Friday, August 23, 2019

Happy 4.5 to Sister

  I started teaching third grade in 2005 and taught it all the way up until last year, not including my 6 year sabbatical, and I have finally been promoted to fourth grade.  I am teaching 3 sections of babies with a total of 50 students.  It's a wild day trying to fit my lessons in three times, but I feel like I am adjusting nicely.
 Our pool days are dwindling down.
 Daddy even came to the pool and wore my sunglasses.
 Annie has been the birthday party queen.  She's gone to more parties in August than most kids go to in years.
 Ford is playing pee wee football and it appears he will be the QB for fourth grade.  His bag is bigger than he is!
 A sweet, sweet mom, and Annie's 4K teacher, made me this sign.  I love the idea.
 My babies.  I am sad to say that Ford moved upstairs to his own room and they no longer all sleep together.  He said he was squooshed. 
 We love Tom & Jerry
 Tucking Ford in
 Bitty's class
 Annie's class
 The boys got in the lake and then started sliding around...
 Annie's all about me collage
 Annie's class
 I have door duty every afternoon.  I call the names of the children whose parents walk up to the door to be picked up.  Two days ago when I opened the door a swarm of wasps attacked my neck and arms. 
 Ford has this funky spot on his knee.
 We were concerned it might be a spider bite.  The doctor never confirmed anything but is treating him for staff.
 Lying down with the littles at bedtime
 My chiefs ready for school

Happy 4.5 to Sister!!!!!!!
Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, eyeglasses, closeup and indoor

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Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

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