Saturday, April 30, 2016

My first born is 7!!!!

My sweet, precious, firstborn is SEVEN years old.  Yeah… no big deal to you, but it’s huge to ME!  The other night he cried and told me he was sad because he was going to college in 12 years.  That’s too soon.  Thanking God we held him back so I can have one more year with my Fordster at home.

When God created Ford he made him unique, special.  I’m not just saying this because he’s “my” child, but he broke the mold.  He’s wise and mature beyond his years.  He’s caring and sensitive.  He’s inquisitive and wants to know how everything works.  He’s athletic and is obsessed with sports.  He’s thoughtful, considerate, and helpful.  He loves life, people, and most importantly, the Lord.

I asked Ford a series of questions:
What is your favorite food?  Bacon, egg, and cheese
What is your least favorite food?  tomatos
What are your favorite things to learn about?  sports
What’s your favorite color?  Red, blue, and green
What’s your favorite number?  44
What are your favorite games to play?  Hide -n- seek and tag
When you have free time what do you like to do?  I like to play with magnets at school and build things
What is your favorite book?  Junie B. Jones
What is your favorite TV show?  ballgames
What is your favorite holiday?   Christmas and my birthday
What are some things you do well?  Shooting baskets
Where are your favorite places to go?   A waterpark
What do you like to do with your family?   Go on trips
What’s your favorite thing about home?   Just being with my family
What’s your favorite thing to do outside?   Go swimming
What’s your favorite chore?   Cleaning up toys
What’s your least favorite chore?   Dusting  (he doesn’t dust)
What is your favorite song?   Crocodile Rock
What do you want to be when you grow up?   Football player
Where is somewhere you’d like to visit?   A museum with dinosaur bones
What was your favorite thing about being six?   Turning 6 was my favorite thing about being 6
What was something sad that happened when you were six?   When Adele punched me at recess
What do you like to do when you get up in the morning?   Watch shows
What is your favorite part of each day?   The part of playing with friends
What’s your favorite drink?    Coke, Sprite, and White Lightning
Where do you want to go to college?   Ole Miss
Who do you want to marry when you grow up?   His repsonse: “Whhhhatttt????”
Where do you want to live when you grow up?   Senatobia
What is something new you want to learn this year?   To tie my shoes
Who are your best friends:  Leland, Langston, and Hayes

Clothes size: shirts 6/7, long pants 7 (for length), short 4-5
Height: 47 inches = 3 feet 11 inches- 34th percentile
Weight: 44.4 lbs. - 16th percentile
He will be graduating from kindergarten next week.  I am so proud that he is reading and has learned so much this year.  Hats off to a great year being a 7 year old!!!
My children don't know how lucky they are that their ENTIRE lives are documented....

Ford's birth story Part 1:
Ford's birth story Part 2:
Ford's birth story Part 3:

HAPPY BIRTHDAY ON MAY 1 to my baby boy!!!!!

Monday, April 25, 2016

Wan Wan is Prissy

Sister, Wan-Wan, Annie Wannie, Prissy, whatever you want to call this little bundle of spunk is 14 months old.  I'm pretty sure she's cute and knows it.  She's also in charge and knows it!!!
Since we got tubes on her birthday she hasn't been sick so I'm not sure how much she weighs.  I'm guessing in the 23 pound ballpark.
Shoes: size 3 or 4
Clothes: size 12-18 months
Diapers: Luvs size 4

Anna Greer is one of our favorite people and babysitter.  She often times just comes to hang out after school when I'm here too.  We love our Greer. 
Daddy is home from his 5th year as a Mississippi state legislator.  Annie was born in the middle of the session last year... Bless my nerves!
And I'm still nursing.  It's just too easy to stop and there's nothing healthier I can give her.
She naps twice a day.  I have to wake her up all the time to get the boys from school.  Summer will be nice. 
She is a vocal child.  Would I expect anything less???   Of course not.  The other two talk more than should be allowed.
Words I've heard her say:  Momma, Bubba, Dada, Puh (Puddin), bye, Bo (Puddin and Pops' dog), eeese (cheese for when I take her picture), shoes, and her most favorite is "No" which comes out more like someone from Jersey "nah"
This weekend she had her first grass cutting experience.  I think she's hooked like the boys.  
Excuse my loveliness, but this is how I get ready at 6:00 AM... Sidekick in my lap.
I'm old school... Curlers all the way.
She's fast.  I mean she scoots up and down this hall like a rocket.  I guess she better to keep up with the boys.  
Annie loves loves loves outside.  She shows her excitement for things by saying, "ewww ewww" and kicking her legs.  
Animals are also a big favorite.  Any kind is fine.  She loves them all.
Even on days I think being a Wal-Mart greeter might be more glamorous than wrestling these three, I come to my senses and wouldn't change a thing!   Love all my babies.  Happy 14 months to my Wannie!

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Animals and such

Don’t kids just love a field trip?!?!?  It’s a free day from school.  No morning work, busy work, tests, etc.  They’re just a free day away from the normal daily grind of school.  Today was a field trip to none other than the zoo.  I calculated that between my three being in 3k-5k at their school I’ll go to the zoo 8 times, but not without help of course!  Today I recruited none other than BoomPa!

In order, my OCD order, to make such an event come off smoothly it takes preparation.  Therefore, I started packing necessities (band aids, Neosporin, Q-tips, (why not) snacks, extra clothes, umbrellas, Benadryl, etc.) the night before.  Then I woke up at 4:52 AM today.  I considered 4:45 AM, but I couldn’t stomach that thought…7 minutes was crucial.  And God was on TEAM JILL this morning.  Annie woke up at 6:00, I fed her and she went back to sleep until 7:02!!!!  I was bad bad bad worried about how she would handle missing her morning nap.

The plan was to be in the car, it was packed of course, by 7:55.  Shoes were being put on and I smelled some funk.  But instead of wanting to panic that she had dooced her drawers I was thankful that it happened before we left!  SO we got in the car at 7:58 instead.
 Meet Walt...this is Bitty's bff, his Waltman, and partner in crime.  I'm really sad because we are holding JB back and Walt will go on to 4k.  I think he will be lost without him next year.  (We will discuss holding him back in another post).
 Isn't my Bitty so small!!!
 Double strollers are wide and can be a pain in the rear to maneuver, but they're sure nice when you have kiddos in tow.  I honestly brought it because I figured The Bit wouldn't walk 100 feet.  He proved me wrong.  I think Ford sat in there more.
 MHS 5K- Ford's class.  There's another class just this big too.
 Ford and Cooper.  They're like third cousins and play that cousin card BIG TIME at school too.
 This picture is sooooo Ford.  He was the only person with a map at the zoo.  It's funny how accurate it is of his personality.
 Sister was strapped in most of the day.
 Bitty, Lucas, and Ford
 Ford and Walt...they're so cute and little.  Won't they love this picture when they're older.
 The bears put on a show for us.
 Annie loved them... she went "ewww" "ewww".
 Build that immune system...
 Ughhh look at those veins in his neck...
 Wesley, Ford, Hayes, Lucas, and Maddox
 Hayes and Ford
Zoo trip 3 of 8 down in the books.....
Zoo trip 2015...sure do miss that lady in the middle.
Zoo trip 2014
Despite running from the rain most of the day it was a great field trip!!!!

Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...