Thursday, December 27, 2018

Braver than I am .... Twas the Night Before Christmas...

Pre-children, I would not have been labeled as brave.  Not one single bit.  If I were sick and the doctor offered a shot, I would quickly decline and suffer until the pills kicked in 3 days later.  Now after going through three bouts of labor, I have toughened up a bit.  I will say that my Ford is braver than I am.  Last week, on December 21, he had his tonsils and adenoids removed.  He went into the operation with little fear.

Tonsils before they came out...
 Trey was panicking in the tiny curtained area, so I documented it!
 My baby after surgery.
 Maisey brought him balloons and treats right after we got home.  He's gotten lots of good attention.
 We have cuddled a lot. 
 Trey and Bitty did some hunting.
 Leland came over on day 2 to watch Elf.  This was probably Ford's worst day.  He ran some fever.
 Hayley and Ella Grace came to get the littles for a play date. 
 We went to the Spencer's house for cookies with Santa.
 That night I went to Betsy's house for a dirty Santa Christmas party.  We always have big fun!
Bitty wears his patch 2 hours a day to make his eye stronger.  Be gone lazy eye!
Dad is always festive on Christmas Eve...
 Annie found Greer at church that night!!!!
 And of course we had the tradition of opening one gift.  The boys have wised up and knew they'd open pajamas!
 They'll match as long as they live with me!
 And we mustn't forget to feed the reindeer!
 These babies were excited about all things Christmas, and this year we remembered to leave Santa a snack!

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Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

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