Saturday, March 12, 2016

BAM, they fit!

I'm four blog posts behind and it's making me CrAzY!!!!!  Spring break has really gotten us off schedule, and this family runs much better on a schedule.  So here goes:

Little man decided to strike against clothes one afternoon.  Paw Patrol underwear all the way!!!!
We had a little birthday party for his teacher back in February, and now it was time for his assistant teacher's turn!!!
Happy Birthday Mrs. Kristy!
Good Ole BoomPa putting batteries in the walkie talkies for Bitty.  Ohhhh but the old batteries had corroded, messed up the walkie talkies, and we ended up throwing them away.
It does my soul good when I get work like this in Ford's folder.
Bitty loves to help cook.  Honestly, I can do things 100 times faster if he DOESN'T help, but he insists!  So we made a cake the other day and I was excited about it.  Until....
It came out like this!!!!!  I stuck 3 toothpicks in there that all came out clean, too...might I add.
Sometimes you just want to be left alone!
Annie's first heartbreak....
She found a treasure on the floor, a stink bug, and her mean momma took it away!!!!!!!
I see drama in my future.
Easter eggs are her new favorite toy.
The other day I was looking for some jeans to wear.  To be honest, I hate wearing jeans.  I think they are super uncomfortable.  In all my 33 years, I NEVER saw my mother wear bluejeans.  I'm sure she did in her younger years, but not in my lifetime.  So, I found these gems and I put one leg in super slow...then the other and ZIPPED them!  I have had these since I was 21 years old.  That's 12 years and 3 babies later and they fit!!!!  BAM!
One of my most favorite things to do as a child was to ride bikes.  My best friend from my childhood hometown, West Point, and I would ride miles everyday.  Literally.  I bought a bike when Ford was about 1 year old, and have proudly ridden all my babies now!
Bitty isn't invited on the next trip either.  Training wheels and a long ride = nightmare.
Since I gave up chocolate for Lent, Annie is eating my share in Oreos.

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Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...