Sunday, May 15, 2016

Songs about momma, drinking, and trucks

Ahhhhh country music. It's songs about momma, drinking, boots, cheating, jail, trucks, mud, front porch sitting, smoking, sweet tea, and the dog.  I, personally, do not prefer country music.  I'll listen if forced, but it's not my thing.  

With that being said, Friday night I went to hear a country music artist, Chris Stapleton.  Now from what Fancy tells me, he's been around for a while.  He's written music for lots of famous singers, but not until recently has he, himself, taken the stage with the mic.  

Pre concert photo....
During concert photo
Despite the fact that country isn't my thing, I thoroughly enjoyed a date night with my honey!!!   He works 10-11 hours a day, plus three needy kids = not much adult time.   It's necessary for a healthy marriage.  
Next story line....

We have 9 acres.  That's a lot of turf to take care of.  Fancy loves a bush, tree, shrub.  Therefore we keep planting more.  I believe he wants to be hidden from the world.  Thursday we got 22 new trees.  We have magnolia, oak, maple, Leland cypress and green giants.  Want to hear the fun part???   They are nowhere near the house and I have to haul jugs to water the beasts!!!   It takes 45 minutes.  
Anne Walker came to visit last night and Annie was amazed that someone was smaller than her.
When Daddy and Ford go into Hibbetts for a lot of minutes you gotta take a selfie.
I just LOVE a sleeping baby.
Fancy has straight hair.  I mean there is no body to his doo.  My hair is the queen of funky, kinky, wavy, frizzy, dry, etc.  The boys got Trey's hair and well... look what happened to Sister.
Field trips have begun!!!!!!!  Thursday we packed up and headed to Tupelo.  There's a store there called Midnite Pottery that makes precious hands and feet platters.  Well, I have one for each boy that was done at 14 months of age, and since Annie is 14 months we had to go.  I didn't get any good pictures there, but on the way home we stopped by to see Granddaddy.  He's pushing 92 and still sharp.  He's physically in bad condition, but mentally he's fine.  He can't hear and it frustrates Ford to the fullest extent because the kid has stuff to say.
I never thought we'd have baby strollers and dolls in our house.
Sometimes you just gotta ride naked.  I'm pretty sure my children think we live in a nudest colony.
When you just need to snuggle with your momma.
And then fall asleep on her chest!
School is officially out.  We've just been hanging around...literally.
She loves to pull stuff out of my drawers while I get dressed.
Bribery can be a beautiful thing.  I was seriously concerned that The Bit wouldn't participate in his 3k program last week so I bribed!!!!  Did you know the "mail truck" is better than Santa Claus?  Perhaps I order stuff from Amazon way too much and my kids have caught on.  Needless to say, he did a good job singing and I ordered him a tractor to push around on the rugs!  (Side note: Ford found out and I had he wanted an Ipad.  I told him he lost his mind that I was thinking more in the $20 range.  He got some bases for baseball.)

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Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...