Saturday, March 12, 2016

The wife who married a redneck

Not only am I behind on my blog posts, but now they are out of order!!!  This type of stuff is not good for my OCD behavior, but I'll have to get over it.  I need to blog about my SB2016 (Spring Break 2016), but today's activities come first.

Praise Jesus, he loved me today!!!  Annie Lamar slept until 6:53 AM.  I had a good night's sleep and was revved up and ready to go today.  Bitty slept until about 8:30 and these two got to play some...
They really do have a sweet and special bond.  It warms my heart and I pray that they always stay this way!
Ahhhh, but the little man woke up and was ready to play tractors.
And build hills with my rug.
When you have two big brothers you get to wear their old stuff...hence the boots!
There really are NO words...
The kids and I wanted to go to the zoo.  Grumpy Pants, that would be Trey, didn't want to do anything fun.  Instead we stayed home until 1:00 and then ran his errands.  We loaded up the trailer with the lawnmower to have it serviced.  Then we went to the nursery place (whatever you call it) to buy ferns for my front porch and 150 trees to plant at the farm.  I wanted to go home after buying them, but he INSISTED that we drop the trees off at the farm.  So off we go.  We go through the gate and unload (better yet, Trey and Ford unload) 80 trees at the first spot.  After that's complete we take off driving through the field to the location where the next 70 trees are to be dropped off.  If you have been watching the news lately you would gather that riding through a field in a truck with a heavy trailer ISN'T a good idea.  WHY?!?!?  Because it's been raining like a madman lately.
Yeah... we get stuck.  A buncha stuck, as Bitty would say.
All 4 tires kind of stuck.
Sister was mad, hungry, and tired.
So, we were stuck.  The boys left in the rain to get the tractor.  They had to walk and were gone a good 30-45 minutes as sister and I waited.
For some smart reason, Trey made the boys stand in the pouring down rain (I know you can't tell) and watch as he tried to pull the truck out of the mud.
Finally I asked WHY they had to stand out there.  He let them get in...cold and wet.
I'm pretty city when it comes to life... but I drove that truck and trailer right out of the mud, through the field, out of one gate, into another, and in the driveway at the farm house and didn't hit a thing!!!!
This is the smart one who thought dropping plants off in a field that had been rained on for days was a good idea.
He had to fire up the grill when we got home to redeem himself!!!

New blog below....

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Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...