Saturday, March 28, 2009


I am nearing the end of my pregnancy. Honestly, it hasn’t been that bad. I can name a few discomforts I have endured while on this journey, but nothing too big. All in all, I have had an easy time the last 34 weeks.

Yesterday, I noticed that my feet an ankles were starting to swell. I have had minimal swelling up until this point, but yesterday was a different story. My feet were pretty large and were hanging over my flip flops and I had KANKLES. Oh it was just lovely. Well, I got a bit concerned since it happened so quickly all in one day. A friend of mine said maybe I should take my blood pressure. She warned that being this far into my pregnancy I could have toxemia and be going into premature labor. Ahhhhhhhhhh.

Well, we live in Mayberry and they don’t have a lot of blood pressure machines around here, but fortunately I found one. My blood pressure was high for me, but still normal according to the nurse I spoke with. She said that swelling was going to happen and I needed to stay elevated as much as possible. I am better today… not cured, but better.

I sure was glad that little Ford wasn’t ready to make his grand entrance into this world because I am not quite ready for him to come. I thought about slightly panicking since I haven’t packed him a bag or myself a bag. What do you even pack in a bag??????? I need tips on this one all you moms out there.

1 comment:

Katie said...

I need to see you so we can prop our kankles together!

Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...