Monday, September 18, 2017

The days are long, but those years....

The days are L-O-N-G, but the years are short.  We've all heard that from time to time.  I honestly am not sure I had even heard it, or maybe I had, until I had kids.  I totally understand it now.  My days are always long.  I start at 5:00 AM on Monday-Friday.  I go go go until my head hits the pillow around 10:00 PM.  I feel like I am in a state of constant motion, because I am!  I pour myself into my family and plan to continue doing so as long as I can.  I strive for greatness in myself and my people, and if that means I'm tired every single day...then I'll be tired!

The children and their activities rule most of the hours of our day.  Ford's heart belongs to baseball, but we've thrown in a little soccer for several weeks.  Tonight was his first game of the season.  His team won 3-0 with two of the goals being made by my man, Ford!!!
I played rec soccer for 4 years, but I honestly don't know the rules.  I can however holler at Ford to hustle, kick the ball, get the ball, take his hands out of his mouth, etc.  I am NOT that annoying, over the top, yelling parent though.  I just like to keep my kid in check!
BoomPa has been traveling some lately and we hadn't seen him in a few weeks.  Annie was so excited to see Boom when he came last week.  They watched Mickey together.
My baby....that hair.  What baby????....she's a little girl.
Bitty is a different bird.  He always has been.  He's very different from Ford.  People will rave on how smart Ford is, how mature Ford is...all that good stuff.  Then we have a wild boy Bitty.  But I'll have you know.... this kid is really smart.  He has been asking me all kinds of deep questions lately, he's curious about time so we've talked about the clock a lot, and he's really good with math.  He did NOT get that from his momma.  He adds big numbers in his head and really seems to understand math.

The other day he asked me to take him and Annie to the park because he wanted to run a mile.  The track at the park tells you how many laps you must make.  Bitty rode his bike, ran mostly, and walked some until he had gone 1.5 miles.
He was 5 in June, so he's young, but he has expressed to Trey and me that he's ready to be baptized.  I explained that baptism does NOT get you into Heaven.  He knows that its an outward sign telling others about your decision.  I had him meet with our church's seminary trained children's minister.  She said he understood everything she asked and answered correctly.  We're going to keep discussing things, but keep looking because I could be posting some of the BIGGEST news of his life before too long.
Sister, is 100 no no no 110% a handful.  That 2-4 year old time span is purely exhausting.  There's really no other way to explain it.  She needs constant attention and supervision.  On the days she's home with me I don't get a lot done.  If by chance I do take my eyes off of her then something happens like: she draws on the wall, takes the tops off of 33 markers, colors on the table, spills stuff, etc.
But she's so stinking cute and says she Wuvs me all day, how could you not eat her up!
Bitty is my child that attracts accidents.  If something painful is going to happen, it'll happen to Bitty.  Friday he got poked in the eye at school....
We have.... We have... WE HAVE... our FIRST pair of real KEDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Those fat little feet need a size wide.  Keds don't start in W until a little bit bigger so we have just now crossed over into the cute shoes.  Annie loves her size 8W keds!!!!!!
It's just about that time of year.... HUNTING season.  I'll keep my thoughts to myself on that subject matter.  The kids and I went out to the farm on Saturday....
And when it was time for me to leave, I'll have you know it was ANNIE who pitched a fit to stay and ride the tractor.  Trey was NOT in favor of that idea, but she PROMISED not to poop her pants if he'd let her stay.  She stayed.  They bonded!
Friday night Ford got to help play water boy at the high school game.  This activity brought him great pleasure.  Someone snapped this picture of him...
Annie was cranky this afternoon so I got the bright idea to make her take a nap.  I'm glad I enjoyed that 45-60 minutes because tonight it took FOREVER getting her to sleep.  I won't make that mistake again.

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Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...