Monday, March 19, 2018

New Day. New Stuff.

 New Day.  New Stuff.  That’s my title.

 Every day is a new day, which brings on a lot of “stuff” for our little family.  I’ve written about the guilt of us not sitting down together as a family for supper.  Today I just feel overwhelmed with the busy, busy, rush, rush life that’s being thrown at me right now.   Baseball is all consuming on the weekends.  I love it.  I am 100% into the game and adore watching my child do what he loves.  I have guilt that we miss church some Sundays.  I have guilt that sometimes it’s all about him and the littles are just drug along.  It stresses me out that we aren’t home much and when I am here I am rushing to catch up on laundry, cleaning and errands.

Sure I’m a “stay at home mom” which I feel that we moms get a bad reputation sometimes.  Why do I say that, because I thought that before I was one!  I don’t sit around watching TV, sipping coffee, and chatting with my girlfriends all day.  I never watch TV (ever!), I hate coffee, and I am the worst friend when it comes to keeping up with people.  Even though I don’t “work outside the home” I am busy.  Today was several doctor appointments for the littles, gymnastics, errands, homework, and Easter party coordinating.   And now I wish I were asleep, but I can’t always turn my brain off that easy so I am ordering baseball attire for Bitty on Amazon, thinking about Easter baskets, and how I need to clean up for the Easter parties I’m hosting for both boys’ classes next week.

So, this weekend was the third weekend of baseball, third tournament, and second first place win!
 Waiting on his medal...
 Oh how this was me as a life at the baseball fields...
 Bitty soaks it ALL in....
 The aftermath of a hard game played...
 This morning I took Annie to the dentist for her first visit.  Now, this is something we have literally talked about for months.  I wanted her to be well aware of what would happen.
 She rocked it.  Ms. Jane was able to clean her teeth and do everything she planned to do!
 After the dentist we grabbed Bitty at school and headed to the eye specialist.  John Brantley got glasses back in November.  In early February we went back for a follow up.  The doctor suggested we see a specialist since one eye was still 20/40 with glasses on.  Annie failed her eye screening at her 3 year old well visit so I double booked them for the specialist.
 MAD, because ladies go first.....
 Dr. Lipman dilated their eyes...
 Bitty has lazy eye, just like his momma did!!!!!!!  Lucky for him, patching in 2018 isn't what it was in 1986.  He gets to slip this cool cloth cover over his lens.  Momma here had to wear a legit patch (band-aid looking) over my eye ALL DAY for a LONG time.  Bitty gets patched 2 hours a day.  We got this.  So long LAZY EYE!!!!!!
 And since Fancy picked out the first glasses that look more like ski goggles, I picked out the new pair.  (His prescription had to be increased  A LOT)!
 And Sister has glasses too!
 When the doctor told me she needed glasses my heart kind of sank.  I'm not going to lie and say I wasn't super sad.  I got glasses at age 4.  I had them until I was 12 years old.  I HATED THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!  You don't, haven't, won't ever see me in glasses now.  Those 8 years scarred me.  I remember feeling ugly.  I remember thinking if I didn't have those glasses or if I looked like my friends then my entire family would look cuter.  When we moved to a new town where people didn't know I used to wear glasses I wouldn't let my mom put childhood pictures out in the house of me because I didn't want people to know what I looked like!  Now at almost 36 years old, I've moved on from the feeling ugly as a child, phase.  It just makes me hold my breath and pray that Annie never feels ugly like I did.  So I will continue to tell her everyday how beautiful she is, like I have since day 1.
New glasses will be here next week!

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