Saturday, September 23, 2017

Homecoming Festivities and such...

School dress up days are the best.  When I was a student I enjoyed them, but I really loved getting to partake in the fun as a teacher.  Now I can share the love with my kiddos.  I am not sure they share the excitement like I do, but nonetheless, they participated!!!!!

Monday- Dress like old people
 Tuesday- Hawaiian Day
 Wednesday- Monsters University
 Lets just say that Bitty was in character all day, as a monster, and got in trouble in class!!!!
 Wednesday was also the homecoming parade around the school which sister and I attended!
 That afternoon, a nap was necessary for Annie girl.
 Wednesday afternoon the boys started trying on their superhero outfits for the Thursday.  Annie found one that fit her and wore it to church that night!!!!!!
 Thursday- Super heroes
 Sometimes you just don't feel SUPER on superheroes day!
 Thursday I checked Ford out when I got the littles at 11:30 because Fancy surprised them with a new puppy.  Meet... Otis, at least I think that's his name.  He's an 8 week old German Wirehaired Pointer.
 I'm pretty sure this is Bitty's dog.  He's like the baby whisperer.
 Annie is a tad bit scared of him and screams, "Dog no get me!!!"
 At the present time, I think he's super cute but I'm annoyed with the shoe chewing and the potty training of him and Annie.
Friday- Spirit/Jersey Day

Two years ago the school started tailgating the day of homecoming on the front lawn.  It was a super hot day, but everyone had big fun.
 Ford's class of 2028.
 At the pep rally Ford won the dress up spirit award for his class.  This made him happy since last year I got the stink eye since he didn't win!
 Bitty Bear is also playing soccer!!!!!!
 Trey, who is also part decorator, has been on my case about patio furniture.  We bought 4 chairs this I gotta get an outdoor rug.  Did I ever mention I HATE shopping for house decor???
 Ms. Patty came to see us the other day.  My children adore her and she makes BoomPa so happy.  We are thankful for her!!!
Ford was student of the week for his class this week.  His poster....
Some spirit week pictures I stole from Ford's teacher's Facebook page....
And in honor of Ole Miss bid day tomorrow, my sister in law and I decided to share the DDD love... Annie was NOT impressed....

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Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...