Sunday, April 7, 2019

I am not made for cold weather

Whewwwwwwwweeeee!!!!!!!!  Hello busy life!  Yes, I live one.  I try to remind myself in ALL the craziness that "these are THE days!"

It absolutely BLOWS my mind that school is almost out.  This has been my most favorite year teaching yet.  I am able to TEACH!  I am a trusted professional, with a degree, who can do her job without anyone micromanaging me, and it's FABULOUS!!!!!!  Last week we had achievement tests and on the last day we had "Student Appreciation Day".  It consisted of a party, water guns, confetti, extra recess, and a movie!  I took each child's picture with my homemade picture frame that Fancy made fun of, and the girls insisted I have a picture too!
 Trey concluded year #8 in the legislature and came home.  We were all super proud to have the Gentleman from Tate County, back in Tate County.
 I'm hosting an event at my house in the next few days.  We have spent WEEKS preparing for it, and I forced the ankle biters to clean that messy playroom UP!
 Sometimes the neighbor comes over and they climb a tree.
 No one broke a bone!
 I went to hide in the bathroom and soak my feet in the sink.  I have done this as long as I can remember.  It's a poor girl's version of a pedicure.  Annie found me and before I knew it, she had taken over my spot!
 The weather is warming up.  I am not made for cold weather.  We have taken advantage of the pretty days that it didn't rain.
 My 0% fat son, Ford, made himself some weights with milk jugs and sand.  He was very pleased with himself.
 Puddin took Annie to the dentist and she had TWO cavities.  I have tried to cut back on popsicles, juice, and candy.  My children act like it's crack and I'm killing them when I say "NO!".
 Life has been busy.  I am sure you're sick of me saying that, but IT'S TRUE!  Baseball takes up about 5-6 days a week with two boys.  Ford's team played in Lafayette, LA, this weekend.  It was too much with all we have going on, so we sent him with a friend.  I got this picture of them on Friday night.  He looked exhausted.  I missed my baby soooooooooo bad.  It was his first time to spend the night away from home, not with family.  He survived.  I survived.  He also said he never wanted to go anywhere without us again.  I need all my chickens in my coop.
 Ford has been saying it's blurry when he reads his book at school, but the board is fine.  Well, we got the eyes checked out and he needs reading glasses.  Not to be worn all the time like the littles, but just when he's looking at a book or IPad for a while.  He's so excited.
 Bitty had his first game last week.  Y'all, it didn't even occur to me to take pictures.  I forgot.  Luckily another mom did.
 On Tuesday, Annie fell on a rock at the playground and it went into her head.  Kind of nasty.
 The boys got haircuts last week.  Annie insisted on getting hers trimmed too.  This was her first real haircut.  I have cut it myself about 3 times.
 She was proud!!!!!!!!!
 We made a cake today and she needed an apron.
 And to lick the bowl....
 They were bothering each other while we waited on Ford to come home from Lafayette, so I made them build things.
 We were supposed to participate in the Pancreatic Cancer 5k/Walk today, but the weather caused it to cancel.  Instead we met the cousins, BoomPa, and Patty for lunch.

 I claim that after I had Annie I have had trouble remembering things.  I don't know if it's something hormonal, three kids, age, stress, activity overload or what, but I promise I do stupid stuff.  The other day I went to boil some water for tea.  Unsweetened tea is my jam.  Some people gotta have coffee, I need my tea.  So I started my tea and came to order some pictures online.  Naturally, technology and I are like oil and water so I had trouble and was on the computer longer than normal.  I went back in the kitchen to find my tea!....I had forgotten to put water in the pot.  I put my tea bags in there, put the lid on, and turned it on.  No water.  It was a MESS!!!!!!  Trey worries about me!  I worry about me.  This could be a long life of doing stupid stuff.

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Oh y'all know me.... I LOVE a tradition and Christmas pajamas are one of them! Bit Annie Ford Annie's note to Santa  The run through...