Saturday, December 31, 2016

Jingle Bells

  I distinctly remember being sooooooo excited as a child on Christmas Eve night.  Like to the point where my parents probably wanted to medicate me to control the wildness.  Now I am just as excited because I get to relive it all through my children, and it's GREAT!!!!

Since Ford was little, like 2 years old, I have covered the doorway with wrapping paper as a barrier if you will, and made him run through it like a football team runs through a spirit sign.  Getting ready to run....
Here comes Sister...
This child has more tractors, trailers, trucks and such than anyone I know.
She's been cooking for days.
He wanted lots of football attire.
Santa ate his snack that I left.  I'm pretty sure I have forgotten to let the kids leave him a snack every year so I have to do it myself.  Another mom fail.
0 days til Christmas.
This book is right up Ford's alley.
BoomPa sat back and enjoyed the show.
Minnie Mouse backpack and underwear!!!!!!!!
We started at 6:00 AM...hence all the pajamas.
After church we went to Puddin and Pops's house.
LEGOS.....millions of pieces of legos.
Uncle Vance and Miss Emily gave them hunting backpacks.
Late afternoon we headed to Bobba's....
Cousin Jed was stirring them up real good.
Puddin didn't want to play horsey, but I think she lost that argument.
Daddy and Ford worked on those legos all night.
Merry Christmas from The Lamar Family!!!!!
Goodbye 2016.... I can't say I'm sad to see you go.  It's been a year.  I'm looking forward to a bright and prosperous 2017.

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Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...