Wednesday, October 11, 2017

And loud too

Baseball....that ball, that ball, that ball....that's what we do....we play baseball.  Well, we did, and now we have a short break.  But this last weekend we played our last fall tournament in New Albany.  That Type A person that I am got up at 5:00 AM to get all the family ducks in a row in order to pull out at 8:00.  When we arrived in New Albany and were unpacking the car, I heard someone say, "JILL ANTHONY!!!"  I turned around and it was a childhood friend from West Point, Joanna.
 The day started off cool, then it turned muggy and humid, followed by drizzle. 
 We started at 10:00 AM and finished sometime after 9:00 PM.  Sister took it hard.
 4 games and 4 wins later we became the tournament champs.  That would be Ford on the ground with a bum knee.  He slid into second and his knee his the base.
 His fourth ring...
 First place winners of the Fall State Grand Slam Tournament
 Rough ride home
 Ohhh but the boys asked to sleep with Annie, as they often do, and this is what I later found!!!!!!!  Ohhhh this is sweetness if I've ever seen it!
 Yep...she wore her Converse to church!  She said they matched....I didn't argue!
 We eat Sunday lunch with Puddin and Pops.  Trey didn't leave us much spaghetti!!!
 Monday, October 9th, would have been my mom's 64th birthday.  The kids, BoomPa, and I took new flowers and released balloons after singing Happy Birthday.
 Since they were out for fall break on Monday and Tuesday, we went to Jackson to see my Grandmother who recently turned 91.  I know it was a hard day on her too since it was her daughter's birthday.
 We took her to eat at Primo's...because she loves that place!
 Then on Tuesday we went with the church to Sky Zone for some indoor jumping.  Annie was pleased that Maggie rode with us!
 But Annie couldn't hang on the way home.
 Bedtime hugs from Daddy....
 This is the face of a kid who asks MANY questions all day long!
 This is he face of a kid who is still in his needy, I'm going to pitch a fit stage.
 And this is the face of a little girl who is super bossy, sassy, and prissy.
Loud too

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Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...