Sunday, July 23, 2017

"I Go Beach" - Annie Lamar (Part 2)

We left the Bar Convention on Saturday with a 30 gallon garbage bag full of dirty clothes and headed to the outlet mall to kill some time.  Bitty pleaded that he needed new tennis shoes to start the school year off so we went into a store.  I had Annie in an umbrella stroller until she demanded to get out.  We used the stroller as a buggy for potential items to purchase, which would be two t-shirts for Trey.  Sister started acting up and Trey told me to take her out of the store.  I strapped her in and off we went.  I got down about 8-10 stores when Trey called to ask me where his shirts were.  I panicked!!!!  I had shop lifted.  I raced back to the store and managed to get inside without going to jail in Florida.
 We landed in Watercolor for the annual Anthony family vacay.  We've been going every year since 2007 and manage to find a new location every time.
 Our house wasn't exactly close to the beach so we rented a golf cart.
 We needed 6 bedrooms for all 12 people.
 Bitty and Jack ready to wrestle.
 The house had a huge play field in the back yard which we took full advantage of.
 Ms. Patty was a trooper to put up with our crew.
 Molly Cate and Ashley baked me a birthday cake.
 The field
 Boys' bunk room
 Play Nine is the funnest card game ever!!!!!!
 They wouldn't participate.
 Ken laughs when Trey loses!
 Trey eats chips when he loses.
 We took a midnight ride after some cards.
 Day 2, Sunday was my 35th birthday!
 After some pool time we did the beach.
 It was rather cloudy this day.
 We had steak and cake that night!
 We played another game which brought Trey to tears.
 Day 3- and everyday Annie ended up in my bed.
 Trey wasn't happy that a storm was brewing...
 Since it rained we had to come up with things to do.  Annie painted Fancy's toes.
 BoomPa napped
 Bitty woke him up.
 That night we went to Sea Side to eat.
 Bitty felt bad.
Ford worked really hard coloring the table at supper.
 Days 1-3 in the books....

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