Thursday, December 20, 2018

He's an Elf

Times are changing.  Kids aren't the same as there were several years ago.  They need action, attention, to be engaged, and constant entertainment.  My kids really are no different than your typical 2018 adolescent.  I try to use good judgement.  They don't have devices, although I allow them some playing time on my phone.  We don't have video games or the latest gadgets.  I want to keep things simple.  I want them to explore their creative side and be able to self entertain.  Last week the boys used old crayons to build a barn.  Although we wasted over 200 usable crayons, they were being creative and using that noggin, and for that I am proud.
Every year we meet my brother and his crew at the Pink Palace to walk through the Enchanted Forest.  Ken is quirky, wild, and loves to make people laugh.  Trey is serious, plays it safe, and prefers not to be the life of the party.  So when Ken jumped out from behind a tree as Buddy the Elf, I knew it would be a fantastic afternoon.
On Monday our third graders loaded up and headed to a neighboring school to deliver Christmas stockings and hats to 112 kindergartners.  It was such a special morning to see these children so excited about giving stockings and to watch the little ones squealing when they found their surprises inside!
I love my job!
Lots and lots of festivities have been going on at school.  Parties, special days, and dressing up!
Bitty's class
Tuesday was a D-A-Y!  And not in a good way.  We started at 4:00 when Annie joined me in bed saying her stomach hurt.  I got up at 4:45 to get a shower and she followed soon after to the toilet.  She claims she threw up.  She spent the next hour sleeping on the floor.  After her nap she was pitiful but better.
She insisted on going to school.
Anna Greer graciously took my place at the party since I can't be in 4 places at once.
I ran by for 5 minutes...
Ohhhh how we love these ladies who have taught all of my babies!
Puddin represented at Bitty's party.
I did pop in real quick.

Making gingerbread houses....
Third stop was Ford's class...
So Annie being sickly was the first incident.  Secondly, we came home to find that Fancy never let the dog out.  The dog that's wild.  The dog I do NOT like.  Well, Otis tee teed in my closet.  He ate most every roll of toilet paper.  He ate potpourri, my slippers, 2 stuffed animals, several of Annie's princess lip glosses which stained my rug, and unpacked Trey's hunting bag from his trip to South Dakota.  I considered killing the dog.

A few hours after that discovery I get a text from the neighbor that Ford hit a hole while riding an electric scooter and.......

Yeah.  He broke his teeth OFF!!!!!!!  It handled it much better than I would have if they'd have been my teeth.  We went to the dentist for a consultation.

That night Anna Greer babysat while Trey and I got out of the house!  They went on a Christmas scavenger hunt.
Mayberry got a new indoor jumping place.  We tested it out yesterday.
Today we ran by A Borken Cup to get cinnamon rolls.
And Ford got his teeth fixed.
Tomorrow is a new day with new activities.  Ford will get his tonsils and adenoids removed.  

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Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

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