Saturday, July 23, 2016

Beach 2k16 Part 1 after the bar convention

I'm such a homebody.  When I'm not at home I want to be there.  But if I am away from my little town of Mayberry then I want to be at the beach.  During our 12 day hiatus I turned 34!!!!  I know I don't look a day over 22, but I'm 34.  My sweet family bought me a cake: "Happy Birthday Hot Slappy Momma!  AKA Aunt Jill.... 
 Ford and Caroline are 1 year and 3 days apart in age and pretty much are two peas in a pod.
 Beach life wears my Bitty out.
 Molly Cate is 10, and she wagged Annie on her hip all week.  I was grateful for a much needed break.
On Sunday we went down to hang out with some friends at their place for a few hours.
 Bitty was panicking because he got "sun scream" in his eye.
 I never thought I'd have a daughter, and honestly was content with my boys, but I'm sure glad I get to do pink, ruffles, and bows!
 Again....Tired Bitty
 Ken and I let Caroline and Molly Cate decorate us one day.
Side note... 34 hit hard and I have sun spots/age spots.  Anyone got a remedy??
 Annie L-O-V-E-S her BoomPa
 A girl must accessorize.
 Water balloon fights are also necessary...
You wag 200 pounds of cargo to the beach and the kids need snacks immediately after...
 SPF 50 and Ford still is brown as ever.
 Ashley has been dating/married to my brother for 20 years.  She's like my sister and we also share a special love of wave jumping/riding together!
 Molly Cate (10), Caroline (8), Ford (7), Jack (5), John Brantley (4), and Annie (17 months)
 One night I overheard Molly Cate saying she lost an earring.  I told her she could borrow a pair of mine.  I don't think her momma approved of such, but she was digging it!
 BoomPa, my dad, is a planner.  Ohhh he plans so much it can be annoying.  He plans out the eating itinerary for the beach months in advance.  The Louisiana Lagniappe is always on the list of restaurant must go's.
 Boom with his grandkids
 My hot date...
 Melt my heart....
 No one fell in thank goodness...
 I think she was resisting the picture.

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Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...