Friday, May 6, 2016

End of the Year PaRtY!!!!!

Certain things get on my nerves.  Well, let’s be honest, a lot of mess gets on my nerves.  I try to keep those annoyances to myself, but I share plenty with Fancy.  I don’t think I’ve shared this one before: “Time please slow down.”  Something about seeing that on my Facebook news feed sends me to another level of “ughhhhhhhh”.  Okay…. But maybe I should say it because… HOW IN THE WORLD is this school year already over????????  Seriously!  I mean, “Time PLEASE slow down!”  Okay, I said it…HA!

It seems like 5 minutes ago I was stressing over finding the correct school supplies on the list and now it’s time to have the little ankle biters home ALL summer long.  Yesterday, was the end of the year party at the boys’ school complete with: a bouncy house, face painting, pony rides, turtle races, petting zoo, train ride, other various animals, and snacks.
 Bitty and his bff, Waltman.  It'll be a dark day when Walt goes on to 4K and The Bit is in 3K again.
 Wesley, Hayes, and Ford
 These pictures are all in a crazy order because I was running from here to there to capture those moments with the boys.
 My favorite picture of the day!!!!
 This boy won't be in Mini Mag next year.  He's moving on to the BIG school.  He's said he is like the senior of his building.
 After her nap, sister got to come with BoomPa.
 Benjamin, Bitty, and Battle
 Annie shared their snacks
 Bitty had 3 popsicles, only boy colors too!!!
 I promise to NEVER miss an activity that my children are involved in if I can help it!!!!  Creating memories while they still like having me around!
Whoop Whoop to a great 2015-2016 school year!

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Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...