 yards from our house I was there in a snap.
When I walked in I found him sitting on the cutest John Deere tricycle/tractor. Someone had dropped a baby gift off for Ford. It’s soooooo cute, and needless to say Trey is rather excited about it. We both rode it around the house!!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Baby Shower and Jamie's Birthday

Well, I had my first baby shower on Saturday. I am not one to be the center of attention and have all the focus on me, but when you spend over an hour opening presents it tends to happen. I guess that people love Trey, Baby Ford, and me more than I thought. I was busy most of the time visiting and unwrapping gifts so I don’t have a lot of pictures to share on this post, but some will be coming soon via the baby shower photographer, Ashley. If Ford arrived tomorrow he would be set. We received a stroller, car seat, baby monitors, bath tubs, onesies, gowns, clothes, diapers, and lots of monogrammed diaper bags. I can’t thank everyone enough for all the gifts and the wonderful shower.

Sweet Jamie came all the way from Atlanta to spend her 26th birthday watching me opening baby gifts. She had to endure two pregnant people since Katie drove up from Hattiesburg. I really do have some top quality friends from high school.

After the shower we took a drive down south to Como, MS where we ate several appetizers, delicious steak, and topped it off with a layered chocolate dessert!!!!!!!

Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...